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Across Down
1. Some species are this 1.An endangered species 9. Large predatory cat 2.Near (poetic) 10. Road (abbr.) 3.Domestic animal 11. What we breathe 4.Indefinite article 13. That which encloses some animals 5.A color before birth 6.Past-tense marker 14. Exist 7.A time to celebrate the 15. Planting this will help the environment (2 words) environment 8.Expire; cease to live 16. Often pronounced like " f 12.Scan written matter with the eyes 17. Finger-like part of the foot 14.Made (someone) uninterested by 18. That thing dull talk; drilled a hole 19. Gains; deserves; gets (money) by 15.The seventh note in the sol-fa working musical scale (between la and do); a 20. Past tense of hide tropical plant 22. North-Northeast 17.Light brown 23. Strange; unusual; opposite of even 19.The power that does work and 24. Endangered ocean animal drives machines 26. Small pie 21. Not working; not doing anything 29. South America (abbr.) 23. Exclamation of surprise 30. Japanese unit of money 24. A liquid necessary for life; H2O 31. Sweet substance 25. Go in 33. Preposition 27. Motor car; vehicle for carrying 35. Write on a machine; class or sort people 36. Follow as a result; happen 28. Narrow magnetic material used for afterwards recording sound 38. Negative 32. Concerning; about; second note or 39. At liberty; not enslaved the sol-fa musical scale 34. Number; unit 37. Southeast
U n i t 7
Г р а м м а т и ч е с к и й м а т е р и а л
1. Времена группы Continuous. (Continuous Tenses. Продолженные времена) Времена группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future) выражают незаконченное действие, т. е. действие в процессе его совершения. Времена группы Continuous образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола.
Present Continuous Tense (Active Voice)
1. а) При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол to be ставится перед подлежащим; б) при образовании отрицательной формы отрицание not ставится после вспомогательного глагола to be.
Present Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения действия, происходящего в момент речи или в отрезок времени, к которому момент речи относится. The students are busy now, they are writing their test papers. Студенты сейчас заняты, они пишут контрольную работу.
Scientists all over the world are looking for new scientific methods. Ученые всего мира ищут новые научные методы.
2. Глаголы в Present Continuous Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами настоящего времени несовершенного вида.
Past Continuous Tense (Active Voice)
Past Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения длительного незаконченного действия, имевшего место в определенный момент или период времени в прошлом. Этот момент или период времени может быть выражен: а) обстоятельствами типа:
I was working in the library the whole day yesterday. Вчера я целый день работал в библиотеке.
б) другим действием в прошлом, выраженным глаголом в Past Indefinite Tense. We were discussing a very important problem when he came in. Мы обсуждали очень важную проблему, когда он вошел. Запомните! Глаголы в Past Continuous Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами прошедшего времени несовершенного вида.
Future Continuous Tense (Active Voice)
Обратите внимание! а) При образовании вопросительной формы первый вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим; б) при образовании отрицательной формы отрицание not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола.
Future Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое будет происходить в определенный момент или период времени в будущем. Этот момент или период времени может быть выражен: а) обстоятельствами типа:
Tomorrow they will be translating the article from 5 till 6. Они будут переводить статью с 5-и до 6-и завтра.
б) другим действием в будущем, выраженным глаголом в Present Indefinite Tense. I shall be writing the report when he comes back. Я буду писать доклад, когда он вернется.
Обратите внимание! Глаголы в Future Continuous Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами будущего времени несовершенного вида.
Запомните! 1. Во временах группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future), как правило, не употребляются глаголы: to be - быть; to have - иметь; to see - видеть; to hear - слышать; to feel - чувствовать; to know - знать; to believe - верить; to like - нравиться; to understand - понимать; to seem - казаться; to love - любить; to hate - ненавидеть; to desire - желать; to consider - полагать; to belong - принадлежать. 2. Глагол to go в форме Continuous с последующим инфинитивом с частицей to обозначает намерение совершить действие в ближайшем будущем. На русский язык часто переводится словом собираться. I am going to write a letter. Я собираюсь написать письмо. It is going to rain. Скоро пойдет дождь. (Собирается дождь.)
