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Work with Windows

National Aviation University

Institute of Computer Information Technologies

Computer Systems and Networks Department


Laboratory Work № 8

On programming


  Created by the student of the CS 122(A) ICIT Zhenia Krasnov    



Kyiv 2015


Work with Windows

Variant 12

The purpose of work: to familiarize the work with windows function.

The task of the work: to input array from windows, in the given array B [5][5] count up amount of elements, multiple to 5 and to output it into the windows.

1.Creation the flowchart, according the given task.


B(5)(5), j, i, s - int














2. Writing the program, according the flowchart.





3. Showing the result.



Inputting and outputting of the information from a Windows and to a Windows are studied. Familiarizing with the rules of input\output information of program. Therefore, it should be done 2 steps: creation of flow chart and writing the program according to the flow chart.


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