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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Necessity to write long series of instructions in the form of binary digits makes machine language programming an . . .

3. Assembler languages were developed to... the difficulties in writing machine language programs.

4. Assembler allows the computer to... instructions into machine inst­ructions.

5. Assembler language is machine....

6. High-level language programs require a... amount of computer time for translation into machine instructions.

language rules syntax oriented greater reduce error-prone task convert

IV. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

Java is a programming language originally developed... Sun Microsystems and released... 1995 as a core component of Sun’s Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax... С and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytccodc which can run... any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless... computer architecture.

The original and rcgerence implementation of Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed... Sun from 1995.... May 2007, in compliancc... the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun made available most of their Java technologies as free software... the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed... alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java and GNU Classpath.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What is a machine code?

2. What can cause many errors?

3. What languages are called the first-generation languages?

4. Why are machine languages very tedious and exacting?

5. What does programming in machine languages require?

6. What makes machine language programming a difficult and error-prone


7. Why were assembler languages developed?

8. Why are they called symbolic languages?

9. What are advantages of assembler language?

10. What are disadvantages of assembler language?

11. What instructions do high-level languages use?

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-level languages?

Read the text.

Icon is a high-level programming language with extensive facilities for processing strings and structures. Icon has several novel features, including expressions that may produce sequences of results, goal-directed evaluation that automatically searches for a successful result, and string scanning that allows operations on strings to be formulated at a high conceptual level. Icon also provides high-level graphics facilities.

Icon emphasizes high-level string processing and a design philosophy that allows ease of programming and short, concise programs. Storage allocation and garbage collection are automatic in Icon, and there are few restrictions on the sizes of objects. Strings, lists, and other structures are created during program execution and their size does not need to be known when a program is written. Values are converted to expected types automatically; for example, numeral strings read in as input can be used in numerical computations without explicit conversion. Icon has an expression-based syntax with reserved words; in appearance, Icon programs resemble those of Pascal and C.

Although Icon has extensive facilities for processing strings and structures, it also has a full repertoire of computational facilities. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Some examples are:

— text analysis

— text editing

— document formatting

— artificial intelligence

— expert systems

— rapid prototyping

— symbolic mathematics

— text generation

— data laundry.


The term fourth-generation language describes a variety of prog­ramming languages that are more nonprocedural and conversational than prior language. These languages are called fourth-generation languages (4GLs) to differentiate them from machine languages (first generation), assembler languages (second generation), and high-level languages (third generation).

Most fourth-generation languages are nonprocedural languages that encourage users and programmers to specify the result they want, while the computer determines the sequence of instructions that will accomplish those results. Users and programmers no longer have to spend a lot of time developing the sequence of instructions the computer must follow to achieve a result. Thus, fourth-generation languages have helped simplify the programming process. Whereas a fourth-generation language program must follow a specific set of rules and syntax, a natural program does not. A natural language, sometimes called a fifth-generation language, is a type of query language that allows the user to enter requests that resemble human speech. Research and development activity in artificial intelligence is developing programming languages that are as easy to use as ordinary conversation in one’s native tongue.

Advantages and Disadvantages. There are major differences in the case of use and technical sophistication of 4GL products. For instance, INTELLECT and English Wizard are examples of natural query languages that impose no rigid grammatical rule, while languages like SQL requires concise structured statements. However, the ease of use of 4GLs is gained at the expense of some loss in flexibility. It is frequently difficult for an end user to override some of the prespecified formats or procedures of 4GLs. In addition, the machine languages code generated by a program developed by a 4GL is frequently much less efficient (in terms of processing speed and amount of storage capacity needed) that a program written in a languages like COBOL. Major failures have occurred in some large transaction processing applications programmed in a 4GL. These applications were unable to provide reasonable response times when faced with a large amount of real-time transaction processing and end user inquiries. However, 4GLs have shown great success in business applications that do not have a high volume of transaction processing.


nonprocedural непроцедурна мова//мови програмування, які

language ґрунтуються не на послідовно виконуваних опера­

торах, а на описі набору (бази) фактів і відношень (правил), за якими виводиться відповідь на постав­лене запитання

concise короткий, стислий; чіткий, виразний

to override скасовувати; відхиляти

SQL Structured мова структурованих запитів, мова SQL

Query Language мова запитів

I. Match the words in the text with their definitions:

1. To differentiate A. The amount that something can hold or


2. To gain B. To obtain (something useful, wanted, profitable,


3. To specify C. Not too much, too many or too great.

4. Reasonable D. To see or to express a difference (between).

5. Capacity E. To state exactly.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false.

Use the model:

1) Student A: A natural language is a type of query language that allows the user to enter requests that resemble human speech. — Student B: Yes, this is really so.

2) S. A: INTELLECT and English Wizard are examples of natural query languages that require rigid grammatical rules. — S. B: I think you are wrong. In fact, these languages impose no rigid grammatical rules.

1. Most fourth-generation languages are procedural languages.

2. Fourth-generation languages have helped simplify the programming process.

3. 4GLs are very different from English or other human languages.

4. There are no differences in the ease of use and technical sophistication of 4GL products.

5. The machine languages code generated by a program developed by a 4GL is frequently much less efficient than a program written in a languages like COBOL.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below.

a) The 4GLs are more... and... than prior ones.

b) The computer must follow the... of instructions to... a result.

c) 4GLs simplified the process of....

d) English Wizard is a natural query languages that imposes no... grammatical rules.

e) The ease of use of 4GLs is gained at the expense of some loss in....

f) There can be some failures in transaction processing... programmed in 4GLs.

g) 4GLs show great... in business applications.


nonprocedural conversational success to achieve applications flexibility rigid the sequence programming


IV. Read and translate the text.

One of the most popular database application computer languages these days is Structured Query Language (SQL). This language powers simple and complex database management protocols, from basic data input and deletion to complicated queries, manipulation, and reporting of the highest order.

Many individual desktop or laptop computers run database programs powered by SQL. These days, SQL is the norm for such things. However, it is also powerful enough to handle enterprise functionality for mainframes, servers, and enterprise protocols. This kind of data manipulation activity gets the big names of Oracle and IBM involved.

These two companies, more than any other, have pioneered the adoption of SQL as the primary database manipulation language. SQL, however, has its limits. It is primarily a query-based language, and that accurately describes its limitations as well. The queries SQL runs can be as demanding as programmers or systems managers can imagine, but in the end, SQL will not do more than it is asked to do. Data management departments that want more expandable database functionality would do well to look to BASIC, C, C++, or various Web-based languages instead.

Still, if database querying and reporting are what you need the most, the chances are excellent that the database application you use to perform such tasks runs on SQL. Programmers design SQL to be fast and efficient. One pleasant consequence of its limited functionality is that it performs its designated tasks very quickly indeed. Data retrieval, even of large amounts of data, is nearly instantaneous. Data manipulation takes a bit longer in millisecond terms, but the difference will not likely be noticeable to human users. In this case, limited functionality is not a drawback, but an advantage.

Not only Oracle and IBM are designing in SQL these days, however. Many others are doing so as well. Not surprisingly, Microsoft is at the head of this class. The Windows creator has its own version of SQL, which is more server-based and consequently called Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft’s wildly popular Access database program runs this version of SQL. Other familiar SQL-based database programs include FileMaker Pro, FoxPro, and the open source based MySQL.

List the advantages and disadvantages of SQL.

V.Answer the questions.

1. What is the difference between 4GLs and prior ones?

2. Why are they called nonprocedural languages?

3. How do 4GLs help simplify the programming process?

4. What languages are 4GLs close to?

5. What are the differences between 4GLs products?

6. How is the ease of use of 4GLs gained?

7. What are the difficulties with transaction processing applications programmed in 4GLs?

8. In what applications have 4GLs shown great success?


Multimedia refers to any computer-based presentation software or application that integrates at least two or more of these elements: text, color, graphics, animation, audio, and video.

Multimedia PCs are designed to present you with information in a variety of media, including text and graphics displays, voice and other digitized audio, photographs, animation, and video clips. Mention multimedia, and many people think of computer video games, multimedia encyclopedias, educational videos, and multimedia home pages on the World Wide Web. However, multimedia systems are widely used in business for training employees, making sales presentations, and other business presentations.

While sound, video and animations are still most important for games and educational software, multimedia technology has begun to suffuse business application as well. Film clips and animations — already a staple in PC-based presentations — are turning up in tutorials and training materials. Shared documents annotated with voice, digitized photographs, or 3-D graphics operate within the company network.

Text is the fundamental component in many multimedia programs. Multimedia applications not only use ordinary text to convey basic information, they also use a variety of textual effects to emphasize and clarify information.