2. Словообразование. Суффиксы прилагательных (Word-building. The suffixes of adjectives)
Запомните: а) суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных:
- al centre - центр central - центральный nation - нация national - национальный - ous danger - опасность dangerous - опасный fame - слава famous - знаменитый - ful use - польза useful - полезный beauty - красота beautiful - прекрасный - ic history - история historic - исторический energy - энергия energetic - энергичный - y ice - лед icy - ледяной luck - удача lucky - удачливый
б) суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от глаголов:
- able, - ible to break - ломать breakable - ломкий to express - выражать expressible – выразитель- ный - ant, - ent to depend - зависеть dependent - зависимый to resist - сопротивляться resistant - оказывающий сопротивление - ive to act - действовать active - активный to conduct - проводить conductive - проводящий Обратите внимание! 1. Суффикс - less указывает на отсутствие качества (противоположно значению суффикса - ful): use - польза useful - полезный useless - бесполезный power - сила powerful - сильный powerless - бессильный
2. Суффикс - ish указывает на наличие признака в слабой степени или на принадлежность к национальности: red - красный reddish - красноватый Pole - поляк Polish - польский
I. Form Participle I from the verbs given below: to do, to take, to become, to carry, to go, to change, to turn, to flow, to look for, to perform, to talk, to work, to observe, to examine, to grow, to boil, to get, to set.
II. Use the correct form of the verb to be. 1. I... taking five courses this semester. 2. Bill... trying to improve his English. 3. John and Mary... talking on the phone. 4. I need an umbrella because it... raining. 5. We... walking down the street when it began to rain. 6. I couldn’t get you on the phone last night, who... you talking to so long? 7. What... you doing now? 8. She... listening to her favourite music at 8 o’clock tomorrow. 9. What... you... doing when I come?
III. Find the predicates in the following sentences. Define their tense forms. Translate the sentences. 1. The laboratory assistant is writing down the data in the register book. 2. The water in the tube is boiling. 3. The importance of mathematics will be constantly increasing. 4. Even in his childhood Newton was searching out the secrets of nature. 5. The laser is finding the most extensive application in the field of communications. 6. In the process of labour man himself was constantly changing. 7. The group of scientists will be investigating this problem for some years. 8. In 1880 Bessemer’s factory was producing 830, 000 tons of steel a year. 9. The laboratory will be carrying on the same research in the coming two or three years. 10. The thermal fluctuations of plasma are continually changing.
IV. Make the following sentences: a) negative; b) interrogative (general questions). 1. Bessemer was always trying some new idea. 2. Our colleagues are now performing a new set of experiments. 3. The conference is coming to an end now. 4. They will be collecting the data for six weeks. 5. We were discussing some recent works in the field of physics at the conference yesterday. 6. A direct-current motor is driving water-cooling pumps. 7. The sun is emitting energy. 8. He was conducting important observations for some hours two days ago. 9. She will be talking to her scientific adviser at 6 p.m. tomorrow. 10. I shall be writing about some works in the field of my speciality tomorrow’s night.
V. Put all possible special questions. 1. Everybody is talking about the new discovery. 2. They are listening to the lecturer with great attention. 3. My colleagues were taking part in the discussion on the problems of environment all day long yesterday. 4. I am going to do the work all by myself. 5. We are looking for new ideas in science. 6. Before Edison was nine he was collecting things. 7. We shall be discussing your paper first at 3 o’clock the day after tomorrow. 8. They are going to prepare everything for the experiment. 9. Roentgen was working on the problem of electricity during 1895. 10. My wife will be preparing for the report from 5 till 7 next Monday.
VI. Use Present Continuous or Present Indefinite. 1. We (to go) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen! Somebody (to knock) on the door. 3. How often you (to wash) your dog? 4. She can’t come to the phone. She (to wash) her hair. 5. Where (to be) Kate? She usually (to sit) in the front row. I (not to know) why she (to sit) here now. 6. Please, be quiet! The baby (to sleep). 7. What you (to laugh) at? 8. The country-side (to be) wonderful especially when it (to snow). 9. Why you (to smoke) here? - And where people usually (to smoke) in this building?
VII. Complete the sentences using Past Continuous. 1. When you came home.... 2. When the telephone rang.... 3. When I entered.... 4. When we arrived in Moscow.... 5. When the police came.... 6. While she was cooking.... 7. While I was finishing my homework....
VIII. Use Past Indefinite or Past Continuous. 1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 3. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? 4. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 5. What he (to do) yesterday? - He (to read) a book. 6. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? - He (to play) the piano. 7. When I came into the kitchen mother (to cook). 8. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 9. I (not to write) a letter to my friend the day before yesterday. 10. Last summer we (to be) in the country.
IX. Use the verbs in Future Continuous. 1. At this time tomorrow we (to have) an English class. 2. Don’t worry! I (to write) letters to you regularly. 3. When you come they (to train) in the gym. 4. Don’t wait for me. I (to work) for some time. 5. While you are away we (to look after) your children. 6. Don’t leave. We (to have) tea in a few minutes.
X. Match parts A and B. A B 1. She leaves the house at 8.30 1. once a week 2. I’ll be studying in the library 2. next week 3. She is talking to the boss 3. at this time yesterday 4. He goes to the office by car 4. the whole day yesterday 5. I write letters to him 5. tomorrow morning 6. Our exams will be over 6. sometimes 7. It was snowing 7. every day 8. My brother was watching TV 8. now
XI. Choose the proper predicate. Explain your choice. 1. Faraday made some notes when he (was listening, listened) to the lecturer. 2. All over the world hang-gliders (дельтапланы) (are becoming, become) more and more popular. 3. As centuries passed, various handicrafts (developed, were developing). 4. The team of the researchers (has developed, is developing) already a new technique. 5. They often (are speaking, speak) on the subject in general. 6. The new laboratory assistant (is seeming, seems) very efficient. 7. He (is going, will be going) to finish this work this month. 8. The scientist (will be reporting, will report) the observations at the coming symposium. 9. These studies (are being, are) of particular importance. 10. I (have obtained, is obtaining) recently some further information on the subject.
XII. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs given in brackets. 1. The engineer (to explain) the operation of this device now. 2. Each scientist usually (to run) his test under different conditions. 3. The talk (to bring about) a discussion at the last conference. 4. If the atom (to have) a shortage of electrons, it will have a positive charge. 5. Our laboratory (to develop) a new semiconductor device this month. 6. Last night he (to speak) in favour of our suggestion. 7. The test (to come) to an end by the time they came. 8. The authors (to observe) the phenomenon in studies of a different kind all the year round. 9. At present my research group (to conduct) a series of experiments. 10. After the authors (to observe) the phenomenon in studies of a different kind they (to take up) the problem. 11. I currently (to collect) data for my scientific work.
XIII. Use to be going to instead of will + Infinitive. 1. He’ll finish his article in two days. 2. Prof. B. will complete his research this year. 3. They’ll report the observations at the coming symposium. 4. The conference will start its work at 10 in the morning. 5. Your co-worker will be busy with his experiment the whole day tomorrow. 6. The laboratory of our University will take up the study of this phenomenon in the near future. 7. They will have the discussion at the end of the meeting. 8. The study of such complex problems will be difficult. 9. The authors of this discovery will publish the results of their work. 10. We’ll be through with the experiment in about two hours.
XIV. Answer the questions according to the model. Model: - What are you planning to do on Sunday? - I am going to have a rest.
1. What are you planning to do after classes? 2. What are you planning to do tonight? 3. What are you planning to do at the weekend? 4. What is your family planning to do on holidays? 5. When is your friend planning to marry?
XV. Ask your fellow students questions about their plans for the future. Use to be going to and the following words and phrases: tonight, at the weekend, in summer, tomorrow, next month, after the exams, when you graduate from the University, after the party, next year.
XVI. Translate into English: 1. Он закончил университет 3 года назад и теперь собирается поступать в аспирантуру. 2. Что вы делали вчера в это время? 3. Кто-то стучит, откройте дверь. 4. Я буду ждать тебя у входа в университет. 5. У них экскурсия по городу. Они сейчас осматривают достопримечательности Тулы. 6. Землетрясение в Японии в 1995 году принесло массу разрушений. 7. Если ты последуешь моему совету, тебе потребуется меньше времени на подготовку к экзаменам. 8. Если я потрачу эти деньги, я не куплю подарки к Рождеству. 9. Дождь всё ещё шел, когда мы вышли из дома. 10. - Все уже ушли? - Да, ушли 5 минут назад. 11. Она не хотела говорить об ошибках, которые сделала в письменной работе. 12. - Вы когда-нибудь были на заводе? - Да, много раз. 13. Ты уже сдал экзамен по математике? Когда ты его сдавал? А когда ты собираешься сдавать физику? 14. Когда Ваш отец закончил университет? А что он делает сейчас? Где работает? 15. - Где отец? - Он в кухне. - Что он там делает? - Он готовит нам ужин. 16. - Тихо! Идет лекция. Все слушают лектора с большим вниманием. - Когда началась лекция? - В 9 часов. 17. Когда мы вошли в лабораторию, инженер объяснял действие нового прибора.
XVII. a) Write the verbs from which the following adjectives are derived: reliable, suitable, remarkable, exhaustible, different, considerable, extensive, notable, conductive, productive, removable, sufficient, expensive, effective;
b) write the nouns from which the following adjectives are derived: useful, economic, advantageous, careful, conventional, electronic, powerless, dangerous, industrial, technological, waterless, practical, successful.
XVIII. Choose the right suffix to derive adjectives from the following words: