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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Post-Reading. AMatch the phrases from the text with their explanations on the


A Match the phrases from the text with their explanations on the



1) obliterate..... all disease 2) optimism continued to mount 3) make us immune to death 4) promote cancer 5) nutritional..... means 6) forgo..... more effective treatment 7) sufficient vitality 8) medicine may be for naught a) having high value as food b) nothing c) do without; give up d) remove all signs of; destroy e) capacity to endure and perform functions f) free, secure g) become greater in amount h) contribute to the progress or growth of


B Use alternative ways of expressing the following:


1) … the party mood began to sour …

2) … drugs..... had ‘side effects’ …

3) … the dimension of natural healing …

4) … to recover from the trauma of intervention …

5) … what they see as overdoctoring …

6) … because of its occasional excesses …


C Discuss with your partners the following:

1) What made people so hopeful about medical science half a century ago? 2) What has appeared to be wrong with medicine? 3) How do the ways of natural healing come in here? 4) Which approach to caring about our health seems to be most reasonable nowadays? 5) How does the main idea of the text correlate with the title? What does the word ‘self-care’ imply?


D Scan the text ‘Medicine’s Unsolved Mysteries’ and

1) give the English equivalents from the text for the following:


· тонкости биохимических процессов

· трансплантация органов

· химические лекарства и препараты

· болезни, с которыми наука справилась (искоренила)

· наши индивидуальные потребности не принимаются в расчет

· излечивать любое повреждение нашего организма

· не заболеть (предотвратить болезнь).


2) point out the ideas it has in common with the text above;

3) speak on the new information you have found here.




Modern medical science has solved many of life’s mysteries. We can now understand the finest biochemical details of how our bodies work; isolate the germs which cause infectious diseases and even transplant organs from one person to another. Yet many people are unhappy with the direction of modern medicine and are turning to alternatives such as acupuncture, homeopathy and osteopathy. Why is this happening – and what do these alternative therapies offer?

Firstly, synthetic drugs and medicines often have side-effects worse than illness they treat; surgery can be extremely painful and weaken the body even further. Secondly, new problems such as heart disease and cancer have arisen to replace the diseases that science has banished; it is no longer possible to believe that science one day will eliminate all illness. Perhaps even more important is that people do not respond well to being treated as machines. The raw material of science is objective data and statistics. Patients are treated as if they are – or should be – identical and their individual needs are ignored. In a wider sense, our responsibility for our health is weakened Science has demonstrated that the body has systems to maintain health and heal any damage. Yet Western medicine replaces the body’s natural systems with increasing technology and chemical drugs.

How then do alternative therapies approach health and disease? Naturopathy regards diet as the key to health; osteopathy stresses correct position and movement of bones and muscles; acupuncture and homeopathy concentrate on the flow ofenergy itself. Most of these therapies do not argue with surgery when absolutely necessary; but they stress that prevention is better than cure and that our health is our individual responsibility. If we pay attention to a natural diet, exercise and relaxation, we can avoid ill-health or correct disturbances before they become serious.


Dr Richard Clark

From Current

Text 2



A Name some foods which you think are healthy. What in your opinion can we do to help us live longer?


B Try to guess if the statements below correspond to the text.


1) There is a low level of fat in the Greek diet. 2) The Greeks are not in favour of smoking. 3) Wine should be drunk in moderate amounts. 4) Experts are certain that olive oil is a secret to a long healthy life.



Read through the text “Eat Greek and Live Longer” and do the exercises that follow.

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