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Choose the right answer.


Translate into English: Бұ рғ ылау жә не мұ най кә сіпшілігі жабдық тарының қ алыпты жұ мыс қ абілеттілігін сақ тау ү шін, жоспарлы тә ртіппен жү ргізілетін, баптау, бақ ылау жә не жө ндеу бойынша іс-шаралардың жиынтығ ы болып келетін, жоспарлық жө ндеу жү йесін қ олданады..

1. Translate into Kazakh: Machine is a device that does work. Machines are designed to make life easier for us. Some machines perform tasks that would be impossible to do without them. We use machines all the time. Industries use giant drill presses, lathes, and presses to make the products we use.

2. Answer the question in 3-5 sentences: How will you understand ‘ crank mechanism’?

Choose the right answer.

1.Petroleum geology deals with many problems encountered by geologists and other scientists in their study of petroleum. Among them there are...........

a) a complex mixture of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons. b) the physical and chemical properties of petroleum, origin, structure. c) geographic and stratigraphic distribution, chemical and physical properties, origin, migration, accumulation, reservoir rocks, structure, methods of discovery, and a valuation of oil and gas properties.

5. Read the text and answer the questions:

People have constructed a wide variety of machines to satisfy their needs. Early people made stone axes that served as weapons and tools. The machines that were gradually developed gave people great control over their environment (physical surroundings). To operate these improved machines, people harnessed the energy of falling water and of such fuels as coal, oil, and the atom. Today, we use so many machines that the age we live in is often called the machine age.

1.What is machine? 2.Why are machines designed? 3.Is it possible to live without machines? 4.Why does our life depend on machines? 5. Why do people construct a wide variety of machines? 6. What did early people make? 7.What did people harness?

6. Write the 3-5 sentences about a pulley.




1.Translate into English: Тез тозатын бө лшектерін ауыстыруғ а, қ ажетті реттеулер мен жө ндеулерге тоқ татпай, толық істен шақ қ анша машиналар мен механизмдерді пайдалануды дұ рыс деп есептеуге болмайды. Бұ л іс-шаралар қ ымбат тү йіндер мен бө лшектерді ауыстырумен байланысқ ан жө ндеулер бойынша ү лкен шығ ындарды болдырмайғ а мү мкіндік береді.

2.Translate into Kazakh: A machine produces force and controls the direction and the motion of force. But it cannot create energy. A machine can never do more work than the energy put into it. It only transforms one kind of energy, such as electrical energy, and passes it along as mechanical energy.

3.Answer the question in 3-5 sentences: How will you understand ‘ A machine's ability’?

Choose the right answer.

. More than one-half of the world 's oil production has come from rocks of...........

a) the Pennsylvanian period, b) the Cretaceous period, c) the Tertiary period, d) the Golden period.

5. Read the text and answer the questions:

Some machines such as diesel engines or steam turbines, change energy directly into mechanical motion*. For example, the energy of steam rushing through the wheels of a turbine produces rotary motion* The mechanical energy of the turbine can be used to drive a generator* that produces electricity. Other machines simply transmit mechanical work* from one part of a device to another part. They include the six simple machines that are described below.

1. What does a machine do?, 2.What energy does a machine transform? 3.How do some machines change energy? 4. What produces rotary motion? 5.Does the mechanical energy of the turbine drive a generator? 6. How do machines transmit mechanical work? 7.What can you say about machines' ability?

6. Write the 3-5 sentences about wheel and axle.




1.Translate into English: Ағ ымдағ ы жө ндеу кезінде жабдық тың кү йі тексеріледі, тез тозатын бө лшектері ауыстырылады, қ ажет болса майы ауыстырылады жә не жабдық тың кү рделі тү йіндерін бө лшектеуді қ ажет етпейтін ақ аулары жө нделеді. Жабдық тың техникалық кү тім қ ызметінің кү шімен жө нге келмейтін ақ аулары, шақ ырылатын жылжымалы жө ндеу бригадаларының кү шімен жө нделеді.

2.Translate into Kazakh: The efficiency of a machine is the ratio between the energy it supplies and the energy put into it. No machine can operate with 100 per cent efficiency because the friction of its parts always uses up some of the energy that is being supplied to the machine.

3.Answer the question in 3-5 sentences: How will you understand ‘ to create energy’?

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