
Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà


ÀâòîìîáèëèÀñòðîíîìèÿÁèîëîãèÿÃåîãðàôèÿÄîì è ñàäÄðóãèå ÿçûêèÄðóãîåÈíôîðìàòèêàÈñòîðèÿÊóëüòóðàËèòåðàòóðàËîãèêàÌàòåìàòèêàÌåäèöèíàÌåòàëëóðãèÿÌåõàíèêàÎáðàçîâàíèåÎõðàíà òðóäàÏåäàãîãèêàÏîëèòèêàÏðàâîÏñèõîëîãèÿÐåëèãèÿÐèòîðèêàÑîöèîëîãèÿÑïîðòÑòðîèòåëüñòâîÒåõíîëîãèÿÒóðèçìÔèçèêàÔèëîñîôèÿÔèíàíñûÕèìèÿ×åð÷åíèåÝêîëîãèÿÝêîíîìèêàÝëåêòðîíèêà

Òåñòîâûå çàäàíèÿ. Àòûðàóñêèé èíñòèòóò íåôòè è ãàçà



Àòûðàóñêèé èíñòèòóò íåôòè è ãàçà


Äåêàí ôàêóëüòåòà _____________

«______»_______________ 2015ã.



Òåñòîâûå çàäàíèÿ

Ïî äèñöèïëèíå «Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê»

äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ 1 êóðñà ñïåöèàëüíîñòè ÝÝ-15ê/î (1)

êàçàõñêîãî îòäåëåíèÿ

Êîë-âî êðåäèòîâ 4

Êîë-âî òåñòîâûõ çàäàíèé 480

«____»_________ 2015


Ðàçðàáîò÷èê: ____________ Àìèð Á.Á.

ïîäïèñü Ô.È.Î.



Çàâåäóþùèé êàôåäðîé: ___________ Æàëãàñîâà À.À.

ïîäïèñü Ô.È.Î.



{Äèñöèïëèíà}= «Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê»


{Àâòîðû}=Àìèð Á.Á.


Complete with am, is or are.

My surname........... Lopez.

A) are

B) were

C) is

D) was

E) am


Write the sentences with contractions.

It is a nice school.

A) It's

B) It're

C) It'm

D) He's

E) Am


Write the sentences in the negative. I'm British.

A) I'm not

B) I am not

C) He's not

D) It is not

E) She am not


Make questions and short answers.

….they from Italy?

A) Is

B) Are

C) Am

D) Wil

E) Were


Put pronouns.

It's a person_____ works for the government.

A) Which

B) Where

C) There

D) This

E) Who



Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.

The students are from Italy. _____ names are Susanna and Tito

A) This

B) Their

C) His

D) Her

E) It`s


Give Russian equivalent of êðè÷àòü

A) To shout

B) To hit

C) To ring

D) To make

E) To escape



It`s a thing _______tells you the time.

A) Who

B) Where

C) Which

D) Whom

E) This



What is the synonym of to afraid?

A) Continue

B) Terrified

C) To be in a hurry

D) To fight

E) To sail


Astana is situated on the river….

A) Akzhaik

B) Ural

C) Aral

D) Ishim

E) Yle


Complete the questions

….you like Chineese food?

A) Does

B) Do

C) Is

D) Are

E) Am


Choose the correct word

My friend told me … about our mathematics circle

A) Any

B) Nothing

C) Some

D) Anybody

E) Somebody


Choose the correct word

My friend showed us …. Diagrams at the lecture

A) A lot of

B) Much

C) Little

D) Few

E) A few


Choose the correct word

We … new multipurpose machine tools last week

A) Get

B) Gets

C) Got

D) Will get

E) Have got


Choose the correct word

There are... journals on the shelf

A) A lot of

B) Much

C) Little

D) Few

E) A few


Complete with's (possessive), 's(is), s (plural/third person s), or -.

A) My brother... a lawyer.

B) He... 24.

C) He work... for BP.

D) His name.................. John

E) Mary.. husband................. mechanic.


Write the opposite adjective. Expensive

A) Good

B) Beautiful

C) Tall

D) Empty

E) Cheap


Choose the correct answer:

Mr. Smith stayed at his office late because he___a lot of work.

A) will have

B) have

C) is

D) has

E) had.


There are... chairs in the room:

A) a five

B) a fifth

C) five

D) the live

E) fifth.


Find the right antonym " Good"

A) warm

B) nice

C) bad

D) weather

E) better


Find the right variant:

When I come home, they... having supper:

A) will

B) do

C) did

D) does

E) are


What is the English equivalent of ïðèíàäëåæàòü?

A) to arrive in

B) to escape

C) belong to

D) to buy

E) to sell


Choose the correct answer.

Julia went…………the kitchen to get the salt.

A) along

B) to

C) near

D) for

E) by


Find the correct sentence:

A) He returned shortly yesterday

B) He returned late yesterday

C) He returned lately yesterday

D) He returned soonest yesterday

E) He returned hardly yesterday


Choose the right answer in a positive case:

Where is your______ umbrella?

A) fathers'

B) father's

C) father

D) fathers's

E) fathers



Complete the sentence:

Íå.... Be free next week.

A) will

B) are

C) was

D) were

E) am


Choose the best alternative.

... you got any relations?

A) do

B) have

C) has

D) will

E) are


Find the right synonym - " also"

A) always

B) home

C) hockey

D) too

E) enough


Choose the right article:

Here is...book you need.

A) an

B) any

C) the

D) in

E) some


Complete the sentence: When... they... yesterday?

A) did\arrived

B) has\arrived

C) will/arrive

D) have\arrived

E) did\arrive


What is eng. equivalent of «ìå÷òàòü» (ñîí)

A) auction

B) sell

C) belong to

D) dream

E) arrive


Complete the sentence:

Please hurry up! We've been waiting.... an hour.

A) at

B) about

C) for

D) since

E) during



Choose the correct variant.

This is the house... I was born:

A) Which

B) Whom

C) When

D) Where

E) Who


Choose the correct variant

Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan is situated on the... river;

A) Irtish.

B) Thames

C) Esil

D) Lena

E) Syr-Darya


Choose: Present Perfect Continuous:

A) I've lost my key.

B) I've been talking to Tom about your problem.

C) Don't forget to post that letter.

D) Jim has gone to Canada.

E) He has already started his work


What is English equivalent of «åæåäíåâíèê»?

A) Diary

B) Details

C) Accept

D) Antique

E) Paining



Find the right variant:

English and other subjects... very important to me

A) Be

B) Are

C) Does

D) Am

E) Do


Choose the right variant. London stands on the river:

A) Severn.

B) Blade.

C) Mersey.

D) Colorado.

E) Thames.


Find the right variant: I'm looking for... job:

A) An

B) These

C) -.

D) Of

E) A


Find the variant: '" 14/10"

A) The fourteenth of October.

B) The October and fourteen.

C) The fourteenth October.

D) The fourteen October.

E) The fourteen of October.


Choose the right variant:

Nick knows English...

A) Well.

B) Most well.

C) Good.

D) More well.

E) Best.


The territory of Kazakhstan stretches... km from north to south

A) 1200

B) 2890

C) 1680

D) 1700

E) 1600



Choose the right answer:

Is it____ book or____ magazine?

A) A\A

B) -/-

C) The/At

D) The/An

E) An\The


What is english equivalent of êîïèðîâàòü?

A) Arrive

B) Copy

C) Hope

D) Suggest

E) Look


What is Russian equivalent of " bridge"?

A) Çàìîê

B) Õîëì

C) Îñòðîâ

D) Ðåêà

E) Ìîñò


Choose the right variant: We... at a lesson.

A) Was

B) Am

C) Are

D) Is

E) Were


There... a sharp knife in his pocket. The police arrested him for it.

A) Is

B) Are

C) Were

D) Wasn't

E) Was


Complete the sentence using modal verb: When Tom was 16 he was a fast runner.He ____100 meters in 11 seconds.

A) Must run

B) Can run

C) Could run

D) Were able to run

E) Could runs


Choose the right answer

London is... city in England:

A) Large

B) More large

C) Most large

D) The largest

E) Larger


Choose the right variant:

A room or a place for the preparation and cooking of food is called a______.

A) Hall.

B) Bedroom.

C) Kitchen.

D) Sitting room.

E) Dining-room.


Shallow water is warmer than…water.

A) High

B) Low

C) High-risen

D) Deep

E) Shallow


Find the right answer:

What ocean is the east coast of the USA washed by?

A) Indian

B) Antarctic

C) Arctic

D) Pacific

E) Atlantic


Give the plural form of " A woman":

A) Women

B) Woman

C) Womens

D) Womanes

E) Womans



Find the right variant: I have... lot of English books:

A) A.

B) An

C) The

D) -.

E) In


Choose the right variant. The students had to read it twice....?

A) Had us

B) Had we

C) Hadn't we

D) Hadn't I

E) hadn't they


Choose the right pronoun:

My uncle is a pilot.... is a good man.

A) I

B) He

C) My

D) They

E) Her


Complete with a preposition

Helen is studying law ….. university

A) in

B) for

C) by

D) at

E) an


Underline the adjectives in these sentences. Hi. I'm Carla. Nice to meet you.

A) meet

B) nice

C) Hi.

D) Carla.

E) You


Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency. She....eats meat. She's a vegetarian.

A) never

B) always

C) hardly ever

D) sometimes

E) usually


Complete with a preposition

.... the 1st of January

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) by

E) of


Complete the sentences with modal verbs.

We.... play tennis on Saturday. I'm free.

A) can

B) may

C) must

D) can't

E) have to


Complete the sentences with an object pronouns (me, you, etc.)

He's in love with but she doesn't love…

A) her, me

B) him, her

C) her, him

D) him, me

E) me, you


Complete the sentences with a possessive adjectives (my, your, his, etc.)

She's French and….husband is British.

A) his

B) her

C) your

D) my

E) their


Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency.

We…get up at 7.30, except at weekends.

A) Never

B) Always

C) Hardly ever

D) Sometimes

E) Usually


Complete the sentence: Synonym to the word " different" is....

A) Difficult

B) Comfortable

C) Beautiful

D) Other

E) Various


Give the right variant: How much... it?

A) Been

B) Is

C) Am

D) Are

E) Be


Finish the proverb: Be slow to promise and quick...

A) show

B) work

C) perform

D) success

E) speak


Give the right answer: Washington is in

A) Alaska

B) California

C) Florida

D) District of Columbia

E) New Orleans


Give the synonym of the word: " Quiet"

A) Rainy

B) Misty

C) Calm

D) Snowly

E) Windy


Complete the sentence:

Some experiments... made next month

A) Shall

B) Should

C) Are

D) Were

E) Will be


Find the antonym of the word: Love

A) Like

B) Want

C) Kiss

D) Speak

E) Hate


Give the right answer

In Jane's garden... an apple-tree and six cherry-trees

A) Her is

B) There is

C) There are

D) They are

E) They


Choose the right word " Cinema" (synonym)

A) Fast

B) Dog

C) Dress

D) Film

E) Shoe


Complete the right answer

The children…...when their mother came.

A) Was play

B) Was playing

C) Were play

D) Were playing

E) Were to play


Choose the correct answer main word-?

A) Water

B) Ocean

C) Sea

D) River

E) Lake


Give the plurals " Mouse"

A) Flowers

B) Mice

C) Coats

D) Toys

E) Sheep


Complete the right answer

The USA is…in coal, iron and oil.

A) Shown

B) Full

C) Represented

D) Supposed

E) Rich


Choose the right answer

….usually run from September to early January and late January to late May.

A) Disciplines

B) Semestrers

C) Subjects

D) Academic years

E) Weeks


Complete with time expression.

In the USA they celebrate Independence Day…July 4th

A) In

B) On

C) At

D) By

E) To


Complete the sentences with can, can't.

... you turn on the light?

A) Can

B) Can't

C) Can and

D) Can't in

E) Can into


Complete the sentences.

Women love... lunch with their mother.

A) Buy

B) Having

C) Play

D) Dance

E) Watch


Put the right form of the to be going to

Mary and Kate... to school now.

A) is going

B) are going

C) will going

D) am going

E) was going


Äàéòå ïðàâèëüíûé îòâåò:

The capital of the state Massachusetts

A) London

B) Astana

C) New York

D) Boston

E) Washington


Find the antonym to the word: Expensive.

A) old

B) cheap

C) young

D) old

E) interesting


Write the verb in the Present Simple tense.

A passenger …. the dining car.

A) visits

B) visit

C) is visiting

D) visited

E) has visited


Put the right order

... an apple in the basket.

A) There will

B) There are

C) There is

D) There were

E) There am


Give the correct translation of the verb: " To spend"

A) ïîñûëàòü

B) çàêîí÷èòü

C) ïðîäîëæàòü

D) ñëåäîâàòü

E) òðàòèòü


Complete the sentence with the verb to be in the necessary form:

Where…your parents from? They….from Santiago.

A) are, am

B) s, are

C) are, are

D) am, is

E) is, is


Complete with a, an, the, or no article (-)

He works in…evening, and he has…dinner very late.

A) the, -

B) the, a

C) the, an

D) a, an

E) the, the


Put this, that, these, those? Do you like….new houses there?

A) this

B) those

C) that

D) these

E) it


Write the adverb: I play tennis…..(good)

A) goodest

B) goodly

C) gooder

D) well

E) good


Give the English equivalent " Ïóòåøåñòâèå"

A) journey

B) travel

C) traveler

D) trainer

E) joining


Complete with the modal verb

Tomorrow's a holiday. We….go to school.

A) not have to

B) must not

C) can not

D) may not

E) have not to


Put the right word: They didn't meet……they knew at the party.

A) somebody

B) nobody

C) anybody

D) somewhere

E) anything


Complete with the comparative adjectives:

London isn't as expensive……Paris.

A) than

B) more

C) most

D) as more

E) as


Write the questions.

Mrs. Thatcher resigned in 1990. When......

A) did Mrs. Thatcher resigned?

B) was Mrs. Thatcher resign?

C) did Mrs. Thatcher resign?

D) does Mrs. Thatcher resign?

E) was she resign?


Complete with the prepositions of time:

Are you going out….Saturday night?

A) in

B) at

C) to

D) -

E) on


Circle the right sentence:

The train's going….

A) through the tunnel

B) under the tunnel

C) out the tunnel

D) into the tunnel

E) across the tunnel


Complete the sentences with the connectors:

I have coffee…toast for breakfast.

A) and

B) but

C) became

D) or

E) then


Put the right order:

It's a person…works for the government.

A) which

B) what

C) who

D) where

E) that


Give the suitable translation of the verb: Îòêàçàòüñÿ

A) suggest

B) refuse

C) look forward

D) arrive at

E) copy




Complete with the prepositions:

I'll see you….Wednesday.

A) in

B) on

C) up

D) at

E) to


What is the synonym of the verb “ to afraid”

A) continue

B) terrified

C) to be in a hurry

D) to fight

E) to sail


Complete the sentences with an object pronoun

He's in love with…..but she doesn't love..........

A) me, her

B) her, his

C) her, him

D) his, her

E) your, him


Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèå:

I never get....in time.

A) out

B) on

C) up

D) down

E) over


What is the synonym of `clever`

A) lazy

B) smart

C) shy

D) silent

E) lively


What is the antonym of `kind`

A) charming

B) active

C) patient

D) rude

E) reliable


Complete with the prepositions:

What is the longest river….Europe?

A) in

B) at

C) to

D) for

E) be


Translate ``Çàáîòèòüñÿ``

A) care on

B) care with

C) care in

D) care to

E) care of


Complete the sentence

A plant with many spines is a....

A) cactus

B) daisy

C) birch

D) daffodil

E) flower


Write the sentence and question with would like.

I / not / live in a foreign country

A) I would like not in a foreign country.

B) I not would like in a foreign country.

C) I wouldn't like to live in a foreign country.

D) I would like in a foreign country.

E) I not would in a foreign country.


Complete the sentence with adverb from this adjective.

Can you talk… please? Your father is asleep.

A) Get

B) quiet

C) quietly

D) easily

E) slowly


Write the opposite adjective


A) terrible

B) bad

C) horrible

D) ugly

E) awful


Choose the right sentence

A) What time does he get up in the morning?

B) What time do he get up in the morning?

C) What time he gets up in the morning?

D) What time is he get up in the morning?

E) What time gets he up in the morning?


Write the correct tense of the verb.

What....you...? I'm studying.

