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Bookcase chimney fence floor
gate pane of glass step towel
a) Unfortunately the ball hit the window and broke a glass .............................. pane of glass... b) I washed my hands in the bathroom and dried them with a cloth. c) There was a small wooden door leading into the garden. d) As I sat down at the kitchen table, I knocked my cup onto the ground. e) In the corner of Joe’s room was a small library for his books. f) All round the garden there was a high wooden wall. g) On the roof-tops Tina could see a tall fireplace pouring out smoke. h) The floor of the kitchen is a bit lower, so mind the stair.
16 Read this student’s essay. There are six mistakes in making comparisons. Find and correct them.
Some people like the city. Some like the country. I like the city because it is more interesting from the country. The city is expensive than the country, but it’s worth it. The restaurants are muchbetter, and entertainment is more available. Store hours are convenienter, so you can go shopping any time, day or night. I enjoy walking around the city. It is true that the country is clean than the city, and it is also more quiet. But city streets are more exciting. There is always something happening. For me the city is definitely nicer that the country, and I hope to remain here.
17 Agree with the following statements using the verb prompts. The first one is done as an example:
1. – This room looks terrible. It really needs decorating. (do up) – Yes, it needs doing up. 2. Look, the wallpaper isn’t sticking to the walls. (come off) 3. The fireplace is very ugly. We could remove it. (take out) 4. The flat doesn’t have any central heating. We must install it. (put in) 5. There are no shelves or cupboards. We could fix some to the walls. (put up) 6. There’s a lot of rubbish in the room. It needs putting in the dustbin. (throw out) 7. The cooker doesn’t work. It needs repairing. (to see to) 8. We must discuss it before we decide. (talk over) 9. We could start living here immediately. (move in) 10. We must consider it carefully before we decide. (think over)
18 Fill the gaps in these sentences with suitable words.
1 If I could build my own house I’d make sure it had a.................. 2 Our n............ s are always complaining about the noise we make. 3 My friends live in a small.................................. house in a street where all the houses look alike. 4 The block of flats she lives in has five s..................... s and she lives on the top f...................... 5 In the city centre, an inexpensive a................................ is hard to find because it is scarce. 6 Many new estates are being built on the o................................ s of the city and in the s.................................. s. 7 I’d love to m............... to the country and live in an old.............. 8 If someone borrows money to buy their home, they have to repay the m...................... 9 If someone else owns your house or flat, you have to pay r.................... to a 1...................... 10 Modern flats often don’t have enough r.......... to store things in. 11 Books are usually kept in a b..................... or on s................... s. 12 Even though their house has c..................... h..................... there is a fireplace in the l...................... 13 In a bedroom, clothes are kept in a............................................ 14 The most important thing about a house or flat is that it should be...................................
19 Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.
1 Some houses have a basement room where things are stored called............................... a) an attic b) a cave c) a cellar d) a grave e) a loft 2 Some rooms don’t have curtains at the windows, they have..................................................... instead. a) blinds b) carpets c) glass d) stores e) wallpaper 3 We haven’t got a garage, so we leave our car outside the house in the...................................... a) drive b) garden c) parking d) patio e) pavement f) porch 4 He keeps all his tools and do-it-yourself equipment in a ….....…… in the back garden. a) barn b) bungalow c) hut d) shack e) shed f) stable 5 In your own garden, you can sunbathe on the.......................... in the summer. a) field b) flowerbed c) lawn d) meadow e) pasture 20 Translate from Russian into English.
1. Приехав в Шеффилд я остановился в отеле, но вскоре начал искать постоянное жилье. 2. Его квартира находилась в цокольном этаже и зимой там было сыро. 3. Когда мои родители вышли на пенсию, они переехали за город, где купили крошечный одноэтажный домик. 4. В то время у нас было мало денег и первую мебель мы купили в рассрочку. 5. Жизнь в больших городах далеко не безопасна, так как уровень преступности достаточно высок. 6. Отдельный дом, если только он не расположен где-нибудь в отдаленной глубинке, не по карману большинству англичан. 7. Около 70% населения Англии живут в домах, владельцами которых они являются и которые, как правило, куплены в кредит. 8. Традиционный строительный материал для жилых домов в Англии – кирпич (для стен) и черепица (для крыш). 9. Часть населения живет в квартирах, которые они снимают у частных домовладельцев. 10. В последнее время в Британии вместо домов-башен строится жилье высотой не более 6 этажей. 11. Летом Джейсон обычно уезжает в небольшую рыбачью деревушку и живет в простом сельском доме с видом на прелестное озеро. 12. Час пик – неизбежная болезнь больших городов, но люди привыкают (приспосабливаются). 13. Когда Кристина и Кевин поженились, денег хватило только на то, что снять небольшую однокомнатную квартиру на окраине города. 14. У меня в подвале есть темная комната без окон, где удобно проявлять фотопленку. 15. В новом доме достаточно большое подсобное помещение для стиральной машины, сушилки и морозильника.