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Read the text and translate it. Pay attention to the underlined words.
The initial period of Rostov's history is connected with the Temernik custom-house. At that time it was the only port in the Southern part of Russia. The first settlements appeared long before the construction of the Temernik custom-house. The modern city sprang from a small village called Bogatyanovka. During that time the village was the extreme Southern frontier of Russia and the life there was very far from being peaceful. After the construction of Temernik custom-house the problem of defense became more urgent. It was decided to lay a fortress there. The fortress was named after Dmitry Rostovsky. Rostov was founded on December 15-th, 1749 according to an edict of the Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great. By the XIX century Rostov had become a big industrial and commercial center in the South of our country. Now it is the capital of the Don area and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It is situated on the right bank of the river Don, at the cross of all roads leading to the South. We call it " The gates of the Caucasus". The territory of Rostov-on-Don is 380 square kilometers and the population is more than one million people. During the Second World War (the Great Patriotic War) Rostov-on-Don was occupied twice (1941 and 1942). The city was greatly damaged. The war cost Rostovites huge losses in life. That is why in the city there are a lot of monuments devoted to the war years and people who gave their lives for our peaceful life. It is not only a big knot of railways and airways but it is also the port of five seas (the Baltic, the White, the Caspian, the Black and the Sea of Asov). Our city is also a big industrial, scientific and cultural centre in the South of Russia. The plants " Rostselmash" and " Rostvertol" are known not only in our country but abroad as well. They produce harvest combines and helicopters. In Rostov there are four theatres: The Gorky Drama Theatre, The Musical Comedy, The Puppet Show, and The Theatre of Young Spectators. The Gorky Theatre is surrounded by a large park named after the October Revolution. It is one of many parks and gardens which make Rostov a green city. There are also many cinemas, libraries, a Palace of Sports, a circus, and a zoo. The Don State Public Library is the biggest in the South of Russia. There is never a dull moment in Rostov. There are lots of shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, different parks, squares and clubs everywhere. Our city has also some markets. The biggest one is our central market. It has over 500 stalls which sell all kinds of goods. People come here from all Rostov area. The air is filled with the voices of traders shouting and hawking their goods. The hustle and bustle of shoppers and traders continues all day. The central street is Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. It is a very busy one, but nice, it has a variety of expensive shops and as Rostovites always chat, there is some constant noise in this street. Of course there are a lot of cars and their exhaust fumes produce air pollution. But this is a small price to pay if you live in a big city. Nowadays Rostov-on-Don is getting bigger and bigger and it is one of the largest and important cities in Russia. 3. Answer the following questions: 1. What holiday do Rostovites celebrate on the 3-d Sunday of September? 2. What facts show the initial period of Rostov' history? 3. Was the life in the village Bogatyanovka peaceful? 4. When was Rostov founded? 5. Was Rostov occupied during the Great Patriotic War? 6. What is the city famous for? 7. Which historical places in Rostov do you know? 8. Rostov is a big industrial, scientific and cultural centre in the South of Russia, isn't it? (prove it) 9. Is Rostov a dull city? Why (not)? 10. What price should we pay if we live in a big city? 4. Find the Russian equivalents to the following: To be situated, population, according to, an edict, a custom house, favourable geographical position, promote, to be occupied, to damage, a slave, to liberate, to produce, to be famous for, to raise the city from the ruins. 5. Find the English equivalents to the following: На юго-западе, был основан, крепость, на перекрестке торговых путей, быстрое экономическое развитие, железнодорожный узел, «Ворота на Кавказ», восстановить (реставрировать), комбайны, вертолеты, краски, лекарства, одежда, обувь, научный центр, главная улица. 6. Complete the sentences with the words from the text in exercise 2: 1) Rostov-on-Don is a big city in ….. of Russia 2) It is situated mostly ….. 3) The ….. is more than 1000000 people 4) Rostov was founded ….. 5) At first it was ….., then ….. 6) It is called ….. 7) The city was ….. 8) In 1952 Rostov became ….. 9) As an educational centre ….. 7. Translate into English: 1) Ростов-на-Дону – это большой город на юго-западе России. 2) Это административный, промышленный, научный и культурный центр страны. 3) Население города – более 1млн. человек. 4) Ростов был основан в 1749 г. по указу императрицы Елизаветы Петровны. 5) Сейчас это стратегический железнодорожный узел и речной порт. 6) Его называют «Ворота Кавказа». 7) Во время Второй мировой войны город был разрушен, а затем после войны восстановлен. 8) После строительства в 1952 году Волго-Донского судоходного канала Ростов стал портом пяти морей. 9) В городе много заводов и фабрик, которые выпускают зерноуборочные комбайны, вертолеты, краски и лекарства, продукты питания и напитки, одежду и обувь. 10) Город известен своими университетами, театрами, музеями, Публичной библиотекой, парками и садами.