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Tula State University
e.g. The University trains highly qualified specialists in various branches of science.
e.g. One has to work hard at a foreign language to know it well.
Names of Faculties.
Names of Subjects
Text. Tula State University
Well - known scientists were on the staff at different times: mathematician V.I. Zhivago, chemist F.K. Yerke, Honoured Scientists of the RSFSR F.V. Sedikin and V.F. Bobrov, doctors of sciences D.I. Burtsev, L.N. Litvinov and others. The University has 13 faculties, including the faculty for those who work and study. The University is housed in 13 blocks, situated in Lenin Avenue, the main street of Tula. The student population is more than 12000: above 10 thousand students study at the day department and more than 2000 students - at the evening and correspondence departments. The University has a splendid scientific library for reference and research. It contains more than 1.000.000 books and has 8 reading-rooms and 5 sections. Graduates can get degrees in 34 specialities in machine-building, instrument-engineering, civil engineering, humanities, economics and medicine areas. Active research is being carried out at the University to find out and introduce new efficient teaching methods. The University has a number of scientific schools which have got recognition both in our country and abroad. Professors, Associate Professors and lecturers deliver lectures on various subjects. At the University there are 10 specialized academic councils on awarding doctor’s and candidate’s degrees. 15 doctor’s and 70 candidate’s theses are annually submitted. Today 120 postgraduates are taking postgraduate courses at the University. International relations of the University are expanding. Students from abroad have been trained at the University since 1962. They come from Poland, Bulgaria, Viet-Nam, China, India and other countries. University students and its staff have their own policlinic and sanatorium. A sports complex with play grounds and a gymnasium is available for students as well.
I. Read the text ' Tula State University' and ask your fellow students: 1) when Tula State University was founded; 2) if the University is one of the largest education establishments in our country; 3) where the University is situated; 4) how many blocks the University is housed in; 5) how many faculties the University has; 6) what faculty he (she) studies at; 7) where the dean’s office of his (her) faculty is situated; 8) who is the dean of his (her) faculty; 9) what year student he (she) is; 10) when he (she) entered the University; 11) if he (she) lives in a hostel; 12) how long the training course at the University lasts.
II. Name: a) the people who work and study at the University; b) the faculties of the University; c) the subjects studied at the University. III. Give synonyms for the following word combinations:
to be present at lectures; to leave school; to be a first year student; to be absent from lectures; correspondence department; to be housed; education institution.
IV. Give antonyms for the following:
to attend lectures; to pass an examination; to be good at a subject; to miss lectures; part-time students; final examinations; to enter the University; a fresher.
V. Say in English:
учиться на втором курсе; быть высококвалифицированным специалистом; делать успехи по физике; читать лекции по математике; поступить в университет; хорошо успевать по иностранному языку; закончить университет; закончить школу; не выдержать экзамен; сделать все возможное; сдать экзамен.
VI. Make sure that you can translate the following sentences both ways: from English into Russian and from Russian into English.
VII. Correct the statements. Use the following: Sorry, you are not right. I’m afraid, you are wrong. 1. Students who are in the first year submit graduation papers. 2. Our University is housed in one block. 3. The University has no professors on its staff. 4. The course of study at the University lasts 2 years. 5. Students do not study drawing at our University. 6. Students take exams twice a term. 7. The academic year is divided into 3 terms. 8. The department of foreign languages is situated in the main block.
VIII. Give the definitions. Example: a fresher A fresher is a first year student. A post-graduate, entrance exams, a full-time student, a part-time student, profound knowledge, final exams, a highly qualified specialist.
IX. What do you do if (when) ... you are a student on duty? ... your classes are over? ... the academic year is over? ... the term is over? ... you pass your exams successfully? ... you fail in an examination?
X. Make up as many sentences as you can:
XI. Speak about the faculty you study at. Why have you chosen this particular faculty? XII. Advertise your university to a group of foreign students. Explain why you’ve become a student of this university.
a) Read the dialogues in pairs.
I. A. Where do you study? B. I study at Tula State University. A. Do you like the University? B. Yes, I do.
II. A. My brother is a third-year student. B. Does he study at Tula State University? A. Yes, he does. He studies at the Faculty of Economics. And what about you? B. I study at the Faculty of Cybernetics, I am a first-year student.
III. A. What is your future speciality? B. My speciality is robotics. A. Where do industrial robots work? B. They work in dangerous environments, for example under extreme high or low temperatures.
IV. A. When did you finish school? B. In 1998. A. And when did you enter the Institute? B. I entered the Institute a year later.
V. A. Did you pass your winter exams successfully? B. Unfortunately, I didn’t. I failed in mathematics. Mathematics was always my week point.
VI. A. Hullo, Peter. Glad to see you. B. Hullo, Bob. How did you spend your holidays? A. Thanks, very well. I went skiing almost every day. The weather was fine!
b) Complete the following dialogues:
I. A. Sorry, but where is the dean’s office of your faculty located? B.... A. By the way, who is the dean of your faculty? B....
II. A.... B. I am a first year student. A.... B. I try to do my best.
III. A. Oh, I see you are a student. What faculty are you at? B.... A. What foreign language do you study? B....
c) Say in English: 1. Я учусь в Тульском Государственном Университете на факультете кибернетики. 2. Мой брат учится на механико-математическом факультете. 3. Мы изучаем физику, математику, черчение и другие предметы. 4. Я учу иностранный язык, т.к. хочу стать высококвалифицированным специалистом. 5. Наши занятия начинаются обычно в 8 часов. 6. Студенты нашего университета слушают лекции, проводят эксперименты в лабораториях, пишут курсовые работы. 7. Мы сдаем экзамены 2 раза в год. 8. В прошлом семестре я не сдал физику. Физика всегда была моим слабым местом. 9. На каком факультете учится твой друг? 10. Мой брат не принимает активного участия в научно-исследовательской работе. 11. Моя сестра не любит иностранный язык. 12. Мой друг хочет освоить компьютер.
I. Read the following sayings and explain them: 1. Knowledge is power. 2. A man is never too old to learn. 3. Where there is a will there is a way. 4. Live and learn.
II. How many English words do you know? (a game) Each player must take a large sheet of paper. Write the word “education” on it vertically.
Try to find words: nouns for the first column, verbs for the second column and other parts of speech for the third one. Mind, the words must begin with the letters that are in the word “education”. After all the players finish their work, let them read the words in turn. The winner is the player with most words.
III. Read the jokes and retell them to your friend.
Prof.: “Before we begin the examination are there any questions? ” Stud.: “What’s the name of this course? ”
*** Math. teacher: “Now we find that X is equal to zero”. Stud.: “Gee! All that work for nothing! ” ___________________ Gee! - восклицание удивления или недовольства
*** At a college examination a professor said: “Does the question embarrass you? ” “Not at all, sir, ” replied the student, “not at all. It is the answer that bothers me.” ___________________ embarrass, v - смущать, затруднять bother, v - тревожить, беспокоить
“If the Dean doesn’t take back what he said to me this morning, I am going to leave college.” “What did he say? ” “He told me to leave college.”
The professor was delivering the final lecture of the term. He dwelt with much emphasis on the fact that each student should devote all the intervening time preparing for the final examinations. “The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer. Are there any questions to be asked? ” Silence prevailed. Suddenly a voice from the rear inquired: “Who is the printer? ”
In one of college classes the professor was unable to stay for the class, so he placed a sign on the door which read as follows: “Professor Blank will be unable to meet his classes to-day.” Some college lad, seeing his chance to display his sense of humour after reading the notice, walked up and erased the “c” in the word “classes”. The professor noticing the laughter wheeled around, walked back, looked at the student, then at the sign with the “c” erased - calmly walked up and erased the “l” in “lasses”, looked at the flabbergasted student and proceeded on his way. ___________________ wheel around, v - повернуться, обернуться назад lass, n - девушка ass, n - осел flabbergasted, аdj - ошеломленный proceeded on one’s way - продолжать свой путь Unit 3
Grammar: 1. Past Indefinite (Past Simple) Tense. Active Voice 2. Future Indefinite (Future Simple) Tense. Active Voice 3. The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 4. Numerals Texts: A. American Teenagers and their Free Time B. Leisure-time Activities Conversation: My Working Day