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Abreaction Academic ability grouping Academic achievement tests Academic aptitude tests Academic success and grouping Academic underachievement Accident proneness and prevention Achievement need Acquired drives Act psychology Action potential Adolescence Adolescent development Adolescent identity formation Adolescent sex offenders Adopted children Adrenal glands Adult development Adult intellectual development Advertising Affiliation need Age differences Aging and intelligence Alcoholism treatment Algorithmic-heuristic theory Alienation (political) All-or-none law Allport-Vernon-Lindzey scale Alzheimer's disease American Board Of Professional Psychology American Council on Education Analysis of covariance Analysis of variance Ancient theories of dreams Animal communication Animal hypnosis Animal models Animal parental behavior Animal sexual behavior Animal sociobiology Animals raised as humans Animals surrogate parents Anticipation method Anxiety Apparent size Appetite disorders Applied research Approaches to learning Aptitude testing Artistic morphology Assertiveness training Assessing children for psychotherapy Attention Attention span Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD Attitude theory Auditory discrimination Auditory disorders Auditory localization Auditory perception
Background characteristics Backward conditioning Barnum effect Battered people Bayley scales of infant development Beck depression inventory Behavior therapy — problems and issues Behavioral contracts Behavioral contrast Behavioral genetics Behavioral inhibition Behavioral intervention Behavioral medicine Behavioral modeling Behavioral toxicology Behaviorally anchored rating scales Behaviorism Bender gestalt Benton visual retention scale Bibliotherapy Bilingualism Bioenergetics Biofeedback Biographical inventories Biological rhythms Birth injuries Birth order Birth order and personality Birth trauma Bisexuality Blacky Pictures Block design test Blocking Body image Bogardus social distance scale Bonding and attachment Borderline personality Boredom Brain Brain injuries Brain laterally Brain waves Breast-feeding Brief psychotherapy Brief therapy Buffering hypothesis Bystander involvement
Cafeteria feeding Camphill movement Canalization Career choices Career counseling Career development Causal reasoning Central limit theorem Central nervous system Central nervous system disorders Central tendency measures Central traits Cerebral localization Cerebral palsy Change induction groups Character disorders Chemical brain stimulation Child abuse Child guidance clinics Child neglect Child psychology Childhood neurosis Childhood psychoses Children's behavioral stages Children's fears Choice reaction time Chromosome disorders Circadian rhythm Classical conditioning Classroom dynamics Clerical aptitude testing Client-centered therapy Climate and personality Clinical assessment Clinical judgment Clinical psychology graduate training Clinical versus statistical prediction Clucter analysis Cocktail party phenomenon Coding Cognition Cognitive abilities Cognitive behavior therapy Cognitive complexity Cognitive dissonance Cognitive interventions with older persons Cognitive learning styles Cognitive maps Cognitive psychophysiology Cognitive theories of emotion Cognitive therapies Cohort differences College academic prediction Color vision Columbia Mental Maturity Scale Communication processes Communication skills training Communication theory Community psychology Comparative psychology Competency in psychology Complexes Compulsive personality Computed tomography Computer software Computerized Adaptive Testing Comrey personality scales Concept learning Conceptual learning and development Conditioned reflex therapy Conditioning of compensatory reactions Conduct disorder Confidence limits Conflict mediation Conflict resolution Conflict resolution therapy Conforming personality Conformity Congenital infections Conjoint therapy Connectionism Consciousness Constancy Constitutional types Consumer psychology Contamination (statistical) Contextual association Control groups Control of behavior Control of variables Controlled drinking Conversion disorder Convulsive shock therapy Cooperation/competition Coping Correlation and regression Correlation methods Counseling Counseling psychology Counselor education Counterconditioning Covert conditioning Cranial nerves Creativity Creativity measures Credentialing Crespi effect Crime Criminal responsibility Crisis intervention Criterion in employment Criterion measure Critical incident technique Cross-cultural counseling Cross-cultural psychological assessment Cross-cultural psychology Cross-cultural training programs Crowding Crucial experiments in psychology Cultural bias in tests Cultural determinism Cultural differences Culture and psychotherapy Culture fair tests Culture shock Culture-bound disorders Current psychotherapies Curriculum development Curvilinear relationship Cutaneous senses Cybernetics Cyclothymic personality
Day hospitals Day-care centers Death anxiety Deception Decortication Defence mechanisms Deindividuation Delirium tremens Delusional disorders Dementia Dependency Dependent personality Dependent variables Depression Deprivation effects Deprogramming Depth perception Dermatitis Descriptive psychology Determinism / indeterminism Development of human social behavior Developmental counseling Deviance Deviant maturation Diachronic versus synchronic models Diagnoses Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Dialectic Dictionary of occupational titles, DOT Differential Aptitude Tests, DAT Differential psychology Digestive system Discovery learning Displacement Dispositional sets Distribution of practice Distributive justice Divorce Doctor of psychology degree Double bind Double-alternation learning Down syndrome (mongolism) Dreams Dress Driver's license testing Drug addiction Drug rehabilitation Drug users' treatment Dynamic psychology
Ear Early childhood development Early childhood education Early recollections East-West psychology Eating disorders Eclectic psychotherapy Eclecticism Ecological psychology Ecological validity Education testing service Educational assessment Educational mainstreaming Educational psychology Edwards personal preference schedule, EPPS Effective components of psychotherapy Effectiveness of psychotherapy Ego development Ego-state theory and therapy Eidetic psychotherapy Electrical nervous system stimulation Electroconvulsive therapy Electrodermal activity Embrio and fetus Emerging psychotherapies Emotion and memory Emotional contagion Emotions Empathy Empirical research methods Empirism Employee productivity Employment practices Encopresis Encouragement Endorphins/enkephalins Enuresis Environmental measures Environmental psychology Environmental stress Epidemiology of mental disorders Epilepsy Epistemology psychological Equity Ergopsychometry Eriksonian developmental stages Errors (type I and II) Escape—avoidance learning Ethical problems in psychology Ethical treatment of animals Ethics of psychological research Ethnic groups Ethnic minorities Ethnocentrism Ethology Evolution Executive selection Exchange theory Exhibitionism Existential psychology Existential psychotherapy Existentialism Exit interviews Exorcism Expectancy theory Experiential psychotherapy Experimental aesthetics Experimental controls Experimental designs Experimental methods Experimental neurosis Experimental psychology Experimenter effects Expert testimony Expressive arts Extrasensory perception Extroversion/introversion Eye Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing Eye movements Eyewitness testimony
Facial expressions Factitious disorders Factor analysis Factor-analyzed personality questionnaires Factorial designs Faculty psychology Fads and fashions Family crises Family therapy Fantasy Fatigue Fear Fears throughout the life span Fechner's law Female sexual dysfunction Feminist therapy (I, II) Fiducial limits Field dependency Field experimentation Field research Field theory Fight/flight reaction Figure/ground Fixed-role therapy Flesch formulas Flooding Focusing Food deprivation Forced-choice testing Foreign language aptitude Forensic psychology Forgetting Form/shape perception Formative theory of personality Fragile X syndrome Free recall Freewill Freedom Frequency judgment Fromm's theory Frustration-aggression hypothesis Functional analysis Functional autonomy Functional psychology Functionalism Fundamental attribution error, FAE
Galilean / Aristotelian thinking Gambler's fallacy Gambling behavior Geisteswissenschaftliche psychologie Gender role stress General adaptation syndrome General Aptitude Test Battery General intelligence factor Genetic disorders Genetic dominance and recessiveness Genetic fitness Genius Geriatric psychology Gerontology Gestalt psychology Gestalt therapy Gestures Gifted and talented children Glands and behavior Global crises Grading in education Graduate education Graduate record examination (GREs) Graduate training in psychology Graphology GRIT Gross motor skill learning Group cohesiveness Group counseling Group dynamics Group pressure Group problem solving Group psychotherapy Grow Guttman scale
Habituation Halfway houses Hallucinations Hallucinogenic drugs Halo effect Halstead—Reitan battery Hand test Handedness Handicapped, attitudes toward Handicaps Hawthorne effect Health care services Health psychology Healthy personality Helping behavior Heredity and intelligence Heritability Heritability of personality Heroin addiction Heterosynaptic facilitation Hidden figure test Higher-order conditioning Histrionic personality Holistic health Holtzman inkblot technique Homelessness Homeostasis Homosexuality Honesty tests Hopelessness Hormic psychology Hormones and behavior Horney's theory Hospice Hostage negotiations Hot line services House-tree-person test Human behavioral rhythms Human courtship patterns Human development Human factors Human potential Human relations training Human services Human sexuality Humanistic psychology Humor Humoral theory Hunger Huntington's chorea Hyperactivity Hypertension Hypnosis Hypnosis as a research tool Hypnotic age regression Hypothalamus Hypothesis testing Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
Identity crisis Identity formation Idiot savant Imagery Imaginary companions Imagless thought: the Wurzburg school Imitative learning Immature personality Immunological functioning Impasse/priority therapy Impression formation Inborn errors of metabolism Incentives Incomplete sentences Independent personalities Independent practice Individuality theory Industrial consultants Industrial psychology Industrial/organizational psychology Infant development Infant perceptual abilities Infant socialization Infection theory Inferiority feelings Information processing Information-processing theory Inhibitory conditioning Inner/outer-directed behavior Innovative Psychotherapies Insight learning Instructional systems development, ISD Instructional theory Instrument design Integrity groups Intelligence measures Interdisciplinary treatment Internal validity International conferences International organizations of psychology Interpersonal attraction Interpersonal communication Interpersonal perception Interpersonal skills development Intervener survival Intervening variable Interviewing (selection) Intrinsic motivation Irritable bowel syndrome
James—Lange theory of emotions Job analysis Job evaluation Job satisfaction Job security Job status Judgment and decision making Jury psychology Juvenile delinquency
Kuder occupational interest survey
Labeling theory Language development Language in great apes Late-life forgetting Lateral dominance Law of filial regression Law of parsimony Leadership and supervision Leadership effectiveness Leadership styles Leadership training Learned helplessness Learning curves Learning disabilities Learning outcomes (I, II) Learning strategies Least preferred coworker scale Leisure counseling Leiter international performance scale Lens model (Brunswick) Lesch—Nyhan syndrome Level of aspirations Libido Lie detection Life events Life-span development Lifestyle assessment Likert scaling Limbic system Limen Literature and psychology Lobotomy Locus of control Logical positivism Logotherapy Loneliness Longitudinal studies Loss and grief Love Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery
Magical number seven Magnitude estimation Make-A-Picture-Story Test Male sexual dysfunction Malingering Malnutrition and human behavior Man-to-man scale Managed mental health care Management decision making Management development Manic-depresive personality Marasmus Marathon therapy Marijuana Marital adjustment Marital interaction styles Marriage counseling Marriage counseling in groups Masculine protest Masturbation Maternal deprivation Mathematical learning theory Mechanisms of group psychotherapy Mechanistic theory Medical model of psychotherapy Medieval thinking Memory Memory disorders Memory experiments Memory retrieval processes Mental health programs Mental health teams Mental illness — attitudes toward — early history Mental imagery Mental measurement yearbooks Mental retardation Merrill-Palmer Scales Metaanalysis Metapsychology Michigan picture test Microdiagnosis Microtraining Middle age Middle childhood Military psychology Miller analogies test Millon behavioral health inventory Millon clinical multiaxial inventory Mill's canons Mind—body problem Mindlessness — mindfulness Mindlessness—mindfulness Minimal brain dysfunction (diagnosis) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Mixed standard scale Mnemonic Systems Mnemonics Mob psychology Models Moderated multiple regression Molar—molecular constructs Monism / dualism Montessory method Mooney problem checklist Moral development Morale in organizations Morita therapy Motivation Movement therapy Multicultural counseling Multidimensional Scaling Multimodal therapy Multiple correlation Multiple family therapy Multiple Personality Multiple regression Multiple sclerosis Multivariate analysis methods Munchausen syndrome by proxy Muscle relaxation Music therapy Myth of mental illness Myths
Naikan therapy Narcissistic personality National character National College Of Professional Psychology National Education Association National Training Laboratory Natural selection Naturalistic observation Nature-nurture controversy Naturwissenschaftliche psychologie Near-death experiences Need-press theory Needs assessment Neglected children Negotiation Neobehaviorism Neonatal development Neopsychoanalytic school Neural mechanisms of learning Neural network models Neurochemistry Neurolinguistics Neuromuscular disorders Neuropsychological assessment Neuropsychological development Neuropsychology Neurosurgery Neurotoxic substances Neurotransmitters Nonconforming personality Nondirective psychoanalysis Nonparametric statistical tests Nonprofessionals in mental health Nonverbal behavior Nonverbal intelligence tests Nonverbal therapies Normal development Nude group therapy Null hypothesis testing Nymphomania
Obedience Obesity Obesity treatments Objective psychology Observational methods Obsessive-compulsive personality Occultism Occupational adjustment Occupational clinical psychologist Occupational clinical psychology Occupational counseling Occupational interests Occupational stress Oedipus complex Older adults: mood and memory Olfaction Only children Open education Operant behavior Operant conditioning Operational definition Operationalism Opinion polls Optimal functioning Organic psychoses Organic syndromes Organizational climate Organizational diagnosis Organizational psychology Orgone therapy Outplacement counseling
Pain Pain: coping strategies Panic disorders Paradigms Paradoxical intervention Paradoxical sleep Parametric statistical tests Paranoia Paranoid personality Parapsychology Parasympathetic nervous system Parent education Parent—child relations Parkinson's disease Passive-aggressive personality Pastoral counseling Peabody picture vocabulary test Peace psychology Peak experiences Pediatric psychology Pedophilia Peer counseling Peer group therapy Peer influences Peer tutoring Pencil-and-paper intelligence tests Peptic ulcer Perception Perceptual development Perceptual distortions Perceptual organization Perceptual style Perceptual transactionalism Performance appraisal Performance tests Person-centered approach foundations Personal construct theory Personal documents Personal space Personality and illness Personality assessment Personality disorders Personality types Personnel evaluation Personnel selection Personology Persuasive communications Pets Phenomenological method Phenylketonuria Philosophical problems in psychology Philosophical psychotherapy Philosophy of science Phobias Phrenology Phyloanalysis Physical attractiveness Physics and the behavioral sciences Physiognomic perception Physiological needs Physiological psychology (nonreductionism) Piaget's theory Pick's disease Pituitary Pituitary disorders Placebo Plant behavior Play development Poetry therapy Police psychology Political values Porteus maze test Positivism Postmodernism Posttraumatic stress disorder Power Power of tests Power: strategies and tactics Praise Precocious development Precocious mathematical reasoners Prejudice and discrimination Premarital counseling Prescription privileges Primal therapy Primary mental abilities Primary prevention of psychopathology Primate behavior Primitive mentality Prisoner's dilemma Privileged communications Probability Productive thinking Professional consultations Professional ethics Program Evaluation Progressive matrices (Raven's) Project talent Projective techniques Propaganda Prosocial behavior Pseudodementia Pseudohermaphrodism Pseudopsychology Psychiatric clinics Psychiatric social work Psychic research Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic stages Psychodrama Psychoendocrinology Psychokinesis Psycholinguistics Psychological assessment Psychological health Psychological laboratories Psychological report writing Psychological science Psychological testing, its survival problems Psychologists as mental health consultants Psychology and the courts Psychology and the law Psychology of money Psychology of music Psychology of the arts Psychology of women Psychometrics Psychoneuroimmunology Psychoneurology Psychopathic personality Psychopharmacology Psychophysical laws Psychophysical methods Psychophysics Psychophysiology Psychosexual stages Psychosomatic disorders Psychosomatics Psychostimulant treatment for children Psychosurgery Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy: common factors Psychotherapy effectiveness Psychotherapy supervision Psychotherapy techniques Psychotherapy training Punishment Purposive behavior Pygmalion effect
Q-sort technique Quadriplegics psychological aspects Quality of life Questionnaires
Race bias in testing Racial differences Random numbers Rankian psychology Rater errors Rating scales Rational-emotive behavior therapy Rationalism Reactance theory Reaction time Reading disability Reading measures Reality therapy Reductionism Reevaluation counseling Reflective listening Reflex arc concept Reflexes Rehabilitation Rehearsal Reinforcement Reinforcement schedules Reinforcers Relationship therapy Relaxation training Reliability of diagnoses Religion and psychology Religious behavior Repertory grid technique Research methodology Residential alternatives Respiratory disorders Response bias Responsibility and behavior Reticular activating system Retirement Rewards Rewards and intrinsic interest Rhythm Right to refuse treatment Right to treatment Rigidity Rites de passage Ritual behavior Role expectations Role playing Role taking Role-play tests Rolfing Rorchach technique Rote learning Runaway behavior
Sadistic ritualistic abuse Sadomasochism Sales psychology Sampling Scaling Scapegoating Schedules of reinforcement Schizoid personality Schizophrenia Schizotypal personality Scholarship and achievement Scholastic aptitude test School adjustment School gangs School learning School phobia School psychologists School readiness School truancy Schools of professional psychology Schools without failure Scientific method Second-signal system Selection tests Selectionism Self-actualization Self-concept Self-control Self-determination Self-disclosure Self-efficacy Self-esteem Self-fulfilling prophecies Self-help groups Self-looking glass concept Semantic differential Senile psychoses Sensation seeking Sensorimotor processes Sensory deprivation Sentence completion tests Sequential methods Set Sex bias in measurement Sex differences — developmental Sex differences in mathematics Sex roles Sex therapies Sex-role development Sexism Sexual abstinence Sexual development Sexual deviations Sexual dysfunction Sexual intercourse, human Sexuality orientation and identity Shamanism Short-term memory Short-term therapy Shyness Sibling relationships Sickle cell disease Signs and symbols Simulation Sin Single parenthood Single-subject research designs Skill learning Sleep Sleep disorders Sleep learning Sleep treatment Sleeper effect Small group therapies Small-sample statistics Smoking behavior Social casework Social class Social cognition Social constructionism Social desirability Social equality Social exchange theory Social influence Social interest Social interventions Social isolation Social learning theories Social phobia Social psychology Social psychophysiology Social skills training Social support Sociobiology Sociodrama Sociology of psychological knowledge Sociometry Sociopsychological determinants of war and peace Soft determinism Somatopsychics Somatotypes Species-specific behavior Specific hungers Speech and hearing measures Speech development Speech disorders Sports psychology Spouse abuse Spouse selection Stanford achievement test Stanford-Binet intelligence scale State-dependent learning Statiatical significance Statistical inference Statistics in psychology Stepchildren Stepparents Stereotyping Stimulants Stimulus Stimulus generalization Stress Stress consequences Structural equation modeling Structural learning theory Structuralism Structure-of-intellect model Study methods Stuttering Sublimation Subliminal influence Subliminal perception Subliminal psychodynamic activation Substance abuse Suggestion therapy Suicide Suicide prevention Superstition Supportive care Surface transportation Surprise Surveys Symbolic interaction Sympathetic nervous system Symptom remission therapy Synesthesia Systems and theories Systems theory
Taboos Tabula rasa Tantrums Task Task design Taste perception Taxonomic systems Teaching machines Teaching undergraduate psychology Team performance Teleological psychology Telephone counseling Temperaments Terminaly ill people Territoriality (I, II) Test anxiety Test standardization Testing and legislation Testing methods Thanatology The ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (revision) The sixteen personality factor questionnaire The unconscious Thematic apperception test Theoretical psychology Theories of sleep Therapies for institutionalized elderly psychiatric patients Therapy trainees Thorndike's laws of learning Thought disturbances Thurstoune Scaling Time perspective Time-limited psychotherapy Toilet training Token economies Tool using Topological psychology Trait psychology Tranquilizing drugs Transactional analysis Transcendental meditation Transfer of training Transpersonal psychology Transsexualism Transvestism Two-process learning theory
Unconscious inference Unconscious information processing Universal health care Unobtrusive measures Unstructured therapy groups
Variables in Research Vector approach to psychotherapy Victimology Video psychology Vineland social maturity scale Violence Visual imagery Visual perception Vitalism Vocabulary tests Vocational Interest Measurement Vocational rehabilitation
Waldorf education Walk-in clinics Weber's law Wechsler intelligence tests Weight contlol Witchcraft Wonderlic personnel test Word association test Word frequency Work and play Work efficiency Work-rest cycles Work-space designs Working memory
Z-process Z-score Zen-buddhism Zeigarnic effect Zwaardemaker odor system