

accommodate, v ,
accommodation, n , , ,
< > in a first class hotel , -
accountant, n
accounts department, n ()
acknowledge, v
to < > receipt
addressee, n ,
addresser, n ,
advertisement, n , -
trade < >
< > in the press
to place an < >
advise, v ,
agenda, n
to adopt the < >
to put on the < >
agreement, n ,
annual, adj ,
< > budget
< > conference
< > earnings ,
applicant, n , ,
job< >
application, n , ,
< > for admission
< > for a job
< > form ,
to make an < > for a job
appoint, v 1) ,
to < > smb. manager - ; 2) , , ..
appointment, n 1) ; 2) , ; 3) - ,
to hold an< >
to make an < > with smb. - , -
to keep an < >
to break an < >
appreciate, v , -
arrange, v 1) , ; 2) ,
< > a meeting
arrangement, n (pl) , , , ,
assist, v 1) , ; 2) ,
< > the meeting
attach, v
< > a booklet to the letter
attend, v , ( , ..)
< > school
< > a meeting
available, adj , -
< > in the stock
< > for sale
bill, n
to pay a < >
to settle a < >
hospital < >
hotel < > -
telephone < >
utility (gas, electricity, water) < > -
book, v , ,
< > accommodation -
booking, n
< > office
book-keeping, n , -
booklet, n ,
caller, n ; ,
charges, n ,
hotel room < >
all < > included
freight < >
banking < > ,
claim, n ,
to raise a < >
clerk, n 1) , ; 2) . ,
concerning, prep. ,
congratulate, v
< > smb. on smth. - -
< > smb. on the occasion of -
congratulation, n (usually pl.)
offer / extend congratulations on smth. -
confirm, v , -
< > an order
< > a price
< > reservation / the booking ()
< > a signature
confirmation, n
consider, v ,
< > a contract
< > an application
consideration, n ,
consume, v
consumer, n
< > demand
< > goods
< > market
< > price
contact, v ,
< > smb. c -, - -
copy, n 1) ; 2)
< > of a document
< > of a contract
curriculum vitae , -
customer, n , ,
< > complaint
< > demand
< > profile ,
< > services
at (the) customers option
commercial< >
deal with, v , ,
< > a problem (order) / ()
delay, n , , ,
< > period
< > of shipment
delay, v , ,
< > delivery
< > payment
dispatch, v , , -
< > under separate cover
< > by registered mail
< > by parcel post
discount, n c,
< > from the price
< > in the amount of
< > of
< > store
discount, v
draft, n ,
< > contract
due to, prep , , -
< > above reasons
< > the accident
< > unforeseen circumstances - -
employ, v , -
to be employed by
employee, n ;
to hire, take on an < >
to dismiss, fire, sack an < > ,
make an < > redundant -
full-time < > ,
part-time < > ,
employer, n , ,
enclose, v 1) ( ); 2)
< > with the letter
engagement, n ,
to cancel an < >
enquire, v . inquire
error, n
clerical < > , ,
expense, n ,
at smbs < > -
at ones own < >
legal < >
operating < >
overhead < >
personal < >
extension, n ( , )
facsimile, n 1) , ; 2) , - ,
facsimile, adj
< > communication
< > transmitter
< > transmission
< > receiver
flight, n , ,
one-way < >
return < > / round-trip
forward, v
further, adj ,
< > information
< > to our letter
< > training
greeting, n ,
to exchange greetings
to send greetings
cordial greetings
official greetings
goods, n , ,
consumer < >
domestic < >
home-made < > -
manufactured < >
retail < >
stationary < >
inconvenience, n ,
to cause < > to smb. - -
inquire, v ,
inquiry, n
official < >
price < >
to make an < >
interview, n , , -, ,
an < > for a job
job < >
to conduct an < > ,
to give, grant an < >
personal < > ,
inventory, n , , ,  
to keep < > ,
issue, n ( , . , )
current < >
itinerary, n (. )
to plan an < >
to prepare an < >
launch, v
to < > a new product
to < > a new model in the market
leaflet, n
lot, n (, )
mail, n 1) ( ); 2) ( )
air < >
surface < > (amer. overland < >) ( )
electronic < >
express < > -