Still graphic images are graphics that contain no movement, such as photographs or drawings. Graphics play an important role in multimedia because people are more visually oriented as ever. Television, movies, and visual magazines, for example, are a key source of information for many.

Animation refers to moving graphic images. It can be used in multimedia applications to convey information more vividly than just text and graphics.

Audio is sound that has been digitized and stored in some form for replay. As with the animation, integrating audio into a multimedia application

allows you to provide information not possible through any other method of communication in computer environment. Using audio in a multimedia application to supplement text and graphics can enhance understanding.

Today more and more multimedia applications integrate video. To use video in multimedia applications, you must digitize it, possibly using digital video production software. You can also use digital video production software to edit and add video to multimedia application.

The basic hardware and software requirements of a multimedia computer system depend on whether you wish to create as well as enjoy multimedia computer system presentations. Owners of low-cost multi media PCs marketed for home uses do not need authoring software or high-powered hardware capabilities in order to enjoy multimedia games and other entertainment and educational multimedia products. These computers are equipped with a CD-ROM drive, stereo speakers, additional memory, a high-performance processor, and other multimedia processing capabilities.

People who want to create their own multimedia productions may have to spend several thousand dollars to put together a high-performance multimedia authoring system. This includes a high-resolution color graphics monitor, sound and video capture boards, a high-performance microprocessor with multimedia capabilities, additional megabytes of memory, and several gigabytes of hard disk capacity. Sound cards and video capture boards are circuit boards that contain digital signal processors and additional megabytes of memory for digital processing of sound and video.

Multimedia applications are used by instructors for classrooms presentations, by marketers in interactive advertisements, and by businesses for job training. Another important use of interactive multimedia is to create simulations, which are computer-based models of real-life situations. Computer simulations can replace costly and sometimes hazardous demonstrations and training in areas such as chemistry, biology, medicine, and flight.

Computer-based training (CBT) is the use of computer-aided instructions to teach specific skills. CBT is used in business and industry, sports, and education for employee and student training. Airlines, for example, use multimedia simulations to train employees for emergency situations. CBT allows flexible, on-the-spot training. Training stations can be set up in corporate training labs or right at employee’s workstations, so they can update their job skills without leaving the workplace. Interactive training software called courseware also can be distributed on CD-ROM or shared over a network.

Electronic books are digitized texts that use hyperlinks to give the user instantaneous access to information. These texts contain hotwords that serve as hyperlinks. You can click a hotword to display a definition, play a sound, show a graphic, or play a video sequences. You turn pages of an electronic book by clicking icons. Another popular type of electronic book includes electronic reference texts, such as multimedia encyclopedias on CD-ROMs. Like electronic books, multimedia electronic reference texts use text, graphics, sound, animation, and video to explain a topic or provide additional information. The multimedia encyclopedia, for example, Microsoft Encarta, includes the complete text of a multimedia encyclopedia, new articles on history, modern culture, computers, photos, animations, and detailed illustrations.

Interactive multimedia computer games use graphics, sound, and video to create realistic and entertaining game situations. These CD-ROMs often are used to teach children in a fun and appealing way.



animation анімація, (комп'ютерна) мультиплікація//вивід на

екран послідовності зображень, які дещо відріз­няються, для створення ілюзії руху

authoring software авторський Інструментарій//П3, яке використовують для створення мультимедійних і гіпертекстових про­дуктів та презентацій

simulation імітація, моделювання, імітаційне моделювання//

програмна імітація поведінки фізичного механізму, процесу, об'єкта або живої істоти

I. Match the words in the text with their definitions:

1. Tutorials A. A person who is hired.

2. To convey B. An unexpected and dangerous happening which

must be dealt with at once.

3. Emergency C. To make known.

4. Staple D. Educational materials.

5. Employee E. Used all the time, usual.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student A: Multimedia systems are widely used in business for training employees, making sales presentations, and other business presentations. Student B: Yes, this is true.

2) S. A: Interactive training software is a built-in computer’s feature. —

S. B: No, that is false. It is distributed on CD-ROM or may be shared over

a network.

1. Owners of low-cost multimedia PCs marketed for home uses need authoring software.

2. Film clips and animations are turning up in tutorials and training materials.

3. Network servers are usually powerful microcomputers that coordinate telecommunications and resource sharing in small local area networks, and Internet and intranet Web sites.

