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The past Continuous (progressive) tense
The primary meaning of the Past Continuous is that of a past action shown in its progress at a given past moment, e. g.: The door was slowly opening, and Anthony found himself gazing into a pair of pale-gray hooded eyes. (Gordon) She followed his gaze through the falling rain and saw a man and a girl coming from the large block of flats opposite her home. Now they were getting into a little motor car. (Gordon) Verbal processes in narration may also be denoted by the Past Continuous, e. g.: The fog was rapidly disappearing, already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side. It seemed to him very far off a great throng was forming. It was menacing, shouting. It stirred, it moved, it was advancing. Progression in time as denoted by the Past Continuous is most fluctuating and variable: from several short stretches of time to long duration, repeated actions or simultaneity or, say, increasing duration. Examples are: Suddenly Soames said: " I can't go on like this. I tell you I can't go on like this. His eyes were shifting from side to side, like an animal's when it looks for way of escape". (Galsworthy) Jolyon gazed into his hat, his embarrassment was increasing fast; so was his admiration, his wonder, and his pity. (Galsworthy) ...But Mammy was showing her age and rheumatism was slowing her lumbering tread. (Mitchell) Here the implied context is all that exists or can be considered relevant. Two other youths, oblique-eyed, dark-haired, rather sly-faced, like the two little boys, were talking together and lolling against the wall; and a short, elderly, clean-shaven man in corduroys, seated in the window, was conning a battered journal. (Galsworthy) Compare also: a) She was playing the piano from eleven to twelve this morning. b) She played the piano from eleven to twelve this morning. What matters in the choice of the verb-form, as always in language, is the speaker's view of matters. To sum up, continuous forms may either indicate that an activity is incomplete or not as yet completed, or else may be noncommittal regarding the completion of the specified activity. A special interest attaches to its stylistic transposition where it comes to represent: a) future action when that future moment is viewed from the past. This is often the case in patterns with the free reported speech. The primary meaning of the verb-form comes to be neutralised by the situational context, e. g.: At last, my dear, I thought you were never coming. b) with adverbs of frequency and repetition the Past Continuous will generally denote habitual actions, abilities, properties and other characteristic traits, e. g.: Annette was always running up to town for one thing or another, so that he had Fleur to himself almost as much as he could wish. (Galsworthy) ' Instances are not few when patterning with such adverbs becomes an effective stylistic device to express various emotions: annoyance, irritation, displeasure, anger, amusement, praise, etc. The expressive element is often intensified by some other indicators of the given context, e. g.: His car bumped something slightly, and came to a stand. That fellow Riggs was always bumping something. (Galsworthy) The emotive factors determine and modify patterns of grammatical structure in unnumerable ways. Attention has been repeatedly drawn to the fact that they may affect not only the choice of vocabulary but the character of such metaphors as occur in the use of grammatical forms. The Continuous Tenses of the present-day English are most dynamic in this respect. More and more they are used with special functions of different modal force. The stylistic range of their application in expressive language has become surprisingly wide. c) we also know such transpositions when the Past Continuous is endowed with special emotive functions and comes to express rather the intention of doing something than the action itself. In such patterns of " implied negation" the connection between the subject and predicate is not to be taken in a direct or positive sense. The meaning is thus negative, that of an unrealised intention to do something (suppositional modality), e. g.: " I suppose you were too busy to come to the station". He coloured crimson. " I was coming, of course", he said, " but something stopped me" 1. 'I was coming' means: " I intended to come" (but I did not) 2. Like in other cases, the opposition " real — unreal" comes to be neutralised here by contextual indication. Here he was not surprised to meet Stener just coming out, looking very pale and distraught. At the sight of Cowperwood he actually blanched. " Why, hello, Frank", he exclaimed, sheepishly, " where do you come from? ". " What's up, George? " asked Cowperwood. " I thought you were coming into Broad Street". " So I was", returned Stener, foolishly, " but I thought I would get off at West Philadelphia and change my clothes. I've a tot of things to tend to yet this afternoon. I was coming in to see you ". After Cowperwood's urgent telegram this was silly but the young banker let it pass. (Dreiser). Cf. Russian: открывал, да не открыл, выбирал, да не выбрал. Ukrainian: розкривав, та не розкрив; вибирав, та не вибрав. Closely related to this is the analogous modal use of the Present Perfect Continuous, e. g.: Mr. S. lands at Southampton tonight. He has always been coming. This time he has come. THE PERFECT TENSES The category of time relevance in English is based on the binary opposition " non-perfective:: perfective"; the former is known to be unmarked, the latter possesses a special grammatical meaning. This is to suggest that the action denoted by the unmarked form is not correlated with some other moment of time or some other action whereas the perfect form is characterised by a special current relevance. Grammarians differ greatly in defining the linguistic nature of the Perfect Tenses in English. That the category of Perfect is a tense category is sometimes denied. Reference is often made to the specific aspective essence of these verbal forms defined as resultative, retrospective, successive, etc. A. I. Smirnitsky's3 viewpoint presents a special point of interest. His basic assumption is that the Perfect Tenses express the category of " time relation" presented by the regular opposition of all
2 See: Latin " imperfectum de conatu" used with analogous meaning, e. g.: Veniebatis igitur in Africam... prohibiti estis in provincia vestra pedem ponere. 3 А. И. Смирницкий. Перфект и категория временной относительности. «Иностранные языки в школе», 1955, No. 1; Морфология английского языка. М., 1959, р. 311. Perfect forms to all non-Perfect forms, such as works:: has worked; worked:: had worked; will work:: will have worked, etc. The corresponding relative terms adopted by A. Smirnitsky for these grammatical contrasts are " non-perfect" and " perfect". The unmarked non-Perfect forms do not refer to a special current relevance whereas the marked Perfect forms express priority. A. I. Smirnitsky presents a logical system of the correlation between the Indefinite, the Continuous, the Perfect and the Perfect Continuous forms graphically as a parallelepiped on whose three dimensions he placed: 1) the category of tense (the Present, the Past and the Future), 2) the category of aspect (the Common and the Continuous) and 3) category of time relation (the non-Perfect and the Perfect forms). Somewhat similar views on the categories of the English verb are held by the American scholar M. Joos 1. In treating the Indefinite, the Continuous, the Perfect and the Perfect Continuous forms M. Joos, like Prof. Smirnitsky, marks out three different verb categories which he calls " tense", " aspect" and " phrase". Other grammarians advocate the view according to which the category of Perfect is a peculiar tense category, i. e. a category included in the verb paradigm along with the categories " present" and " past" 2. According to G. Vorontsova 3 the category of Perfect is a peculiar aspect category and as such must be included in the regular grammatical contrasts of " common" and " continuous" aspects. The divergency of the linguistic approaches to the identification of the Perfect Tenses in English is indeed striking. The question much debated nowadays is how define the invariable meaning of these grammatical forms. What should not escape our notice is that the shift from tense to aspect which is so specific in the functional relationships of English verb-forms cannot be studied in isolation from the distributional meaning of the Perfect Tenses. One more question primary in importance is that the grammatical content of the Perfect Tenses cannot be studied without a considerable reference to the lexical character of the verb and variations of denotative and connotative meaning resulting from the use of Perfect forms in different syntactical environment, large patterns, in particular. The occurrence of the Perfect Tenses in different syntactic environments will show variations of their basic grammatical content. Instances are not few when the context comes to be explicit enough to neutralise the opposition between the Perfect Tenses and the preterit verb-forms. The current relevance as marked by the Perfect Tenses must reasonably be referred to as their basic meaning.
2 See: O. Jespersen. The Philosophy of Grammar. London, 1968, p. 254. 3 See: Г. H. Воронцова. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. M., 1960, p. 191. Observations on the difference of distribution, in the kind of context, linguistic or situational, where each perfect form occurs, give every reason to say that the resultative meaning and the meaning of completeness do not exhaust the aspective content of the Perfect Tenses with all their multiple polysemantic essence in present-day English. What needs further investigations as grammar learning advances is the study of the dependence of the meaning of Perfect forms on the tense category (present, past and future) and its distributional meaning in cases when the application of the verb-form seems to go far beyond the strict limits of the system. The fact is, that we occasionally find such varied uses of the Perfect Tenses that they may bring to considerable linguistic changes of the meaning of the form itself. It is also interesting to note that considerable variations in their patterning sometimes appear a matter of stylistic preference. There are important treatments of their distributional value presented by А. Коrsаkоv in one of his work-papers «Перфектно-поширені форми та вираження часових відношень в англійській мові». It will not be superfluous to point out that there is a good deal of difference between the use of the Past and Perfect Tenses in English and some other languages. The Perfect Tense is often used in other languages where the Past Tense is required in English. This is the case when attention is drawn to the time at which an action or event took place in the past; hence especially in questions beginning with when? (Sometimes with where?), and in sentences with adverbial adjuncts answering such questions, e. g.: When (where) did you see him last? (Cf. Where have you been all the time?). Two aeroplanes were shot down yesterday. I received his letter a week ago. His father was born in Ireland. Did you come by tram or by bus? The Present Perfect Tense usually denotes an action that falls within the time-sphere of the present. Its uses are mainly three: (a) the Continuative Perfect; (b) the Resultative Perfect; (c) the Perfect of Experience. The Continuative Perfect often corresponds to a Present Tense in other languages; English shares with some other languages the use of the Resultative Perfect, which denotes a past action connected, through its result, with the present moment, e. g.: We have bought a new car.... (Cf. We bought a new car last week). Look what you've done. Ten years have passed since we first met. We have a use intermediate between the Continuative and the Resultative Perfect when the reference is to a period of time that is not yet over, e. g.: I've been to the pictures twice this week. (But: I went to the pictures twice last week). To indicate completed activities in the immediate past the Perfect Tense with the adverb just may be used, e. g.: George has just gone out. It has just struck twelve. In spoken English I've got is often equivalent to I have: Guess what I've got in my pocket. In a sentence like He's got (= obtained) what he wants, however, we have to do with a Resultative Perfect. The Perfect of Experience expresses what has happened, once or more than once, within the speaker's or writer's experience. It is not unknown in other languages, at least in head-clauses, though an adjunct expressing repetition is usually added. Similar adjuncts may be added in English, e. g.: (1 ) I have sat for hours on the river bank on a. fine summer's day, waiting for a fish to bite. (2) When I have asked him the way, I have invariably received a polite answer. Like the Present Tense, the Present Perfect may neutralise its primary meaning in subordinate clauses dependent on the main clause expressing or implying future time, e. g.: Wait till I've finished my work. As soon as I have copied the text, I shall give it to you. The Past Perfect (Pluperfect) answers partly to the Past Tense, partly to the Perfect. It seems to represent a shifting back of these tenses into the (more distant) past 1. One more important point must not be left unmentioned here. We mean the use of the verbal forms which in present-day English go parallel with the Present Perfect and Past Perfect as to their structure but differ essentially in their grammatical content and stylistic value. These are patterns with the participle II separated from the auxiliary have as in: I have all my work done. We have it all thought out, don't worry. Patterns of this kind are often referred to as intensified forms of the Perfect Tenses (Present or Past), the so-called " Conclusive Perfect". According to O. J e s p e r s e n, for instance, they hardly differ from the perfect forms and serve only to emphasise the present state much stronger than the Perfect does. There is, indeed, a suggestion of effort implied in such forms which makes them forcible and highly expressive. But separation from the auxiliary verb imparts such a clear cut adjectival character to the participle that such patterns denote not so much an action as a. state. A verbal form comes to function as an intensive statal passive. Colloquial English abounds in patterns like the following: You had it memorised all through in the morning, but I feel you're forgetting it again. When you came, I had my plans already made. Attention will be drawn here to the grammatical ambiguity which may result from the use of such forms in different contexts. This ambiguity is generally resolved by the immediate lexical context. The descriptive character of the participle isolated from the auxiliary have has made possible the following uses of the verb-phrase: a) patterns grammatically synonymous with the Perfect Tenses (Present or Past), e. g.:
I have it memorised to perfection. Cf.: I have memorised it... I had it memorised to perfection. Cf.: I had memorised it... b) patterns grammatically synonymous with statal passive. These may be referred to as " statal passive of intensity", e. g.: They have all their opponents beaten. c) patterns with the full force of the present or past tense, causative in their meaning, e. g.: I have my suits made to order. I had my suits made to order. Instances are not few when the Present Perfect is used with reference to simultaneous actions. Here we find patterns like the following: Haven't you had the window open since I have been out? It is interesting to note that in contexts with reference to habitual use there is a potential ambiguity. Take the following sentence for illustration: Every time I have seen her she has been reading. This may have two possible meanings: either that on each occasion she was actually reading or that on each occasion she had previously been reading. The ambiguity arises from the fact that the Perfect may imply either the overall period of time that we are speaking about or, in addition, each repeated period. The overall period of time is clearly shown by Every time I have seen her to be one that began in the past and continues up to the present moment. But the successive periods of time that are to be related to these points of time may either be periods that simply overlap these points of time or they may be periods that began before and continue up to the given points of time. In most cases a sentence-pattern with whenever or every time followed by Perfect tense-forms in both clauses is obviously interpreted in the first of the two senses, the Perfect being taken with reference only to the overall period of time, activity on each occasion overlapping the points of time. The other sense will generally be indicated by some special situational context. Next we come to the use of the Past Perfect Tense. It will as well be seen here that the syntax of the verb bears an intimate relation to its morphology because the grammatical content of this verb-form is also greatly conditioned by the syntactical arrangements in which it occurs. Observed in different patterns of syntactic environment the Past Perfect will show a considerable variation in its grammatical meaning. It is important to emphasise the following: a) in a great many cases the Past Perfect Tense serves to connect grammatically two past actions, one of which is prior in time. Examples are not far to seek: Dinny spun round to the window. Dark had fallen and if it hadn't she couldn't have seen. (Galsworthy) Sometimes it is possible to use the simple Past Tense for both actions in analogous arrangements; the difference will be one of emphasis. The Past Perfect emphasises the priority of time. In its stylistic value it is slightly more formal. Thus, for instance, the following two sentences appear to be interchangeable: I had studied French before I started English. I studied French before I started Greek. Textbooks often say that 'had studied' implies that Compare the Ukrainian: Як гукнеш, так і відгукнеться. Що посієш, те й пожнеш. Similarly in Russian: Как аукнется, так и откликнется. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь. Closely related to this is the use of the Future Tense applied to lifeless things to denote power or capacity, e. g.: (1) The hall will seat two hundred. (2) That will do. (3) That won't do. b) the activity essentially characteristic of the subject, very often with some approval, disapproval or reproach. The necessary meaning is usually signalled by the context, e. g.: " Very true, child; but what's to be done? People will talk, there's no preventing it." (Sheridan) " Doctors! " said James, coming down sharp on his words; " I've had all the doctors in London for one or another of us. There's no satisfaction to be got out of them; they 'll tell you anything. There's Swithin, now. What good have they done him? There he is, he's bigger than ever; he's enormous; they can't get his weight down. Look at him! " (Galsworthy) Further examples are: Don't listen to him! He will tell you incredible things. They will sit here for hours playing chess. This kind of functional contrast in the use of the tense-forms may be illustrated by numerous examples in Ukrainian. Cf. Сидить і оком не моргне. Мовчить і слова не скаже. Similarly in Russian: Сидит и глазом не моргнет. Молчит и слова не скажет. Compare also: Чуден Днепр при тихой погоде, когда вольно и плавно мчит сквозь леса и горы полные воды свои. Ни зашелохнет, ни прогремит. Here is a good example to illustrate the use of the Future Tense where it does not convey the pure idea of tense but is associated with modal conceptions of a very strong presumption (Hypothetical Future): "...Father! I have said I do not... I have said I cannot..." " By the most merciful what? What? The name for it! Words for it! " " Do not frown on me father. I wish him happiness. I cannot marry him. I do not love him." " You will remember that you informed me aforetime that you did love him." " I was ignorant. I did not know myself. I wish him to be happy." (Dreiser) We find here various shades of hypothetical meaning ranging from a mere supposition and conjecture to a strong presumption. The necessary meaning is generally sensed from the grammatical or situational context and intonation in actual speech. Other examples are: (1) He will already be asleep, don't disturb him. (2) That will be your luggage, I think. (3) Mother will be wondering where we are. A parallel development may be traced in other languages. Cf. French: Il dormira dé jà (He must already be asleep). German: Er wird schon schlafen. Das wird schon wahr sein. DerBrief wird wohl fertig sein. The Future Perfect Tense may take over analogous functions. We mean such contextual situations when it does not imply futurity at all but is used to indicate a mere supposition with reference to a completed action, e.g.: They will have heard the news maybe synonymous with I suppose they have heard the news or They may have heard the news. Further examples are: a) They won't have seen you come. (Syn. They can't have seen you come) b) It will have been already gathered from the conversation of these worthies that they were embarked in an enterprise of some magnitude... (Dickens) In present-day English shall and will are not the only ways of referring to future time. Futurity may also be expressed by transpositions of other verb-forms, well known in many, if not all, languages. Implying futurity, we can say, for instance: I'll read my essay on Tuesdays → I read my essay on Tuesday → I' m reading my essay on Tuesday. The difference will lie here in the implied attitude to, ground of expectation of the future action, or determination to do so. "...About leaving your husband, Lady Corven; any reason you'd care to give me? " Clare shook her head. " I'm not going into my life with him, either here or anywhere. And I'm not going back to him". (Galsworthy) The Future Tense may be used with imperative force. This is the case, for instance, when we desire to speak courteously and at the same time indicate that we are confidently expecting that our wish will be fulfilled. As you are going to the post office, you will perhaps mail these letters for me. When spoken in earnest tone the future becomes almost a command. She (grandmother to grandchild) said, " You will do nothing of the kind! " " None of that! none of that! " he said, glowering under his strange, sad, gray brows. " I can't stand it! Don't tempt me! We're not out of this place yet. He's not! You 'll come home with me now". (Dreiser) You'll go or I 'll sell you down the river. You'll never see your mother again or anybody you know... Hurry! (Mitchell) The imperative force is most expressive in similar uses of the Future Continuous: " I know who you're here with", he continued, shaking his head sadly. " The dog! I 'll get him yet. I've had men watchin' you all the time. Oh, the shame of this day! The shame of this day! You 'll be comin' home with me now". (Dreiser) Transposition of the Future Tense into the Imperative is common in other languages. French: Vous ferez signer ce texte et vous me le rapporterez demain. Similarly in German: (1) Mach die Notizen. Du wirst bei mir bleiben. (Bredel) (2) Du wirst den Apfel schieß en von dem Kopf des Knaben. (Schiller) Cf. Ви зробите все, що я просив, і не треба більше розмовляти. Ви напишете мені про свої враження. Я буду Вам дуже вдячний. The growing use of the " going to -future" is one more point of interest. We must naturally distinguish: a) be going to — used as a statement of intention, synonymous with intend to, e. g.: They are going to leave to-morrow. b) be going to — a periphrastic verb-form denoting a future action — a relative stylistic synonym of the ordinary future tense. This grammatical idiom has spread considerably during the last 50— 60 years in Modern English, particularly in its American variant, and this process continues. Various dimensions along which such messages may differ are most directly relevant to the subjective modality of predication. The expressive " going to -future" often assumes emotional value implying various subtle shades of meaning, such as, for instance, caution or warning, prophecy or encouragement, prohibition or categorical command. Contextual nuances of such use are very elusive. In objective referential use the " going to -future" may express futurity without any implication of intention in the strict sense, e. g.: Soon she is going to be 16 = Soon she will be 16. Synsemantic in its character, it is widely used in present-day English as an alternative of the ordinary future tense. The relative distribution of the " going to -future" presents a major point of interest in studying the stylistic aspect of verb-forms, their subjective use with different shades of emotional colouring. Compare the subtle shades of modal force and expressivity of the context-sensitive " going to -future" in the following examples: My mother ran away when I was three, and I have no sisters. It's going to be hard for you, with a nomadic, unsatisfactory brute like me. (Galsworthy) — warning, predication. Intensity and emphasis are particularly strong in negative constructions, which are often used as stylistic alternatives of the Imperative Mood, e. g.: You're not going to deceive me always! (Dreiser) It is to be noted that the semantic element of predetermination of or certainty about an action can somewhat weaken the meaning of future time relevance. " He ought to understand! He piles up his money for me", she thought; " but what's the use, if I'm not going to be happy? Money, and all it brought did not bring happiness". (Galsworthy) " Oh, what is going to happen now? " she cried. (Mansfield) — supposition, apprehension; " This is going to be my masterpiece" (Wilde) — prediction, certainty. " There's no use crying my dear. Crying isn't going to help things" (Gordon) — predetermination, conviction; " You — you mustn't think any more of what happened just now, little man", he said huskily. " See? That's all over now. That's forgotten. That's never going to happen again. See? " (Mansfield) — certainty, promise. The analysis of the distributional meaning of the tense-forms in present-day English, brief as it is, will remind us of the constitutional value of syntactic morphology whose subject matter is " grammar in context". Variations in the use of the verb-forms, their potential polysemy and transpositions conditioned by the mode of the speaker's representation of the verbal idea are a source of constant linguistic interest. Different verb-forms may be used with one and the same time-reference. Observations in this field make it apparent that the various functions of the tenses are not yet finally and absolutely fixed. Making for greater subtleties and finer shades in expressing the speaker's subjective attitude to the utterance functional shifts are still taking place. This can be best illustrated, for instance, by the extension of the subjective use of the continuous forms in expressive language where they are endowed with special emotive functions. Not less characteristic are the linguistic changes observed in the use of modal verbs. An interesting development of recent years is, for instance, the use of may + infinitive II as equivalent to could + infinitive II with the implication that the envisaged outcome did not occur. The relationship between them is certainly not, as OED implies, anything to do with tense in present-day English. Revision Material 1. Be ready to discuss the distinction between paradigmatic and syntagmatic meanings of verb-forms. 2. Comment on expressive transpositions of the English tense-forms, neutralisation of grammatical meaning and situational synonymy in grammar. Compare analogous developments in other languages. 3. Give examples to illustrate the use of verb-forms in transposition with future time reference. 4. Comment on the use of " going to " -future in Modern English. 5. Be ready to discuss the stylistic range of Continuous forms in Modern English. 6. Comment on the denotative and connotative value of the Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense. 7. Describe the linguistic essence of the Perfect Tenses in Modern English. 8. Give examples to illustrate modal re-interpretation of verb-forms as connected with the problem of Mood. Compare similar developments in other languages. 9. Discuss the statement that in Modern English the Continuous tense-forms are more and more assuming the function to intensify the verbal idea and in many cases have emotional value. 10. Comment on the linguistic changes in the use of English verb- forms in their present development. 11. Discuss the opposition " finitude — non-finitude" in Modern English.