to send the < >
to forward < > ,
to deliver the < >
domestic < >
incoming < >
outgoing < >
return < > ,
registered < >
manager, n , , , , -
manageress, n (),
managerial, adj , -,
< > skills
< > abilities
< > staff
manufacture, n 1) , ; 2) ,
commercial < >
joint < >
large-scale < >
wholesale < >
< > of products
manufacture, v ,
manufacturer, n , , -
market, n
black < >
car < >
competitive / free < >
currency < >
domestic / internal < >
external / overseas < >
international < >
major, n (.) - ; ,
< > in economics /
my < > at the university is (was)
memorandum (memo), n , ( , )
merchandise, n
fashion < >
fast-moving < >
retail < >
message, n , ,
to leave a < > for smb. - -
to leave a < > with smb. - -
notify, v
< > smb. of smth. - -
offer, v
< > a price
< > goods at the price of
< > for sale
offer, n 1) ; 2) ( )
order, n
order, v
owing to -, , ,
package, n , ,
pager, n
parcel, n ,
payroll, n
personnel, n , (, )
position, n ,
to apply for a < >
high < >
temporary < >
managerial < >
post, n 1) , ; 2) , ; 3) ,
by < >
by return (of post)
by registered < >
by parcel < > , -
to hold a < >
preliminary, adj ,
price-list, n
consumer goods < > -
< > for services
to draw up / to make up a < >
processing, n
data < >
word < >
word < > typewriter
promote, v ,
to < > to the post of
to be promoted to the post of 1) ; 2) ,
to < > products
to < > trade
promotion, n 1) ; 2) ,
to win ones < >
sale < >
export < >
< > program
provide, v 1) , ; 2)
< > smb. with smth. - -
< > a guarantee
< > a service
purchase, n , ( - )
to make some purchases
< > on credit
< > for cash
qualification, n ; , -
professional < > -
doctors < >
qualifications in teaching
to have the qualification for the job
quote, v ,
range, n , ,
< > of goods
receipt, n 1) ; 2) ,
reception, n , ,
formal / official < >
to give / hold a < > ,
receptionist, n 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
receive, v ,
< > a fee
< > an order
< > a delegation
reciprocate, v ( );
< > ones hospitality
< > for ones kindness -
refer, v
< > to smb. / smth. - -
reference, n 1) - -; 2) ( -)
with < > to ,
< > letter
regarding ,
regards, n ,
send smb.s < > -
cordial < >
with best personal < >
regulations, n , ,
in accordance with the < >
rules and regulations
require, v , -
requirement, n
admission requirements
customers requirements
market requirements
product requirements ,
quality requirements
reserve, v , -,
< > a single room
< > a seat
reservation, n , -
make a < >
cancel a < > ,
confirm a < >
resume, n , - ,
chronological < >
functional < >
salary, n , ,
to raise salaries
to earn, get, receive a < >
to cut, reduce < > ,
to pay a < >
annual < >
modest < >
fixed < > ,
salesmanship, n ,
sample, n
advertising < >
commerce < >
display < >
free < > ,
production < > ,
seat, n ( ), ( )
business-class < > ( )
first-class < >
to book a < >
serviceman, n
a television < >
shareholder, n ,
schedule, n ,
< > of delivery
< > of payments
ship, v
shorthand, n
< > typist -
specify, v 1) , -; 2) , ; 3)
< > time of delivery
specification, n ,
< > of goods
< > sheet
spouse, n ;
stay, n ,
staff, n ; ; ;
administrative < >
executive < >
expatriate < > , -
maintenance < >
office < >
reduce the < >
managerial < > -
permanent < > , -
temporary < >
stock, n , , ( )
submit, v
< > to arbitration
< > a plan -
< > a receipt
< > for approval
switchboard, n
< > operator
terms, n (pl)
contract < >
delivery < >
favourable < >
general < >
payment < >
purchase < >
sale < >
technical < >
training, n
< > period
transmit, v ,
< > money
vacancy, n ,
word processor, n ( )




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