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Problem-Solving Exercises

A. Pragmatic Aspects of Translation

I. Will the geographical names if preserved in the translation of sentence

(1) convey the implied sense to the Russian reader or should it be made more explicit in TT?

II. Describe the emotional effect of the Russian adjectives низкорослый,

приземистый, коренастый. Which of them will be a good pragmatic equivalent to the word " stocky" in sentence (3)?

III. Will the word-for-word translation of sentence (4) be correctly understood by the Russian reader: Именно здесь, по всем законам наследственности, были задуманы искусственные спутники и компьютеры? Give a better wording which will make clear that the English sentence does not imply that satellites and computers were actually designed in the 18th century.

IV. Translate the word " Baedeker" in sentence (5) in such a way as to make its meaning clear to the Russian reader.

V. What Russian figure of speech will be a pragmatic substitute for the

English " history's crucible" in sentence (5)?

VI. What associations has the Russian word островитянин? Can you use it as a substitute for the English " islanders" in sentence (7)?

VII. Which of the following Russian substitutes is pragmatically closer to the meaning of the English adjective " immense" in sentence (7): огромный, толстый, могучий?

VIII. Give different translations of the phrase " negotiating bills of exchange" in sentence (8) meant for the expert and for the layman.

IX. The term " enclosed" in sentence (9) implies some well-known economic processes in Britain's history. What Russian term has the same implication?

X. The word " adventure" in sentence (10) has historical associations absent

in its usual Russian equivalents: приключение, авантюра, рискованное предприятие. Suggest a translation which will have similar associations.

B. Other Translation Problems

XI. Is it good Russian to say процесс изменений был приведен в движение? If not, what will your suggest to render the meaning of sentence (1)?

XII. Compare the following Russian phrases as possible substitutes for the English " was born" in sentence (2): был рожден, возник, было положено начало, зародился.

XIII. Enumerate the most common ways of rendering into Russian the meaning of the English emphatic structure " it is... that". (Cf. sentence


XIV. Which of the following Russian substitutes, if any, would you prefer for the English " to live by" in sentence (3): стали широко использовать, стали жить при помощи, в чьей жизни главную роль стали играть?

XV. Compare the following Russian substitutes for the word " cogs" in sentence (3): шестерни, зубчатые колеса, зубчатые передачи. Make your choice and give your reasons.

XVI. Compare the following Russian phrases as possible substitutes for " by all the rules of heredity" in sentence (4): сюда уходят корнями, отсюда берут свое начало, отсюда ведут свою родословную.

XVII. Would you use the regular Russian equivalent to the English word " recognize" in sentence (5), that is, признавать or will you prefer упоминать, умалчивать or something else?

XVIII. Your dictionary suggests two possible translations of the word " crucible": плавильный тигель and суровое испытание. Can either of them be used in translating sentence (5). If not, why?

XIX. Would you use a blue-print translation of " the technical revolution" in sentence (6) or opt for a more common term промышленная революция?

XX. Choose a good substitute for the phrase " of the day" in sentence (6) among the following: того дня, того времени, современный.

XXL Does " industries" in sentence (6) mean промышленность or отрасли промышленности?

XXII. It is obvious that the phrase Она (страна) приводилась в движе-50

ние is no good. (Cf. " She was impelled" in sentence (7).) Suggest another Russian wording as a good substitute.

XXIII. Can the Russian word энергия ever be used in the plural? Would you use it in the plural in the translation of sentence (7)?

XXIV. What would you suggest as a good substitute for the pronoun " she" in sentence (8): она, Англия, англичане, в Англии?

XXV. Would you use the regular equivalents to the English " digging" in sentence (8), that is, the Russian verbs копать, рыть or would you opt for прокладывать, строить and the like?

XXVI. Try to list some Russian words which denote various operations with bills of exchange such as выдать, учесть (вексель).

XXVII. Have you heard the phrase овцы съели людей? What historical facts does it refer to?

XXVIII. Is the English word " feed" in sentence (9) closer in its meaning to the Russian корм or откорм?

XXIX. What would you prefer as a substitute for the term " merchant class" in sentence (10): класс купцов, класс торговцев or something else?

XXX. Make your choice between the Russian words грамотный and образованный as substitutes for the English 'literate" in sentence (10).

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