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Иностранные изречения
Acquiescence I 133, 134, 141 Acquis communautaire IV 74 Acta iure imperii/gestionis I 73; III 90; IV 108 Act of State-Doktrin III 89; VI 47; VII 14 Actus contrarius III 176; IV 54 Ad hoc III 71, 73; IV 3; VII 47, 53, 57, 75, 78, 79, 89, 94, 96; VIII 97 Adverse effects VI 77 Aid by trade VI 14 Aut dedere aut iudicare III 309
Beati possidentes V 14, 52, 66 Bellum iustum I 83, 92, 104; VIII 3 Bona fides VI 26 Buffer stocks VI 117
Civitas maxima I 89, 108; IV 29 Clausula rebus sic stantibus I 130 Combatant privilege VIII 80, 84 Comitas gentium I 66, 95 Common but differentiated responsibilities V 107, 111; VI 4, 34, 108 Common concern of mankind V 17, 111, 175 Common consent I 63 Common heritage of mankind IV 207; V 111; VI 144 Concept of sustainable development III 36 Contiguous zone V 50 Contra proferentem I 124 Corpus iuris spatialis V 78 Courant normal VIII 106 Creeping jurisdiction V 14, 50, 58, 146
De lege ferenda VII 117 De lege lata V 100 Delicta iuris gentium III 145 Differential and more favourable treatment VI 30 Dissenting opinion VII 100 Domestic jurisdiction I 30; VII 64 Due diligence VII 13, 26 Due regard V 63
Effet utile I 123; III 12; IV 39, 40, 116, 190 Enabling clause VI 21 En block VI 64 Equitable access V 75 Equitable solution V 99 Equitable utilization V 98 Equity I 142; VI 29 Erga omnes I 24, 48, 120, 126; III 17, 65; IV 92; V 52, 72, 142; VII 3, 17, 18, 19, 36, 43, 48, 114 Escape clause VI 79 Ex aequo et bono VII 92 Excluse economic zone V 51 Ex iniuria ius non oritur VII 19; VIII 25
Failed state III 85, 86; VII 50; VIII 13 Fair and equitable treatment VI 29 Fairness VI 29 Fair play VI 68 Fair trade VI 66, 69 Fair trial III 245 Forum prorogatum VII 89 Free choice doctrine III 181 Free for all VI 14 Fundamental right of every state to survival VIII 76
Generale principles of law I 142 Gentlemen's agreement I 67 Genuine link III 100, 112; V 64; VI 54 Global commons V 175 Good governance VI 33, 39, 40, 41, 108
Habit of obedience I 51 Hard law I 14, 15; V 111, 115 Holistic approach V 105
Identical or similar situations VI 25 Implied powers I 44; III 12; IV 39, 98, 116, 191, 216; VIII 50 Interpretatio in favorem debitoris, in dubio mitius I 124 Inter caetera divinae I 99 Intragenerational equity V 114 In vacuo VI 36 Ipso iure IV 92; V 55 Iudex in causa propria VII 106 Ius ad bellum I 104; IV 22 Ius civile I 10 Ius cogens I 13, 24, 48, 120, 126, 132, 136, 154; II 153; III 51, 223; VI 158; VII 3, 18, 28, 34, 60, 113 Ius commercii VII 117 Ius contra bellum VIII 56, 76 Ius gentium/ius inter gentes I 9, 90 Ius in bello VIII 3, 4, 27, 56, 59, 62, 76, 77, 80, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 120 Ius publicum Europaeum I 10, 112 Ius soli/ius sanguinis III 101, 106 Ius standi I 120 Iusta causa I 92
Legitimate expectations VI 61 Lex fori III 90 Lex mercatoria I 15 Lex posterior derogat legi priori I 125, 142, 154; VI 85 Lex specialis derogat legi generali I 125, 132, 154 Local remedies rule III 111 Lump sum agreements VI 44
Male captus, bene detentus III 313 Most-favoured-nation clause VI 19 Moving frontiers I 120 Mutual supportiveness VI 126
Naturalis ratio I 9 Ne bis in idem VII 51 Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege III 23, 27, 245; VII 42, 52
One state, one vote VI 109 Open door policy VI 2 Opinio iuris I 150 Opinio iuris sive necessitatis I 131 Opting out/contracting out IV 198 Ordre public III 79; IV 26, 196; VI 47 Ordre successif I 154
Pacta sunt servanda I 13, 63, 90, 118, 128, 142 Pacta tertiis V 85 Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt I 120; IV 91 Pactum tacitum I 141 Par in parem non habet iurisdictionem III 89; IV 106 Pax romana I 90 Peaceful change VIII 31 Persona non grata III 55, 68 Post conflict peace building VIII 34 Pre-emptive strikes VIII 19 Prima facie VII 101 Prior consent V 167, 168; VI 123 Public interest V 17, 52
Ratione materiae III 51 Ratione personae III 49, 50 Recognition I 134 Relativisme fondamental I 48 Relegatio in insulam I 103 Renegotiation clauses VI 61 Res inter alios acta I 120; IV 104 Res iudicata VII 82 Restitutio in integrum VII 32 Robust peacekeeping VIII 36
Scarce natural resource V 32 Security exception VI 80, 87 Separate opinion VII 100 Self-contained regime IV 117; VII 34, 113 Serious damage V 116 Sic utere tuo ut alienam non laedas V 95 Single agreement approach VI 64 Soft law I 14, 68, 113, 152; II 166; V 90, 115 Sui generis IV 115 Sustainable development V 107, 112
Tabula rasa III 181 Targeted sanctions IV 27 Terra firma V 58 Terra nullius III 129, 134 Tu quoque VIII 76
Ultima ratio IV 81, 117; VII 114 Ultra vires III 10; IV 98, 101, 103, 112, 192, 194, 213; VII 25, 37 Unlawful combatant VIII 66, 77
Waiver clause VI 21, 78