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Mean selfish considerate honest punctual sympathetic


1) You always arrive on time..........................................................

2) You are always happy.................................................................

3) You do what you say you will do...............................................

4) You say exactly what you think..................................................

5) You don’t think about the needs of others..................................

6) You have a strong wish to get what you want. ………...............

7) You are unkind, or not willing to spend money. ……................

8) You easily become angry with others. ……..............................

9) You think about the needs of others...........................................

10) You tell the truth and obey the law...........................................

11) You understand the feelings of others......................................

12) You try to avoid work if you can..............................................


13 Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.


ambitious greedy polite sociable brave imaginative
proud stubborn grateful kind snobbish tolerant


1) I think I’ll stay here on my own, I’m not feeling very...... today.

2) Diana wants to get to the top in her company. She is very.........

3) It’s not ………….................. to stare at people and say nothing!

4) I think you have to be very ………................... to write a novel.

5) Thank you for helping me. It was very …….................... of you.

6) Peter refuses to change his mind, although he is wrong. He’s so …………………………………………………………………......

7) It was very.................... of Sheila to put out the fire on her own.

8) Our neighbours look down on us. They are a bit ……................

9) Don’t eat all the cakes! You really are becoming......................!

10) If you lend me the money I’ll be very......................................

11) I am very................................................ of my new motorbike.

12) My parents don’t mind my crazy hair style. They are
very ……………………………………………………………......


14 Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.


Ann Johnson – A Confidential Report


Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years. She is a (1) …………..... employee, and (2) ………....... on well with the other members of the department. We have all found her to be an excellent (3) …………........ She has always been (4) …………...... for her lessons, and is an extremely (5) ………...... member of staff who is able to work independently. I can always (6) ………..... on her to organise the end of term play, and she has put on some extremely (7) …………..... productions. Her students often tell me how (8) …………..... she is, always ready with a smile, and she has been very (9) ………...... to many of them. In (10) …………..... she is not very talkative and seems rather (11) …………...... at first, and might not show her true (12) ………...... in an interview. Her work is excellent, and she is (13) …………..... to succeed. She is also quite (14) ………......, and has applied for two other positions as Director of Studies. I think that you can count (15) ………..... Ann to make your school a success, and I recommend her for the post of Director.


1) A) conscientious 2) A) goes 3) A) colleague 4) A) timed 5) A) greedy 6) A) request 7) A) imaginary 8) A) tempered 9) A) kind 10) A) first 11) A) but 12) person 13) A) used 14) A) obedient 15) A) on B) conscience B) carries B) adult B) late B) reliable B) concentrate B) imagination B) cheerful B) aggressive B) times B) shy B) behaviour B) determined B) disappointed B) for C) consciousness C) gets C) employer C) hourly C) stubborn C) take C) imaginative C) frank C) polite C) usual C) however C) character C) had C) grateful C) with D) conscious D) likes D) fellow D) punctual D) lazy D) rely D) imagined D) proud D) mean D) private D) alone D) part D) supposed D) ambitious D) to


15 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word underlined.


1) You can’t rely on Joe. He is very unreliable.

2) Carla has very little patience. She is very ……………...............

3) Jack shows no interest in this subject. He is...............................

4) Pat is lacking in honesty. She is …………………......................

5) Bill doesn’t act like a friend. He is ……………….....................

6) Lisa doesn’t have much experience of this work. She is..…......

7) Peter never acts politely. He is ……….….……….....................

8) The official did not help us very much. She was........................

9) Graham doesn’t consider other people. He is.............................

10) Ann refused to co-operate with the police. She was.................


16 Complete each sentence with an adjective from the box. Use each word once only.


ashamed annoyed disappointed excited exhausted
fascinating glad jealous selfish terrified


1) When her team lost the cup final, Sue felt very disappointed.

2) I was ………....... when Jack accepted my invitation to dinner but didn’t come.

3) Mark was ………..…..... when he saw smoke coming from the plane’s engine.

4) Thanks for your letter. I’m …............ to hear that you are feeling better.

5) David was............................ to tell his parents that he had been sent to prison.

6) After running for fifteen kilometres, Christine felt completely.....

7) Helen felt ………………... when she saw her boyfriend talking to another girl.

8) I felt really........ while I was waiting to meet the star of the film.

9) Mrs Dobson told us about her life. She is a ……............ person.

10) Tom doesn’t think about others, and is rather..........................


17 Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one of the phrases from the box.


are fond of fancy fed up with get on my nerves
give up let me down longing for put me off


1) I’m really looking forward to a few weeks’ holiday!

I’m really longing for a few weeks’ holiday!.

2) Sarah has decided to do without eating chocolate. ………...…..

3) I wanted to study biology, but my teacher discouraged me...….

4) Sports programmes on television really annoy me...……….….

5) Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening? ……….....

6) Why can’t you tell the truth? I’m tired of your excuses! …….

7) Terry and I like going for walks in the country. …….….…….

8) George agreed to help me, but then disappointed me. …….….

18 Complete each sentence with a word from the box.


conscience death hand heart mood
tears temper thanks trouble voice


1) The children were happy because their teacher was in a good mood.

2)............................. to Mr Dawson, our car was repaired in time for our holiday.

3) Ruth was helpful, and went to a lot of.................. to make us comfortable.

4) Harry was leaning out of the window and shouting at the top of his ……………………………………………..……………..…....

5) When Alice heard the bad news, she burst into..........................

6) Neil is a very kind person. His.................... is in the right place.

7) If you do something bad, it will be on your....... for a long time.

8) I was really angry, and lost my …........... and shouted at people.

9) We need some help. Could you give us a …………….............?

10) The first time I saw a horror film, I was scared to....................

19 Complete each part sentence a) to j) with an ending from l) to 10); a) is done as an example for you.


a) I have started going –....................... 6)................................

b) When little Tina is grown –..................................................

c) I wonder if you could put –...................................................

d) Carol doesn’t really get –......................................................

e) Everyone says that Tom –.....................................................

f) Let’s have some friends –.....................................................

g) Do you think you could look –.............................................

h) Why don’t we all get –..........................................................

i) Ellen and Laura were brought –............................................

j) If I have time I’ll drop –........................................................


1).............................................................. takes after his father.

2)...................................... together again next Friday evening?

3).................................... up by an aunt after their parents died.

4)............................................................ in on Steve for a chat.

5)............................................... after my dog while I’m away?

6)......................................... out with George’s younger sister.

7)....................................... round and play charades on Friday.

8)............................................ on well with her mother-in-law.

9)............................................ up she wants to be an astronaut.

10)............................................ us up for a few days next week?


20 Read the text. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. Find this word.


A What is Smart?

The British are ever generally regarded as the most

1 untidily dressed people in Europe, but I have often

2 thought that to the opposite is true. Take, for example,

3 the wearing of jeans. In many southern European

4 countries, it seems more perfectly acceptable for

5 both teachers and office staff to wear jeans, whereas

6 in Britain jeans are been considered far too

7 casual and are only acceptable if the work is so

8 dirty or unskilled. One office workers in Britain must

9 follow a very much strict dress code. Even in the hottest

10 weather, male employees are most required to wear

11 a suit and tie and female employees who must be

12 dressed in a skirt and tights. In these schools, the

13 dress code is not quite so formal, but staff still tend

14 to wear out shirts and smartish trousers or skirts.

15 The British may not be as stylish as like their European

16 counterparts, but a dress code still does then exist.

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.015 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë