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Make up sentences with the given Russian phrases. Ask your partner to translate them into English.
в аэропорту - at the airport во вред - in prejudice of в год - per annum в случае неисполнения - on default of в надлежащий срок - in due course в назначенный срок - at the fixed (appointed) time в пределах согласованного срока - within the agreed period в разумный срок - within a reasonable time limit в силу - in virtue of в течение 12 дней с даты получения счета - within 12 days of receipt of в течение 2 месяцев с даты подписания контракта- within 2 months of signing a contract в уплату за - in satisfaction of в урегулирование претензии – in settlement of a claim
TEXT 4 CLEARANCE FOR HOME USE Goods which are imported outright for use or consumption within the Customs territory must be declared for home use. They may be declared for home use either directly on importation or after another Customs procedure such as warehousing, temporary admission or Customs transit. The main obligations to be fulfilled by the declarant to obtain the clearance of goods for home use are the lodgement of a goods declaration with supporting documents (import licence, certificates of origin, etc.) and the payment of any import duties and taxes chargeable. Under certain conditions the payment of import duties and taxes may be deferred. Where appropriate, security may be required by Customs to guarantee payment of the import duties and taxes. The measures taken by Customs in connection with clearance are: checking of the goods declaration and accompanying documents, examination of the goods, assessment and collection of import duties and taxes and release of the goods. Customs may also be responsible for obtaining the data required for trade statistics and for the enforcement of other statutory or regulatory provisions relating to the control of imported goods. Other competent authorities may also carry out certain controls (veterinary, health, phytopathological, etc.) on goods declared for home use. National legislation shall specify the conditions to be fulfilled and the Customs formalities to be accomplished for the clearance of goods for home use. National legislation may include prohibitions and restrictions in respect of the importation of certain categories of goods. The Customs authorities shall designate the Customs offices at which goods may be cleared for home use. In determining the competence of these offices and their hours of business, the factor to be taken into account shall include the particular requirements of trade and industry. The competence of certain Customs offices may be restricted in terms of the mode of transport used or to specified categories of goods or to goods consigned to a specified region (e.g. the frontier zone or an industrial zone). The Customs authorities may require that certain categories of goods (e.g. diamonds, antiques, works of art) be cleared for home use at Customs offices designated for that purpose. (based on the text: " International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures", Kyoto, 1974) 1. Learn the following words and phrases: clearance for home use - выпуск товаров для внутреннего потребления/свободного обращения; goods for home use or consumption - товары для внутреннего потребления; warehousing - складирование, хранение на складе; temporary admission – режим временного ввоза; to obtain the clearance of goods - произвести таможенную очистку товаров; the lodgement of a Goods declaration – предъявление грузовой декларации; supporting/ accompanying documents - сопроводительные документы; import licence - лицензия на импорт; certificate of origin- свидетельство о происхождении товара security – гарантия; assessment of duties and taxes - начисление таможенных пошлин и сборов; release of goods - выпуск товаров; statutory or regulatory provision - законодательное или регулирующее положение; to accomplish Customs formalities - выполнить таможенные формальности; to designate - определять, устанавливать; mode of transport – вид транспорта; frontier zone - приграничная зона. 2. Study the word " procedure". Work with different dictionaries. Report your findings to the class. 3. Write all synonyms of the word " goods". Use a dictionary of synonyms.
4. Translate the following questions. 1. Какие обязательства должен выполнить декларант в целях таможенной очистки товаров? 2. Какие документы должны быть приложены к грузовой декларации при ее подаче? 3. При каких обстоятельствах могут быть отсрочены таможенные платежи? 4. Что могут потребовать таможенные власти для обеспечения гарантии выплат импортных пошлин и сборов? 5. Какие меры принимаются таможней в связи с очисткой товаров? 6. Какие ограничения и запреты могут быть в национальном законодательстве в отношении импорта товаров? 7. Какие требования принимаются во внимание таможенными властями при определении тех таможенных постов, которые могут производить очистку товаров? 8. Чем может быть ограничен круг обязанностей таможенных постов? 9. Где могут проходить таможенную очистку для реализации на внутреннем рынке определенные категории товаров, такие, как предметы искусства, антиквариат, бриллианты и т. д.? TEXT 5 CUSTOMS WAREHOUSES The Customs warehousing procedure is a facility granted to those involved in external trade to place their goods temporarily in Customs warehouses. Goods can be imported for storage in warehouses and re-exported in the same state without the payment of duties and taxes. Operations permitted in a Customs warehouse are those required to improve the packaging and marketable quality of the goods and to prepare them for shipment. Such operations include repacking, sorting and grading, breaking bulk, grouping of packages, and operations intended to keep the goods in the same state. An additional advantage is that an importer/exporter can keep his goods in the country until he can re-negotiate sales abroad on more favourable terms. This is particularly the case when persons using this warehousing facility import goods in bulk, at discounted prices, and re-export such goods in similar quantities at higher prices, thus making net foreign exchange gains. Such trade is only possible if there is exemption from the payment of duties and taxes and from import/export licensing. In certain instances, exporters are permitted to use the warehousing facility to combine domestic goods with identical imported goods so that a single export order can be satisfied. For this purpose, firms import goods from their subsidiaries which are located abroad, or from establishments in other countries which produce or manufacture goods for them under contract. The Customs warehousing procedure can be used to promote transshipment operations; this again enables a country to earn foreign exchange for the service provided. The warehousing procedure can also be used to assist manufacturers in processing goods for export. In some countries there are traders who, acting as agents for manufacturers who manufacture goods for export, consolidate import orders and import their consignments in bulk. These traders, who specialize in wholesale trade, are able to import goods in bulk at the most favourable terms, which are not normally available to importers of smaller quantities. Such bulk importations are made possible only by taking advantage of the warehousing procedure. Consequently, such traders are in a position to offer their goods to manufacturers at lower prices. In several countries, immediately after exporters place their goods in Customs warehouses they are entitled to refunds or drawbacks of import duties and taxes or discharges of furnished financial guarantees. CHECK WORK Exercise 1. Make up your own vocabulary. Exercise 2. Read the text and answer the questions. Ø What operations are permitted in a Customs warehouse? Ø What are exporters permitted to use the warehousing facility for? Ø Can warehousing procedure be used to promote transshipment operations? Ø What privileges do traders who specialize in wholesale trade enjoy? Ø How does the Customs warehousing procedure help exporters? Exercise 3. Sum up in 5 sentences the main functions of the Customs warehousing procedure. TEXT 6 Shipping manifests The port of Felixstowe is a 'happy place". Ranked first in the UK, fourth in Europe and fifteenth in the world, the port has gone from strength to strength. Trinity terminal is the most advanced container terminal in the country, providing 2, 084 meters of continuous quay, which can accommodate many vessels simultaneously. It handles just under two million containers a year. Felixstowe was the birthplace of a new way of working with containers - undertaking credibility checks and assessing risks before a container has even arrived in the country - and these methods developed over the years. In the late 1770s, task forces at Felixstowe were mainly looking at revenue work, but with the Investigation Division, they started to look at shipping manifests, as opposed to shipping entries, prior to arrival identifying suspect containers for examination. The manifests - documents supplied by the shipping companies - contain information such as the origin and the destination of the goods, which can give vital clues to a preventive officer's assessment. That particular way of working - looking at ships' manifests prior to arrival doing credibility checks on importers and identifying specific containers - was extremely successful. The work starts at shipping manifests, where team members make their credibility checks on incoming traffic and determine which containers to target for examination. Containers are identified from high-risk, medium-risk aid low-risk containers. Further checks can be made on the suppliers or companies receiving the goods. Contact is also made with police officers throughout the country who build up local knowledge of the businesses in their patch and can verify whether a trader is legitimate, suspect or unknown. But testing the risk is not just a simple matter. It would be all too easy for the potential smuggler to transit his goods through a known low-risk country to avoid Customs checks. " South Africa was listed as a medium-risk country", says a senior officer of Felixstowe container team. " But we have had one seizure of cannabis, one of half a million cigarettes, and having considered South Africa, we wrote up the project saying what we had done, and then recommended it to be seen as a high-risk area." The container team also works in close co-operation with other teams in Felixstowe and the National Investigation Service to target suspect containers. Once a target has been established a team will either go out to examine the container or have it brought into their own shed. Health and safety is an important part of an examination - a container could be unstable, or could contain infested products or hazardous substances - so teams adhere to stringent checks before undertaking the examination. Teams have the use of drugs dogs at Felixstowe as well as mobile X-ray vans. Felixstowe is the largest user of X-ray in the country. They use four vans there and they are used virtually non-stop. Containers are also subjected to physical examination by team members/ (based on " Portcullis", HM Customs Excise, Nov., 1996) 1. Learn the words and phrases: