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Translate the following word-groups.Стр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒
Text А THE LASER TECHNOLOGY TODAY AND TOMORROW Pretext exercises Read the following words and expressions and try to guess their meaning.
Lasers, radiation, luminescent crystal, granite, institute of physics, quantum generator, optical generator, gas generator, transform, electrical energy, percent, maximum, extremely economical, laser reflectors, American astronauts, continent, potential, laser technology.
5.2. Read the following words and notice their pronunciation.
Memorize the following words and expressions
Translate the following word-groups. Lasers produce; they were invented; nobody knew; they seem likely to be useful; they were called; the laser has become; it has caused; atoms emit; scientists have developed; the laser beam can be focused; its accuracy has allowed; surgeons have found; a laser beam will be employed; laser is able to transform; laser industry will find; scientists foresee; the importance continues to stimulate; generator has been developed.