4. Most microcomputers are handheld computers.

5. High-performance multimedia authoring system includes only a high- resolution color graphics monitor and a high-performance micropro­cessor.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and

expressions given below:

1. Multimedia applications are used by instructors for classrooms....

2. Training stations can be set up in corporate training... or right at employee’s workstations.

3. A popular type of electronic book is... electronic texts.

4. Audio is sound that has been digitized and stored in some form for....

5. Sound... and video capture...are circuit boards that contain... signal processors.

boards presentations labs replay digital reference cards

IV. Answer the questions.

1. To what software does multimedia refer to?

2. What do multimedia PCs are designed for?

3. What is the fundamental component in many multimedia programs?

4. What are still graphic images?

6. What does animation refer to?

7. What is audio?

8. Do multimedia applications integrate video?

9. What are the basic hardware and software requirements of a multimedia computer system?

10. What is called multimedia-authoring system?

11. What can multimedia authoring system include?

V. Read and translate the text.

The pedagogical strength of multimedia is that it uses the natural information-processing abilities that we already possess as humans. The old saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words” often understates the case especially with regard to moving images, as our eyes are highly adapted by evolution to detecting and interpreting movement.

For the student, one advantage of multimedia courseware over the text- based variety is that the application looks better. If the courseware includes only a few images at least it gives relief from screens of text and stimulates the eye, even if the images have little pedagogical value. More often than not, the inclusion of non-textual media into courseware adds pedagogical value to the application. In this respect, using the text only, even in a creative way, has obvious limitations as compared to the use of both text and pictures.

Multimedia requires high-end computer systems. Sound, images, animation, and especially video, constitute large amounts of data, which slow down, or may not even Fit in a low-end computer. Unlike simple text Files created in word processing, multimedia packages require good quality computers. A major disadvantage of writing multimedia courseware is that it may not be accessible to a large section of its intended users if they do not have access to multimedia-capable machines. For this reason, courseware developers should think very carefully about the type of multimedia elements that need to be incorporated into applications and include only those that have significant value.

Multimedia has other weaknesses too. While proponents of this new technology are very enthusiastic about its potential, they often leave the financial and technical issues unattended. Development in multimedia are very high and the process of developing effective multimedia takes time.

The critical question, then, is: How do we overcome some of the identified barriers and begin the process of multimedia implementation alongside the instructor, textbook, and blackboard?

Let us look at some examples of what is called “innovative use”. Let us say a student wants to write a paper on computer architecture. Traditionally, the primary source for obtaining information would be the textbooks generally available in the library.

With access to interactive multimedia, the student would collect various textual materials about the computer architecture from sources on a CD- ROM. With a multimedia approach, the student could also access Web sites on the Internet to get more information. The student could then add film clips on this topic and blend them into a report. Then by adding titles and

credits, the student now has a new and original way of communicating his/ her own individual perspective.

Besides students use, teachers should find multimedia of great use in delivering their lessons. For example, a teacher of English language could use a multimedia CD to create a lecture on culture of English-speaking countries by using film clippings and audio tapes, also by incorporating other audio visual information with text to make the subject come alive. All this material are available now.

Similarly, a university professor might use a multimedia CD to prepare, to update information, or to teach to enliven and add insight to his /her teaching, thereby improving the quality of the course.

The uses of multimedia need not be seen as a tool for classrooms only. In an industry dealing with hazardous materials, workers need to be trained. It could be risky to provide hands on training. In this case, simulated learning can take the place of actual hands on training by using all the features of interactive multimedia. Training can thus take place individually at the learner’ space and op his/her own time. Medical procedures, first- aid training and instruction of paramedics or even surgeons are made both simple and interesting through the use of multimedia. The doctor or paramedic can run through a complete procedure on video disc and analyze all the possible outcomes and can evaluate the possibilities before treatment of the patient.

List the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia in education. Give the examples of multimedia software.


A computer is directed by a series of instructions called a computer program that tells the computer what to do. Computer programs are commonly referred to as software. Before they can be performed, the program instructions must be loaded from disk into the memory of the computer. Many instructions are used to direct a computer to perform a specific task. Forjscample, some instructions allow data to be entered from a keyboard and stored in memory; some instructions allow data in memory to be used in calculations such as adding a series of numbers to obtain a total; some instructions compare two values stored in memory and direct the computer to perform alternative operations based on the results of the comparison; and some instructions direct the computer to print a report,

display information on the screen, draw a color graph on a screen, or store data on a disk.

Most computer programs are written by people with specialized training. These people, called computer programmers, write the instructions necessary to direct the computer to process data into information using a computer programming language.

Computer software is the key to productive use of computers. With the correct software, a computer can become a valuable tool. Software can be divided into two types — system softwareandapplication software.

System software consists of programs that are related to controlling the actual operations of the computer equipment. An important part of the system software is a set of programs called the operating system. The instructions in the operating system tell the computer how to perform functions such as load, store, and execute a program and transfer data among the system devices and memory. Many different operating systems are available for computers. An important part of the system software is the user interface.

Before any application software is run, the operating system must be loaded from the hard disk into the memory of the computer and started. The operating system tells the computer how to perform functions such as processing program functions and transferring data between input and output devices and memory.

All software, including the operating system, is designed to communicate with you in a certain way. The way the software communicates with you is called the user interface. A user interface is the way you tell the software what to do and the way the computer displays information and processing options to you. One of the more common user interfaces is the graphical user interface (GUI). The graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey), combines text and graphics to make the software easier to use. Graphic user interfaces include several common features such as icons, windows, menus, and buttons.

Icons are small pictures that are used to represent processing options such as an application or program, or documents.

A window is a rectangular area of the screen that is used to present information. The term Windows, with a capital W, refers to Microsoft Windows, the most popular operating system and graphical user interface for personal computers.

Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to produce information. Application software resides permanently in storage, such as on a hard disk. You load a program into a memory when you need

to use it. When you think of the different ways that people use computers in their careers or in their personal lives, you are thinking of examples of application software.

Most computer users do not write their own programs. In some corporation, the information systems department develops custom software programs for unique company applications. Programs required for common business and personal applications can be purchased from software vendors or stores that sell computer products. Purchased programs often are referred to as application software packages, or simply software packages. Some of the more widely used personal computer software packages are word processing, electronic spreadsheet, presentation graphics, database, communications, and electronic mail software.


operating system операційна система//системне ПЗ, що забезпечує середовище для виконання застосувань, надаючи їм за допомогою системних викликів (АРІ) доступ до пристроїв комп'ютера

system software системне ПЗ, потрібне для розробки та виконання

програми, наприклад, ОС, компілятори, налагоджyвачі

application software прикладне ПЗ - програми бухгалтерського обліку, навчальні програми, комп'ютерні ігри та ін..

I. Match the words in the text with their definitions.

1. To reside A. A seller of small articles that can be carried about

or pushed on a cart.

2. Option B. A variant, version, opportunity, or a choice.

3. Vendor C. To belong to.

4. Software package D. The act of finding out, esp. by using numbers.

5. Calculation E. A set of program media sold or offered as a unit.

II. Identify whether the following statements are true or false.

Use the model:

1) Student A: A computer is directed by a series of instructions called a computer program. Student B: Yes, that is true.

2) Purchased programs often are referred to as system software packages.

S. B: No, that is false. These programs are referred to as application software packages.

1. Most computer users write their own programs.

2. Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to produce information.

3. A window is a small picture that is used to represent processing options.

4. One of the more common user interfaces is the graphical user interface, which makes the software easier to use.

5. Programs required for common business and personal applications can be easily written by any PC user.

6. An important part of the application software is a set of programs called the operating system.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below.

1. A window is a rectangular... of the screen that is used to present information.

2. Purchased programs often are referred to as... software packages.

3. Some instructions allow data in memory to be used in calculations such as adding a series of numbers... a total.

4. The graphical user interface combines text and... to make the software easier to use.

5. Before computer programs can be..., the program instructions must be loaded from disk into the memory of the computer.

6. Many different operating systems are... for computers.

available application to obtain performed graphics area

IV. Read and translate the text. Define what parts of speech the words in bold type are. Translate them into Ukrainian.

We see an operating system as the programs that make the hardware useable. In brief, an operating system is the set of programs that controls a computer. Some examples of operating systems are UNIX, Mach, MS- DOS, MS-Windows, Windows/NT, Chicago, OS/2, MacOS, VMS, MVS, and VM.

Controlling the computer involves software at several levels. We will differentiate kernel services, library services, and application-level services, all of which are part of the operating system. The core of the operating system is the kernel, a control program that functions in privileged state (an execution context that allows all hardware instructions to be executed), reacting to interrupts from external devices and to service requests and traps from processes. Generally, the kernel is a permanent resident of the

computer. It creates and terminates processes and responds to their request for service.

Operating Systems are resource managers. The main resource is computer hardware in the form of processors, storage, input/output devices, communication devices, and data.

Some of the operating system functions are: implementing the user interface, sharing hardware among users, allowing users to share data among themselves, preventing users from interfering with one another, scheduling resources among users, facilitating input/output, recovering from errors, accounting for resource usage, facilitating parallel operations, organizing data for secure and rapid access, and handling network communications.

V. Answer the questions.

1. How is a computer directed by?

2. How are computer programs commonly referred to?

3. What are the instructions used for?

4. Who writes the most computer programs?

5. What is the key to productive use of computers?

6. Into what types can software be divided?

7. What does the system software consist of?

8. What is an important part of the system software?

9. What do the instructions in the operating system tell the computer to do?

10. What is an important part of the system software and what does it tell the computer?

11. How is the way the software communicates with you called?

12. What is one of the more common user interfaces and what does it include?

13. What does application software consist of?

14. Where can programs required for common business and personal applications be purchased and how are they referred to?

15. What are the more widely used personal computer software packages?

Read and translate the text.

Operating systems have evolved through a number of distinct phases or generations, which corresponds roughly to the decades.

The 1940’s — First Generations

The earliest electronic digital computers had no operating systems. Machines of that time were so primitive that programs were often entered one bit at time on rows of mechanical switches (plug boards). Programming

languages were unknown (not even assembly languages). Operating systems were unheard of.

The 1950’s — Second Generation

By the early 1950’s, the routine had improved somewhat with the introduction of punch cards. The General Motors Research Laboratories implemented the first operating systems in early 1950’s for their IBM 701. The system of the 50’s generally ran one job at a time. These were called single-stream batch processing systems because programs and data were submitted in groups or batches.

The 1960’s — Third Generation

The systems of the 1960’s were also batch processing systems, but they were able to take better advantage of the computer’s resources by running several jobs at once. So operating systems designers developed the concept of multiprogramming in which several jobs are in main memory at once; a processor is switched from job to job as needed to keep several jobs advancing while keeping the peripheral devices in use.

For example, on the system with no multiprogramming, when the current job paused to wait for other I/O operation to complete, the CPU simply sat idle until the I/O finished. The solution for this problem that evolved was to partition memory into several pieces, with a different job in each partition. While one job was waiting for I/O to complete, another job could be using the CPU.

Another major feature in third-generation operating system was the technique called spooling (simultaneous peripheral operations on line). In spooling, a high-speed device like a disk interposed between a running program and a low-speed device involved with the program in input/output. Instead of writing directly to a printer, for example, outputs are written to the disk. Programs can run to completion faster, and other programs can be initiated sooner when the printer becomes available, the outputs may be printed.

Another feature present in this generation was time-sharing technique, a variant of multiprogramming technique, in which each user has an on­line (i.e., directly connected) terminal. Because the user is present and interacting with the computer, the computer system must respond quickly to user requests, otherwise user productivity could suffer. Timesharing systems were developed to multiprogram large number of simultaneous interactive users.

Text Comprehension. Continue the following sentences.

Work in the groups of two students. Student A begins and student B continues.

The earliest electronic digital computers had...

By the early 1950’s, the routine had improved somewhat with the introduction of...

The systems of the 50’s were called single-stream batch processing systems


The systems of the 1960’s were able to take better advantage of the computer’s resources by...

Operating systems designers developed the concept of multiprogramming

in which...

Another major feature in third-generation operating system was the technique


Another feature present in this generation was...

Time-sharing technique is a variant of...








Вступ................................................................................................................. З

What is a computer?................................................................... 4

Computer Generations.............................................................. 8

The Current and Future Design of Computers. Components.

(Hardware). Computer Input...................................................... 18

Source Data Automation............................................................ 25

Computer Input: Speech/Voice Recognition.................................. 30

Central Processing Unit (CPU)..................................................... 35

Computer Storage Fundamentals................................................ 41

Cache Memory........................................................................ 47

Flash Memory Devices............................................................... 51

Definition of a Hard Disk............................................................ 55

Computer Output.................................................................... 60

History of the Internet. E-mail..................................................... 67

Artificial Intelligence................................................................ 71

Virtual Reality......................................................................... 76

Personal digital assistant (PDA)................................................... 82

DVD players............................................................................ 86

Programming Languages........................................................... 92

Fourth -Generation Languages.................................................. 96

Multimedia........................................................................... 100

Computer Software................................................................. 105

English Ukrainian Glossary........................................................ 112



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