A) do you do

B) is you doing

C) are you doing

D) have you doing

E) were you doing


Choose the correct tense of the verb

…you always…at 7 o'clock?

A) Do you always get up

B) Are you always get up

C) Do always you get up?

D) Do you always getting up?

E) Did you always got up?


Write the correct tense.

….... a motorbike?

A) Has John get

B) Does John have got

C) Had John got

D) Have John got

E) Do John got


Write the correct tense of the verb.

At the moment he.......lunch.

A) is having

B) having

C) has

D) had

E) was having


Write the correct tense of the verb.

John doesn't like playing football, but he….playing tennis.

A) is loving

B) love

C) loves

D) loved

E) has loves


Write the correct tense of the verb.

Last winter he…..by train from Rome to Paris.

A) good

B) has gone

C) had went

D) went

E) is going


Complete the sentence.

Mary…at work at the moment, she is at home.

A) isn't being

B) isn't be

C) doesn't be

D) wasn't

E) isn't


Complete the sentence.

Next Tuesday my brother…to Japan.

A) is going

B) goes

C) was going

D) went

E) go


Choose the correct tense.

They…their children to Spain last year.

A) did take

B) took

C) taked

D) take

E) was taking


Choose the correct tense.

What time…he…home last Tuesday.

A) Did he arrives

B) Do he arrive

C) Does he arrive

D) Did he arrive

E) Was he arrive.



Choose the correct tense.

He…on the computer at the moment.

A) is working

B) works

C) worked

D) was working

E) has worked


Choose the correct tense.

What…….? They're sleeping.

A) is they doing

B) do they doing

C) are they doing

D) will they do

E) did they do


Choose the correct tense.

When…you... to London last year?

A) you went

B) did you go

C) do you go

D) do you going

E) did you going


Choose the correct tense.

…you any brother or sisters?

A) have you got

B) do you have

C) did you have

D) do you haven't

E) doesn't have


Óïîòðåáèòå ãëàãîë â ïðåäëîæåíèè â Present Continuous Tense: I … on a chair now.

A) was sitting

B) were sitting

C) are sitting

D) am sitting

E) is sitting


Choose the correct answer: (Äîìàøíèé)

A) Domestick

B) Domectic

C) Dommestic

D) Damestic

E) Domestic


Find the synonym: " Òî speak"

A) Òî cry

B) Òî establish

C) Òî mix

D) To talk

E) Òî close


Find the right form

You wear them on your feet:

A) Trainers.

B) Gloves,

C) Jeans.

D) Mittens.

E) Hats.


Find the right form

You have it between your lessons:

A) Film.

B) Break.

C) Dinner.

D) Subject.

E) Exercise.


Find the right form.

Why are you going home?

A) At six o' clock.

B) Yes, I am.

C) I can't go

D) By bus.

E) To help my mother.


Complete the sentence:

She stayed for... week in... country.

A) a | the

B) the | the

C) the /a

D) a|a

E) - | the


Find the right form:

... are trolley-buses.

A) this.

B) his.

C) that.

D) those.

E) its


Find the right form.

A) Men's.

B) Dogs'.

C) Boys'.

D) Sister's.

E) Birds'.


Find the right form:

I want you... me the truth.

A) told

B) tell

C) tells.

D) to tell

E) is telling


Translate: Çàíèìàòüñÿ ñïîðòîì

A) to sport

B) to have sport

C) to study sport

D) to learn sport

E) to go in for sport


Find the right form(antonym)

" Leave"

A) Go.

B) Lay.

C) Live.

D) Come.

E) Take.


Find the right form of preposition:

She put... her beautiful dress and was ready for the ball.

A) for

B) on

C) off

D) in

E) to


Opposite form of " definite":

A) Redefinite.

B) Imdefmite.

C) Indefinite.

D) Undefmite.

E) Ildefmite.


Find the right form

A very important part of the American... system is the community college.

A) educatedly.

B) education.

C) educative.

D) educated.

E) educational.




A) weke

B) weik

C) weak

D) wiek

E) wek


Choose the correct answer:

The woman... lives next door is a doctor.

A) that's

B) which

C) what

D) who

E) where


Choose the correct answer:

I...at eight o'clock last night.

A) was studying

B) study

C) have been studying

D) studying

E) studied


Choose the correct answer (Passive voice):

We (to tell) the truth.

A) Was told.

B) Were told.

C) Has been told.

D) Were telled.

E) Is told.


Find the right form


A) Participle 2.

B) Indefinite Infinitive.

C) Indefinite Infinitive Passive.

D) Continuous Infinitive.

E) Gerund.


Choose the correct answer

To... in money. Êóïàòüñÿ â äåíüãàõ.

A) Sing.

B) Dance.

C) Roll.

D) Skate.

E) Swim.


Choose the correct answer (Modal verb)

Âàì ïðèäåòñÿ íåìíîãî ïîäîæäàòü. You….. wait

A) Will have to

B) Am to

C) Ought

D) Need

E) Must


Complete with the verb be:

If you... your bus, you wouldn't have been late for school.

A) Miss.

B) Hadn't missed.

C) Haven't missed.

D) Not missed.

E) Hasn't missed.


Find the right form(antonym): day.

A) Night.

B) Month.

C) Afternoon.

D) Year.

E) Week.


Find the right form.

What is the national emblem of New Zealand?

A) Kangaroo.

B) Swan.

C) Kiwi bird.

D) Eagle.

E) Koala,


Choose the correct answer:

å, d, s, e, a, i, s

A) seadise.

B) disease.

C) sedisea.

D) ideasse.

E) disesea.


Find the right form: synonym


A) nine.

B) number.

C) mark.

D) magazine.

E) beautiful.


Choose the correct answer antonym “ 'Dàó"

A) Morning

B) Night

C) Midday

D) Evening

E) Afternoon


Complete the sentence:

You must... for at least two hours a day if you want to play the piano well.

A) practise.

B) practice.

C) listen.

D) hear.

E) speak.


Complete the sentence::

... is a well-known American writer

A) the Jack London's

B) Juck London

C) the Jack London

D) Jack London's

E) Jack London


Find the right form:

" 201"

A) Two hundreds one.

B) Two hundreds and one.

C) Two hundred and one.

D) Twenty and one.

E) Two hundred one.


Find the right form:

Could you tell me... has happened?

A) why

B) what

C) which

D) who

E) where


Find the plural form " Potato":

A) Potatos

B) Potatoes

C) Potatoes

D) Potats

E) Pototoess


Find the right form.

1 don't know how many books... in the bookcase.

A) Are there.

B) Is there.

C) There are.

D) There was.

E) There is.


Choose the correct answer

The head of the American state and government is the President, elected for …..year

A) five

B) seven

C) six

D) two

E) four


Find the name of plant ……..”flower”

A) sun.

B) fresh.

C) always.

D) clear.

E) warm.


Find the correct question

.......... No, thank you.

A) Do you help people a lot?

B) Do you want to be a teacher?

C) Are you late every day?

D) You were there, weren't you?

E) Would you like to begin with soup?


Complete with the preposition:

My father isn't very good... cooking.

A) in

B) on

C) by

D) over

E) at


Find the adjective:

A) slow

B) beauty

C) read

D) badly

E) nineteen


Choose the pronoun

What... books by Cronin have you read?

A) else.

B) some.

C) more.

D) other.

E) another.


Find the right form

Astana is our ….... new capital.

A) Country.

B) Countrys'.

C) Countries.

D) Country's.

E) Countries'.


Find the right form

Angela is here, but her friends...

A) isn't.

B) weren't.

C) aren't.

D) be.

E) wasn't.


Find the right form of Past Continuous:

A) Wasn't playing.

B) Isn't play.

C) Don't playing.

D) Aren't playing.

E) Not playing.


Choose the right variant:

Hotels are....nowadays.

A) The most expensive

B) Expensive

C) The expensicvest

D) As expensive as

E) More expensive


Complete the sentence

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in ….

A) 1592

B) 1492

C) 1494

D) 1482

E) 1496


Choose the right variant:

T he library of the university …..about 20 000 books.

A) misses

B) organizes

C) contains

D) sells

E) originates.


Complete the sentence

I… a pain in my stomach since I got up this morning.

A) have been

B) have had

C) have

D) had

E) will have


Choose the right variant:

There are many … in my flat.

A) rooms

B) room

C) rooms`

D) the rooms

E) a room


Complete the sentence

I… in the 8th form eight years ago.

A) are

B) is

C) were

D) am

E) was


Complete the sentence

We keep our food in the….

A) wardrobe

B) sofa

C) TVset

D) refrigerator

E) cupboard


Choose the right variant:

….you pass me the salt, please?

A) had to

B) should

C) may

D) must

E) could


Choose the right variant:

…of the designs is yours?

A) which

B) what

C) whose

D) whom

E) who


Write the correct answer

They can...chess very well.

A) plays

B) to play

C) playing

D) play

E) is playing


Write the correct answer

I…go jogging on the beach at the weekend.

A) a lot of

B) much

C) sometimes

D) many

E) little


Choose the correct answer

I'm fat.... Tim is thin.

A) or

B) because

C) why

D) of

E) and


Complete the sentence

She is fine. ….is your wife?

A) how

B) what

C) who

D) where

E) which


Choose the correct version

I play games on…..computer in the evening.

A) you

B) hers

C) my

D) own

E) they


Choose the correct pronoun

Jane drives...car to work on Saturday

A) my

B) she

C) ours

D) hers

E) mine


Complete the sentence

The painting is...than his last one.

A) best

B) good

C) gooder

D) better

E) well


Write the correct answer

I understand……you want to learn English

A) but

B) because

C) that

D) what

E) and


Choose the correct answer

Jane would like...to the cinema

A) going

B) go

C) goes

D) gone


Complete the sentence

I'm a doctor. And....do you do? - I'm a teacher

A) how

B) who

C) where

D) what

E) which


Write the correct pronoun

…book is written by Hemingway.

A) Those

B) These

C) That

D) What

E) This


Complete the sentence

We are hungry! Are there....sandwiches left?

A) a lot

B) any

C) some

D) many

E) less


Choose the correct tense

Peter plays tennis....evening.

A) in the

B) at

C) at the

D) on

E) on the


Complete the sentence

David likes...to music.

A) listen

B) be listening

C) to listened

D) listening

E) listens


Write the correct tense

She helps...son with his home work.

A) you

B) her

C) to his

D) him

E) them


Complete the sentence

Are there.......apples in the kitchen?

A) much

B) a

C) some

D) any

E) little


Choose the correct tense

I went...church last Sunday

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) along

E) to


Complete the sentence

I…a new car 2 months ago……

A) bought

B) have bought

C) buyed

D) did bought

E) has bought


Choose the correct form

How…money do you have in your pocket?

A) many

B) any

C) few

D) some

E) much


Complete the sentence

He came….home late last night.

A) to

B) at

C) -

D) in'

E) to the


Write the right form

Jack is a nice boy and I like….

A) -

B) his

C) it

D) him

E) he


Complete the sentence

It…rain tomorrow.

A) going to

B) will

C) is

D) does

E) go


Choose the right form

The children in that class…9 years old.

A) has

B) was

C) have

D) is

E) are


Write the correct form

Let's meet...four o'clock this afternoon.

A) at

B) on

C) it

D) to

E) off


Choose the right answer

My car was more expensive…his

A) as

B) so

C) such

D) of

E) than


Complete the sentence

I…TV, when the telephone rang.

A) watched

B) was watching

C) have watching

D) were watching

E) has watching


Write the correct answer

…your homework yet?

A) had you finished

B) did you finish

C) did you finished

D) have you finished

E) finished?


Choose the correct answer

She…cooked lunch by the time he arrived.

A) has

B) had

C) was

D) did

E) have


Write the correct form

…you had lunch yet?

A) did

B) does

C) have

D) has

E) do


Choose the right answer

Jack…in Boston for the past 15years.

A) had lived

B) live

C) lived

D) have lived

E) has lived


Put the right question

He had bought all the things for supper.

A) Will he buy all the things for supper?

B) Did he buy all the things for supper?

C) Has he bought all the things for supper?

D) Does he buy all the things for supper?

E) Had he bought all the things for supper?


Choose the right word

The agreement (to reach) by them tomorrow.

A) Will be reached

B) Be reached

C) Will reached

D) Will are reached

E) Is reached


Find the right variant:

English and other subjects... very important to me

A) Be

B) Are

C) Does

D) Am

E) Do


Write the correct form

The town he comes... is very small

A) With

B) For

C) To

D) From

E) On


Complete the sentence

They have breakfast at ten,...?

A) Haven't they

B) do they

C) don't they

D) have they

E) are they


Choose the correct answer

Pete and Nick…a big house

A) would buy

B) I going to buy

C) Has bought

D) Am going to buy

E) Are going to buy


Choose the correct answer

I... read and write very well.

A) were to

B) was

C) must

D) can

E) be able to


Choose noun in plural form:

A) Garden's

B) Gardener

C) Gardenes

D) Gardenis

E) Gardens


Complete the sentence

We are... teachers of this school.

A) A

B) In

C) For

D) An

E) The


Complete the sentence Basketball... an international sport.

A) Were

B) Is

C) Am

D) Are

E) Has


Choose the right variant:

She... English well.

A) Has spoken

B) Speaking

C) Speaks

D) Spoke

E) Was speaking


Choose the right variant

... do you like?

A) Which

B) Where

C) How many

D) What

E) When


Complete the sentence

Lion is the…animal.

A) strongest

B) most strongest

C) as no strong as

D) stronger

E) as strong as


Complete the sentence

Take a pen... your bag and write this sentence:

A) to

B) in

C) from

D) of

E) at


Choose the right variant:

Astana is the most important political.......of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A) Museum

B) Centre

C) Career

D) Architecture

E) Science


Complete the sentence

They were... that question when you came in.

A) discusser

B) discuss

C) discussed

D) discusses

E) discussing


Choose the right variant:

A new film... in this cinema tomorrow.

A) is shown

B) will be shown

C) was showing

D) are shown

E) was shown


Complete the sentence

Tomorrow I shall go out of town with my friends, we... meet at the railway station.

A) Ought

B) Are to

C) Can

D) Have to

E) Need


Choose the right variant:

That isn't my key. …is here.

A) Mine

B) Me

C) My

D) None of me

E) Me not


Choose the right variant

His mother's mother is his

A) aunt

B) sister

C) grandmother

D) daughter

E) granddaughter


Complete the sentence

…students study French at the university.

A) any

B) anywhere

C) anybody

D) some

E) nobody


Choose the right answer

The Ural river is…than the Volga river.

A) clean

B) cleaner

C) clean

D) cleanest

E) cleanerest


Write the correct form

Any educational institutions may be either public or…

A) municipal

B) local

C) high

D) state

E) private


Complete the sentence

Products…in the shops.

A) are sold

B) sell

C) sold

D) will sell

E) is sold


Choose the correct answer

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

A) Almaty

B) Atyrau

C) Astana

D) Orenburg

E) Kyzylorda


Give the English equivalent of the verb " Âñòàâàòü ñ ïîñòåëè"

A) gets

B) will

C) get on

D) get up

E) get to bed


Choose the right answer

The Christmas holiday is…

A) on the 25th of December

B) in the 25é1 of December

C) at the 25* of December

D) on the 31s'of December

E) in the 1st of January


Complete the sentence

Who is that woman? I…never.... her before.

A) had / seen

B) is / seeing

C) have / seen

D) has / seen

E) was / seen


Complete with the prepositions

Is there anything …….television this evening?

A) on

B) in

C) at

D) to

E) for


Give the right answer

The City, the West End and the East End are in…..

A) New

B) Moseow

C) Las Vegas

D) London

E) Geneva


Complete the sentence

Great Britain is a……….republic

A) monarchy

B) republic

C) big

D) part of North

E) constitutional monarchy


Write the correct answer

The Maple Leaf Forever

A) The USA

B) Ireland

C) Saudi Arabia

D) Britain

E) Canada


Complete with the prepositions

We arrived …..the hotel after midnight

A) to

B) at

C) on


E) by


Complete with the prepositions

Where’s Mike? He is …….holiday

A) in

B) to

C) for

D) on

E) a


Complete with the prepositions

Tom hasn’t got up yet. He’s still…….bed.

A) a

B) in

C) at

D) to

E) for


Complete with the prepositions

Linda is away. she’s been away….. monday

A) since

B) a

C) at

D) in

E) on


Complete with the prepositions

The next meeting is……..15april

A) in

B) a

C) to

D) on

E) since


Choose the correct answer

I don't like stories.... have unhappy endings

A) who

B) when

C) whose

D) whom

E) which


Complete the sentence

I have a coat...looks like yours.

