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Сабақ жоспары ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Кү ні: 23.11.2010. Сейсенбі, 15.05-15.55. Дә рісхана: 306 Пә ні: Lexicology Сабақ тың тақ ырыбы: Word groups and Phraseological units. Phraseology and its classification Сабақ тың мақ саты: 1. Білімділік: Студенттердің теориялық -парктикалық білімдерін терең дету.
2. Тә рбиелік: Студенттердің поэзиялық, прозалық шығ армалардан мысалдар келтіру арқ ылы сезімталдылық қ а, адамгершілік қ асеиттерге тә рбиелеу.
3. Дамытушылық: Оқ у бағ дарламасы бойынша алғ ан білімдерін терең детіп, фразеологиялық бірліктерді қ олдану дағ дыларын дамыта тү су.
Сабақ тың типі: Жаң а сабақ Сабақ тың тү рі: Дә ріс сабақ Сабақ тың ә дісі: Баяндау, сұ рақ -жауап, конспектілеу. Сабақ тың кө рнекілігі: Кө мекші оқ у қ ұ ралдары Сабақ барысы: І. Ұ йымдастыру кезең і. 5 минут.
ІІ. Жаң а сабақ ты тү сіндіру. 25 минут
ІІІ. Жаң а сабақ ты бекіту. 15 минут Дә ріс сұ рақ тары: 1) Фразеологиялық бірлік жә не идиома 2) Фразеологизм жә не оның классификациясы 3) Фразеологизмдердің жасалу жолдары
IV. Қ орытындылау. 5 минут
Ү йге тапсырма беру, бағ алау.
PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS are word-groups that cannot be made in the process of speech, they exist in the language as ready-made units. They are stable word groups characterized by a completely or partially transferred meaning. The same as words phraseological units express a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and British lexicographers call such units “IDIOMS”. IDIOMS are widely used in standard spoken and written English today and can be defined as established and essential speech units with fixed and constant structures. Professor Koonin defined idiom “as a stable combination of words with a fully or partially figurative meaning”. An idiom is a combination of words that is different from the meanings of the individual words themselves. Phraseological units, or idioms, represent the most picturesque, colorful and expressive part of the language’s vocabulary. Phraseological unit / set expression / idiom – a complex word-equivalent in which the globality of nomination reigns supreme over the formal separability of elements. It is reproduced in speech. They are compiled in special dictionaries. We can mention such dictionaries as: L.Smith «Words and Idioms», V.Collins «A Book of English Idioms» etc. Proverbs are different from phraseological units. If viewed in their structural aspect, they are sentences. In their semantic aspect proverbs could be best compared with minute fables, because they sum up the collective experience of the community. They moralize (hell is paved with good intensions), give advise (don’t judge a tree by its bark), then criticize (everyone calls his own geese swans). They denote an object, an act etc. The function of proverbs in speech is communicative. The problem of investigating of phraseological units (PhU) / idioms (in Western tradition) has existed for several centuries. Phraseological units are interesting because they are colorful, lively and because of their linguistic curiosities. At the same time, they are difficult because they have unpredictable meanings or collocations and grammar, and often have special connotations. Research of idioms shows that they have important roles in spoken and language, particular in conveying evaluations. Only at the beginning of the XX - th century preconditions for phraseology allocation in an independent linguistic discipline have been created. In this process researches of many linguists have played the important role, such as J. Seidl, W. Mc Mordie, Ch. Bally, I.I. Sreznevsky, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, E.D. Polivanov, L.V. Shcherba, A.A. Shakhmatov, Ferdinand de Saussure, K. Brugmann, H. Paul, O. Jespersen and others. The term phraseology is also used to describe: 1) the inventory of phrases or set expressions, and not only idioms; 2) the linguistic subdiscipline of lexicology which studies and classifies set expressions (phraseological units in the broadest sense). For the first time the phraseology as an independent linguistic science in the 20th years of the XX - th century was allocated by an outstanding Russian scientist V.V. Vinogradov. Unlike studying of phraseological units in respect of speech activity, he has defined the object, the structure of the science and phraseology volume. Among existing before terms for a designation «semantic unities, more complicated, than a word»: a phrase, an idiom, the close phraseological group, fixed, indivisible or indecomposable word-combinations, phraseological unit - V.V. Vinogradov stops the choice on the last one and defines phraseological unit as the basic object of phraseology.