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Form adjective from noun: grass A y 1 3 ⇒
Form adjective from noun: noise D y Form the adjective using the necessary prefix: known B un Form the noun using the necessary suffix: free D dom France is to north of Italy. B) -, the, -; friend made some mistakes in his dictation. A) My; Give... the book, please. C) we; Give... the book, please. + me; Give plural form of ox: +oxen Give plural of book: + books Give plural of leaf: + Leaves Give plural of: a hero +heroes Give plural of a piano +pianos Give plural of a ball + balls Give plural of a city: + Cities Give plural of a Postman: + Postmen Give plural of a river + rivers Give plural of baby: + babies Give plural of body: + Bodies Give plural of child: + Children Give plural of country: + countries Give plural of fox: + foxes Give plural of goose: +geese Give plural of knife: +knives Give plural of man: + men Give plural of mouse: + mice Give plural of roof: + Rooves Give plural of tooth: + teeth Give plural of wife: + wives Give plural of wolf: + Wolves Give plural of woman: + Women Give plural of noun: a deer Give plural of noun: a dress + dress Give plural of noun: a story +stories Give plural of: a fact + facts Give plural of: a hero + heroes Give the 3 forms of the verb: decide + decide-decided-decided Give the 3 forms of the verb: drink + drink-drank-drunk Give the 3 forms of the verb: find + find-found-found Give the 3 forms of the verb: keep + keep-kept-kept Give the 3 forms of the verb: know + know-knew-known Give the 3 forms of the verb: play + play-played-played Give the 3 forms of the verb: sleep +sleep-slept-slept Give the 3 forms of the verb: speak + speak-spoke-spoken Give the opposite to the word: equal C unequal Give the opposite to the word: important A unimportant Give the opposite to the word: official D unofficial Give the opposite to the word: possible A impossible Give the superlative degree of young + The youngest group of farmers were sitting in village house. A) a, -, the; Have the workers done their work? -Yes,.... + they have; Have you got______luggage? Let me help you. a) any He...(buy) an English book today. +E has bought He with his family now. His sons so much exited. D) is, are; He drives______than Bob. a) more cautiously He enjoyed his life there. He had_______friends and they met quite often. a) few He has... friends in this town and he feels lonely. + few; He is keen... ancient languages. B) on; He is wonderful teacher. He teaches History. A) a, -; He is an old friend of.... C) ours; He is an old friend of.... + ours; He is going... for sports. C) in; He is keen... ancient languages. + on; He is rich and famous.-.... + So am I; He is the most handsome man I ever . +C have known He keeps trying although there is______chance of success. a) much He moved there some years ago, in 1950. + nineteen fifty; He tries to do... morning exercises every morning. A) his; He tries to do... morning exercises every morning. + his; He usually gets up... half past seven. B) at; He was found guilty______robbing the bank. a) of He washed and dressed.... C) himself;