A) what

B) who

C) where

D) when

E) which


Complete the sentence

The movie... we watched last night was very boring.

A) whose

B) which

C) whom

D) who

E) when


Complete the sentence

My brother lives in Astana...is the capital of Kazakhstan.

A) whose

B) whom

C) which

D) who

E) when


Complete the sentence

The person...had killed our neighbour was never caught.

A) what

B) which

C) whose

D) who

E) whom


Complete the sentence

Could you tell me...has happened?

A) who

B) what

C) which

D) where

E) why


Choose the correct answer

We had some good solutions from our teacher with... we consulted about problems.

A) whom

B) that

C) who

D) what

E) whose


Choose the correct answer

Where is the picture... Ajar drew?

A) what

B) that

C) who

D) whom

E) where


Complete with the prepositions

I usually go to work……..car

A) a

B) for

C) by

D) to

E) in


Choose the correct answer

What is the largest city in the U.S.?

A) Washington

B) New York

C) Atlanta

D) Los Angeles

E) Denver


Complete with the prepositions

There’s too much sugar……my coffee

A) on

B) in

C) a

D) to

E) for


Choose the correct answer.

The centre of art and business in the USA is……..

A) New York

B) Washington

C) Colorado

D) Los Angeles

E) Las Vegas.


Choose the correct answer.

The world's oldest and largest national park is…

A) Idaho Park

B) Yellowstone

C) Rhode Park

D) Queen Park

E) Disneyland.


Choose the correct answer.


A) is the season which comes after summer and before winter.

B) is a religious holiday that people celebrate on November 1.

C) Is an autumn holiday for children.

D) Is a United Nations group which helps poor children around the world.

E) Is a pumpkin with a face cut in it.


Choose the correct answer.

A red dragon is the symbol of which country?

A) Northern Ireland

B) Scotland

C) England

D) Wales

E) Southern Ireland.


Choose the correct answer.

Which is Great Britain's oldest university?

A) Cambridge

B) Oxford

C) London University

D) Leicester University

E) Birmingham University


Choose the correct answer.

What is the capital of Wales?

A) Edinburgh

B) Coventry

C) Cardiff

D) Belfast

E) Birmingham


Choose the correct answer.

In whose hands is the state power in Britain?

A) The queen or the king

B) Liberal Party

C) Parliament

D) Labor Party

E) Conservative Party


Put the right preposition

The money is…..the table

A) at

B) on

C) under

D) between

E) in


Complete with the prepositions

Kevin lived in London…….six month. He didn’t like very much.

A) at

B) in


D) for

E) a


Choose the correct answer.

Formally the head of Canada is…

A) President

B) Prime Minister

C) Queen of Great Britain

D) Vice-President

E) Princess


Choose the correct answer.

Who was the President of the USA when " Emancipation Proclamation" was adopted and the slaves were freed?

A) Bush

B) Lincoln

C) Clinton

D) Washington

E) Jefferson


Choose the correct answer.

Ireland is situated in…

A) North America

B) South America

C) Asia

D) Europe

E) Australia


Put the right preposition

They sat…..the wall

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) to

E) from


Choose the correct answer.

Êîãî ñ÷èòàþò òâîðöîì Äåêëàðàöèè íåçàâèñèìîñòè ÑØÀ.

A) George Washington

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) James Madison

D) Abraham Lincoln

E) George Bush


Choose the correct answer.

What is the basic currency in Canada?

A) Dollar

B) Franc

C) Pound sterling

D) Euro

E) Òåíãå


Complete the sentence

Columbus was a (an)…explorer who discovered America thinking it was Asia.

A) Portuguese

B) Spanish

C) Italian

D) English

E) Russian


Complete with the prepositions

Were there a lot of people …..the party?

A) on

B) in

C) to

D) by

E) at


Complete the sentence

What river does Washington D. C, stand on?

A) The Amazon

B) The Niagara

C) The Potomac

D) The Danube

E) The Mississippi


Write the correct answer

The first President of Republic of Kazakhstan is...

A) D. Konaev

B) N. Nazarbaev

C) S. Imashev

D) A/ Bisenov

E) adilbekov

{Ïðàâèëüíûé îòâåò}=B





Choose the correct answer

" KTL" stands...." Kazakh - Turkish Lyceum".

A) of

B) in

C) at

D) by

E) for


Complete the sentence

She promised to phone me at eleven o'clock exactly, and she was as..... as her word.

A) true

B) good

C) right

D) honest

E) better


Choose the right answer

…happens, I'll always be there for you.

A) However

B) What

C) Whatever

D) No matter

E) When


Give the english equivalents


A) congratulations

B) wishes

C) dream

D) congratulate

E) wishing


Give the opposite of to " deceive"

A) say

B) choose

C) play

D) fight

E) lie


Complete the sentence

If only I.... made that phone call.

A) wasn't

B) didn't

C) hadn't

D) haven't

E) isn't


Choose the right answer

These shoes are very…for walking in the mountains.

A) practical

B) functional

C) realistic

D) active

E) possible


Find the right singular

A) means

B) species

C) deer

D) mice

E) men


Choose the right answer

These are…children's toys.

A) hers

B) a

C) an

D) their

E) this


Complete the sentence

I…sunbathe at exactly this time next week.

A) am

B) are going to

C) is going to

D) was going to

E) am going to


Find the right variant " the 93rd"

A) the ninty and third

B) the ninty three

C) the ninetieth third

D) the ninety third

E) the ninty threeth


Choose the right answer

I was born on the…..May.

A) fifth

B) fifvth

C) fife of

D) fife

E) fifth of


Give the right variant

Do you have…brothers or sisters?

A) some

B) any

C) none

D) many

E) a lot of


Choose the right answer

His work was as…as Tom's.

A) gooder

B) best

C) better

D) good

E) the good


Give the English variant «èñêàòü ðàáîòó»

A) to look out on job

B) to look for a job

C) to be looking for on job

D) to look in job

E) to look down on job


Choose the right answer

Please cut…grass in the garden.

A) the

B) a

C) -

D) any

E) these


Give the English equivalent of «íåâîçìîæíî»

A) inpossible

B) impossibles

C) unpossible

D) dispossible

E) impossible


Choose the right variant

He can speak French…than you.

A) the best

B) better

C) gooder

D) worst

E) goodest


Complete the sentence

Lena was reading……….. book when I entered…room

A) a/a

B) the /the

C) a / the

D) /-

E) -/the


Give the right answer

I was born …1978.

A) on

B) at

C) for

D) to

E) in


Find the synonym of the word " boring"

A) dull

B) happy

C) old

D) wealthy

E) lucky


Give the English equivalent of «áåçðàáîòèöà»

A) unemployment

B) employment

C) unemployed

D) nonemployment

E) nonemployemnt


Choose the right answer

This is not...lipstick, this is…

A) my/her

B) mine/shers

C) my/his

D) mine/his

E) my/hers


Choose the right answer

Who _____ to the party?

A) did go

B) go

C) went

D) did went

E) gone


Choose the right answer

People in ______ eat a lot of rise and very little fatin their diet.

A) Italy

B) Japan

C) England

D) Russia

E) Spain


Choose the right answer

Whose car is this? – It’s ______!

A) my

B) my’s

C) mine

D) mine’s

E) none


Choose the right answer

As we walked past, we saw Mike _____ his car.

A) In washing

B) to wash

C) wash

D) washing

E) have washed


Choose the right answer

While studing at the university, I used _____ very hard.

A) to work

B) have worked

C) working

D) to have been working

E) to working


Choose the correct variant " 07/09"

A) The seven September

B) The seven of September

C) The seventh of September

D) The seventeenth of September

E) The September seven


Give the right answer

Does...want to eat…?

A) someone/something

B) somebody/something

C) none/anything

D) anybody/anything

E) noone/nothing


Put in the correct form

Jacky's mobile phone is….than Alan's.

A) the most expensive

B) more expensive

C) as expensive

D) expensiver

E) the expensivest


Complete the sentence

This was my first time in Turkey. I…there before.

A) have never been

B) never been

C) hadn't be

D) never did been

E) was never


Give the right answer

Bota…her homework right now.

A) was doing

B) will be doing

C) is doing

D) does

E) will doing


Find the opposite of `always`

A) never

B) sometimes

C) rarely

D) often

E) seldom


Give the plural form of `a sheep`

A) sheeps`

B) sheep

C) sheepe`

D) sheeperd`

E) sheepese


Give the derivative of the word `note`

A) time

B) room

C) day

D) yard

E) book


Choose the right answer of `âàæíûé`

A) possible

B) post

C) inpossile

D) import

E) important


Give the antonym of `intelligent`

A) stupendous

B) clever

C) stupid

D) moral

E) dolphim


Find the English equivalent

`Ýòî ñòîèò âîñåìíàäöàòü ïåíñîâ`

A) It costs eighteen pences

B) It costs eighteen penses

C) It costs eighteen of pences

D) It costs eighteen pence

E) It costs eighteen of pences


Find the right answer

I`m loooking forward…seeing you

A) to

B) on

C) at

D) with

E) for


He doesn`t smoke….?

A) do he

B) doesn`t he

C) does he

D) he does

E) isn`t he


Find the right equivalent of the word`âîñïèòûâàòü`

A) bring down

B) bring up

C) bring off

D) bringout

E) bring away


Complete with the prepositions

I don’t know any of the people……..this photograph.

A) on

B) a

C) for

D) in

E) to


Choose the correct answer:

_____ you ever ____ to Spain?

A) have/be

B) did have/been

C) has/being

D) have/been

E) had/been


Choose the correct answer:

Do you like _______?

A) to swimm

B) swimming

C) to swimming

D) to be swimming

E) swimms


Choose the correct answer:

Who _____”Peace and War”?

A) did write

B) writes

C) wrote

D) was writing

E) has wrote


Choose the correct answer:

My birthday is _____ 25th may

A) at

B) in

C) up

D) on

E) -


Choose the correct answer:

Two summers ago we …… a holiday in Scotland.

A) had

B) has

C) have

D) will have

E) were have


Choose the correct answer:

This is... time to drive through the city centre.

A) badder

B) baddest

C) worse

D) the worst

E) bad

{Ïðàâèëüíûé îòâåò}=D





Choose the correct answer:

I... dance, but I … sing.

A) must, must

B) can, can

C) can, can’t

D) mustn’t, can

E) may, mayn’t

{Ïðàâèëüíûé îòâåò}=C





Choose the correct answer:

Where _______ you born? I _______ born in Astana.

A) was, was

B) were, were


<== ïðåäûäóùàÿ ëåêöèÿ | ñëåäóþùàÿ ëåêöèÿ ==>
Ïåðåêëàä. Êîëè ìè õî÷åìî êóïèòè òå, ùî ìè éäåìî â ìàãàçèí | Read the text and translate it using the dictionary. Read the following words and their translation
Ïîäåëèòüñÿ ñ äðóçüÿìè:

mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.893 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë