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. Vocabulary List: Preliminary English Test (PET) ⇐ 6 6
Vocabulary List: Preliminary English Test (PET). University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, CUP, 2012 (www.cambridgeenglish.org/) Clothes and Accessories 1. backpack 2. belt , 3. blouse 4. boot , 5. button 6. cap 7. cloth 8. coat , , 9. collar 10. cotton 11. dress 12. dry cleaning () 13. earring 14. fashion 15. fasten 16. fit , , 17. glasses 18. glove 19. go with , , 20. handbag 21. handkerchief 22. hat 23. jacket , 24. jeans 25. jewellery , 26. knit (, ) 27. laundry , / 28. leather (), 29. lipstick 30. make-up 31. match ( ) 32. material 33. old-fashioned 34. pants , 35. panties ( ) 36. pattern , ( ); ; 37. perfume , 38. plastic , ; ( ) 39. pocket 40. pullover 41. put on 42. pyjamas 43. raincoat , 44. shirt , 45. shoe , 46. shorts 47. silk , 48. size 49. skirt 50. sleeve 51. sleeveless 52. socks 53. suit , , 54. sweater 55. sweatshirt , , 56. swimming costume / swimsuit 57. take off 58. tie 59. tights 60. tracksuit 61. trainers 62. trousers 63. T-shirt 64. try on 65. underpants , () 66. umbrella 67. uniform , 68. wear 69. wear out , 70. wool , 71. woolen
Colours 1. black 2. blue 3. brown 4. dark 5. gold 6. green 7. grey 8. light 9. orange 10. pale 11. pink 12. purple 13. red 14. silver 15. yellow 16. white
Communications and Technology 1. access 2. address 3. airmail , 4. by post 5. calculator 6. call 7. call back 8. CD player CD 9. chat , , , 10. chat room , 11. click , ( ) 12. computer 13. connect , 14. connection 15. delete 16. dial , 17. dial up , 18. digital 19. directory , 20. disc / disk 21. download , ( ) 22. DVD player DVD 23. electronic 24. email 25. engaged ( ) 26. enter ( ) 27. envelope 28. equipment 29. hang up 30. headline , , 31. homepage 32. invent 33. invention 34. IT 35. keyboard 36. laptop 37. laser 38. machine 39. message , 40. mobile phone 41. mouse 42. mouse mat 43. network 44. online 45. operator 46. parcel 47. password 48. phone ; 49. postage , 50. postcard , 51. print ( ) 52. printer 53. programme 54. reply ; 55. ring ; 56. ring up , 57. screen 58. software , 59. switch on 60. switch off 61. telephone 62. text 63. text message , 64. turn off 65. turn on
Education 1. absent 2. advanced 3. arithmetic 4. art 5. bell 6. biology 7. blackboard 8. board , , ( ) 9. break up 10. certificate , 11. chemistry 12. class , ; , 13. classroom , , 14. college 15. composition ; 16. corridor 17. course (, ) 18. curriculum ( ) 19. degree 20. desk , 21. dictionary 22. diploma 23. drama 24. economics 25. educate , 26. elementary , ; 27. essay 28. geography 29. history 30. handwriting 31. homework 32. intermediate , , , 33. instructor 34. IT 35. laboratory / lab 36. language 37. learn , 38. lesson 39. mark ; 40. mathematics / maths 41. math 42. music 43. nature studies 44. notice board 45. pencil case 46. photography (), , 47. physics 48. primary school 49. pupil 50. qualification 51. qualify , 52. register 53. science , 54. secondary ( ) 55. school 56. state school 57. study , 58. student , 59. subject 60. teach 61. technology
Entertainment and media 1. act , ; 2. action , ; , 3. actor , 4. adventure 5. admission 6. advert 7. advertisement 8. article 9. audience , , , 10. ballet 11. band , 12. book 13. camera , 14. cartoon 15. channel 16. cinema , , 17. circus 18. classical music 19. comedy 20. comedian , , 21. comic , ; -, 22. commercial ; , 23. concert 24. costume 25. dance ; 26. display 27. deejay / DJ -, 28. documentary ; 29. drama , 30. entrance 31. exhibition 32. exit 33. festival 34. film ; 35. film star 36. folk music 37. headline 38. hero 39. hit song 40. interview 41. interval 42. jazz music 43. journalist 44. magazine 45. magic 46. MP3 player MP3 47. music 48. news , ; 49. newspaper 50. opera 51. orchestra 52. perform , 53. performance 54. play ; , 55. poem , 56. pop music - 57. programme 58. quiz 59. recording 60. review 61. rock music - 62. romantic 63. row ( , ) 64. scene , , 65. screen 66. series , 67. stage , 68. star 69. studio 70. television 71. thriller , , 72. venue (, ) 73. video ,
Environment 1. bottle bank - 2. climate change 3. gas (AE) 4. litter ; 5. petrol 6. pollution 7. public transport 8. recycle , 9. recycled 10. recycling ( ) 11. rubbish 12. rubbish bin / 13. traffic , 14. traffic jam ,
Food and drink 1. apple 2. bake , 3. banana 4. barbecue () 5. barbecue , 6. bean , 7. biscuit , 8. bitter 9. boil , 10. bowl , 11. bread 12. breakfast 13. buffet ; 14. butter 15. cabbage 16. cake , , 17. can 18. can of beans 19. candy 20. canteen , 21. carrot 22. cauliflower 23. celery 24. cereal / , 25. cheese 26. chicken , () 27. chips 28. chocolate 29. cocoa 30. coconut , 31. coffee 32. cola 33. cook ; 34. cooker 35. cookie ; 36. corn 37. cream 38. cucumber 39. cup , 40. curry ( ) 41. dessert 42. diet , 43. dinner , 44. dish 45. drink ; 46. duck 47. eat 48. egg 49. fish 50. flour 51. fork 52. French fries 53. fresh 54. fruit 55. fruit juice 56. fry 57. frying pan 58. glass ; 59. grape 60. grill ; 61. honey 62. hot 63. hungry 64. ice cream 65. ingredient , , 66. jam 67. jug 68. juice 69. knife 70. lamb 71. lemon 72. lemonade 73. lettuce - 74. loaf 75. lunch 76. meat 77. melon 78. menu 79. microwave 80. milk 81. mineral water 82. mushroom 83. mustard 84. oil 85. omelette 86. onion 87. orange 88. pan , , 89. pasta , 90. pastry , 91. pea 92. peanut , 93. pear 94. pepper 95. pie 96. pizza 97. plate 98. potato 99. recipe 100. refreshments 101. rice 102. roast 103. roll 104. salad 105. salt 106. sandwich , 107. saucer 108. sausage , 109. slice , 110. snack 111. soft drink 112. soup 113. sour 114. spinach 115. spoon 116. steak ( ) 117. strawberry 118. sugar 119. sweet ; 120. taste ; 121. tea 122. thirsty 123. toast , ( , ) 124. tomato 125. turkey 126. vanilla ; 127. vegetable 128. vegetarian ;
Health, medicine and exercise , 1. accident , 2. ache ; , 3. ambulance 4. ankle 5. appointment 6. aspirin 7. balance ; 8. bandage , , , 9. bend 10. bleed , 11. blood 12. bone 13. break ; 14. breath 15. breathe 16. chemist , 17. chin 18. clean ; 19. cold 20. cough ; 21. cut ; 22. damage ; 23. dentist 24. diet , 25. dressing 26. earache 27. emergency (, ) 28. faint ; 29. feel better 30. feel ill / sick 31. fever 32. flu 33. get better ( ) 34. get worse ( ) 35. go jogging 36. gym 37. gymnastics 38. headache 39. hospital 40. hurt , 41. ill 42. illness 43. injure , 44. keep fit 45. knee 46. medicine , 47. operate 48. operation 49. pain 50. painful 51. patient 52. pharmacy 53. pill , 54. prescription 55. recover 56. shoulder 57. skin 58. sore throat 59. stomach ache 60. stress 61. swim 62. tablet 63. take exercise 64. temperature 65. thumb 66. toe 67. toothache 68. walk ; 69. wound ;
Hobbies and leisure 1. barbecue ; 2. camera , 3. camp , 4. camping , / 5. campsite 6. chess 7. club 8. collect 9. collector 10. collection 11. computer 12. cruise , , 13. dancing 14. doll 15. drawing 16. facilities , , 17. fan , , , 18. fiction 19. keep fit 20. gallery 21. guitar 22. hang out (-.); , 23. hire , , ; , 24. jogging 25. join in ( ) 26. keen on , , , 27. member 28. membership 29. model 30. museum 31. music 32. opening hours 33. painting 34. picnic 35. playground 36. play cards 37. play the guitar 38. quiz , 39. sculpture 40. sightseeing 41. slide 42. swings 43. sunbathe 44. tent
House and Home 1. accommodation , , 2. address 3. air-conditioning 4. alarm , 5. alarm clock 6. antique , ; 7. apartment 8. armchair 9. balcony 10. basement , () , 11. basin ( ); , 12. bath 13. bathroom 14. bed 15. bedroom 16. bell 17. bin 18. blanket 19. blind , , , , 20. block of flats 21. notice board 22. bookshelf 23. brick 24. brush 25. bucket 26. bulb 27. candle 28. carpet 29. ceiling 30. cellar , 31. central heating 32. chair 33. channel 34. chest of drawers 35. chimney 36. cloakroom , , 37. clock (, , ) 38. coal 39. cooker 40. corridor 41. cottage , 42. cupboard , , , 43. curtain 44. cushion 45. desk , 46. digital 47. dining room 48. dish 49. dishwasher 50. door 51. downstairs , 52. drawer () (, ) 53. dustbin 54. duvet 55. electric(al) 56. entrance 57. fan 58. fence 59. flat 60. flatmate 61. floor ; 62. freezer 63. fridge 64. frying pan 65. furnished 66. furniture 67. garage 68. garden 69. gas , , , 70. gate 71. grill 72. ground floor 73. hall 74. handle , (, ) 75. heat 76. hedge () , 77. house 78. housewife 79. housework 80. iron ; 81. jug , ( ) 82. kettle 83. kitchen 84. ladder () 85. lamp , ; 86. landlady , 87. landlord , 88. laptop 89. laundry ; / 90. lavatory 91. lawn 92. lift 93. light 94. living-room , 95. lock 96. lounge , , ( , ) 97. microwave 98. mirror 99. mug 100. neighbor 101. oil , 102. oven 103. pan , , 104. path , , 105. pillow 106. pipe , ; 107. plant 108. plug 109. plug in , 110. property , 111. radio 112. refrigerator 113. rent ; 114. repair ; , 115. roof 116. room 117. roommate 118. rubbish , 119. seat 120. sheet 121. shelf 122. shower 123. sink , 124. sitting room 125. sofa , 126. stairs 127. step 128. surround 129. switch , 130. table 131. table-cloth 132. tap (, ) 133. telephone 134. television 135. toilet 136. tool 137. towel 138. tower 139. toy - 140. TV set 141. upstairs , 142. vase 143. wall 144. wash-basin , 145. washing machine 146. wastepaper basket - 147. WC (= water closet) 148. window
Language 1. advanced 2. answer 3. argue 4. ask 5. beginner 6. communicate 7. communication 8. elementary 9. email 10. grammar 11. intermediate 12. interpret , 13. joke 14. letter , 15. mean , 16. meaning 17. mention 18. message , 19. pronounce 20. pronunciation 21. question 22. say , 23. sentence 24. shout 25. speak 26. talk , 27. tell 28. translate 29. translation 30. vocabulary , 31. word
Feelings and opinions 1. able 2. afraid , , 3. amazed , 4. amazing 5. amusing , , 6. angry , 7. annoyed , , 8. anxious , ; 9. ashamed 10. awful 11. bored 12. boring , , 13. bossy 14. brave 15. brilliant , , 16. calm , , , 17. challenging , , 18. cheerful 19. clever 20. confident 21. crazy 22. cruel 23. curious 24. delighted , 25. depressed , , 26. difficult , , , 27. disappointed , , 28. dizzy , , 29. easy , , , 30. embarrassed , , 31. embarrassing , 32. excited , (- ) 33. exciting , , 34. fantastic 35. fit 36. fond , -. 37. frightened , , 38. funny , , 39. generous 40. gentle , , , 41. glad 42. guilty , 43. happy 44. hard , ; , 45. healthy 46. intelligent 47. jealous , ; , 48. keen , ; 49. lazy 50. lucky , ; 51. mad , ; , 52. merry 53. miserable , 54. negative 55. nervous , 56. noisy 57. normal 58. old-fashioned 59. ordinary 60. original 61. patient 62. personal 63. pleasant 64. positive 65. punctual 66. realistic 67. reasonable , 68. relaxed , 69. reliable 70. rich 71. rude 72. sad , 73. satisfied 74. serious 75. skilled , , , 76. slim 77. smart , 78. special , 79. strange , , ; , 80. strong 81. stupid 82. sure 83. surprised 84. terrible 85. tired 86. true 87. typical 88. unable 89. unusual 90. well , , 91. wonderful
Buildings 1. apartment block 2. block of flats 3. bank 4. bookshop 5. café 6. castle , 7. cathedral 8. church 9. cinema 10. clinic - , , 11. club 12. college 13. cottage , 14. department store 15. factory , 16. gallery 17. garage 18. guest-house , 19. house 20. hospital 21. hotel 22. kiosk 23. library 24. mosque 25. museum 26. office block 27. palace 28. police station 29. post office 30. prison 31. ruin , 32. school 33. shop 34. sports centre 35. stadium 36. supermarket 37. swimming pool 38. theatre 39. tower 40. university
Countryside 1. area , , , , 2. bay , 3. beach 4. canal 5. cliff 6. desert 7. earth , 8. farm , 9. field 10. forest 11. harbor ; ; 12. hill 13. island 14. lake 15. land , 16. mountain 17. ocean 18. path , 19. port 20. quay , , 21. railway 22. rainforest 23. region , , 24. river 25. rock 26. sand 27. scenery , , 28. sea 29. seaside 30. sky 31. soil 32. stream , , , , 33. valley 34. village 35. waterfall 36. wood
Towns and cities 1. airport 2. bridge 3. bus station , 4. bus stop 5. car park 6. city centre 7. corner 8. crossing 9. crossroads 10. fountain 11. market 12. motorway 13. park 14. pavement 15. petrol station , 16. playground 17. road 18. roundabout , 19. route 20. shopping centre 21. signpost , 22. square 23. station , 24. subway , 25. taxi rank 26. tunnel 27. turning 28. underground 29. zoo
Services 1. bank 2. café 3. cinema 4. dentist 5. doctor 6. dry cleaner 7. gallery 8. garage 9. guest-house 10. hairdresser 11. hotel 12. library 13. museum 14. post office 15. restaurant 16. sports centre 17. swimming pool 18. theatre
Shopping 1. advertise 2. assistant , , 3. bill 4. book 5. buy 6. cash 7. change , 8. cheap 9. cheque 10. choose 11. complain 12. cost , 13. credit card 14. customer 15. deposit ; 16. exchange ; 17. expensive ( ) 18. hire 19. inexpensive , 20. luxury 21. money 22. order ; 23. pay 24. price 25. reasonable 26. receipt , 27. reduce , 28. reduced , 29. rent ; 30. reserve 31. return 32. save , 33. sale 34. sell
Sport 1. athlete , 2. athletics , , 3. ball 4. baseball 5. basketball 6. bat 7. boxing 8. champion 9. changing room , 10. climbing 11. coach 12. compete 13. competition 14. court 15. cycling 16. dancing 17. diving 18. enter 19. fishing 20. fitness , 21. football 22. game 23. goal 24. golf 25. gym 26. gymnastics 27. high jump 28. hit , 29. hockey 30. horse-riding 31. ice hockey 32. instructor 33. jogging , , 34. kick , , 35. locker 36. long jump 37. match 38. motor-racing 39. net (, ), ( , ) 40. point , 41. practice , 42. practise 43. prize 44. race 45. race track , 46. racing 47. racket 48. reserve , 49. riding , 50. rugby 51. running 52. sail ; 53. sailing 54. score 55. season 56. shoot 57. shorts 58. skateboard 59. skiing 60. squash ( ) 61. stadium 62. surfing 63. swimming 64. table-tennis 65. take part 66. team 67. tennis 68. track , 69. track suit 70. trainers 71. training 72. volleyball 73. water skiing
Travel and transport 1. abroad , 2. accommodation , , 3. airplane 4. bicycle / bike - 5. airline 6. airport 7. ambulance 8. announcement 9. arrival 10. arrive 11. at sea 12. backpack 13. bag 14. baggage 15. board / 16. boarding pass 17. boat , 18. border 19. brochure 20. bus 21. bus station 22. bus stop 23. by air () , 24. by land () 25. by rail () 26. by road 27. by sea () 28. cab , 29. cabin 30. canal 31. capital city 32. car 33. car alarm 34. car park 35. case 36. catch 37. charter 38. check in / 39. check out 40. check-in 41. coach 42. confirm 43. consulate , 44. crossing 45. crossroads 46. currency 47. customs 48. customs officer 49. cycle ; 50. cyclist 51. deck of ship 52. delay ; , 53. deliver 54. depart , 55. departure , 56. destination 57. direction 58. document 59. dollar 60. double room 61. drive 62. driving licence 63. duty-free 64. embassy 65. euro 66. exchange rate 67. facilities 68. fare 69. ferry , 70. flight 71. fly 72. foreign 73. fuel 74. gate , 75. guide , 76. guidebook 77. guest 78. harbor 79. helicopter 80. hitch-hike 81. hotel 82. hovercraft 83. hydrofoil , 84. immigration 85. inn 86. interpreter 87. jet / 88. journey 89. land 90. lorry 91. lost property 92. luggage 93. map 94. motorbike / motorcycle 95. motorway 96. nationality 97. on board 98. on business 99. on foot 100. on holiday 101. on time 102. on vacation 103. operator 104. overnight ; ; 105. parking lot , 106. parking space , 107. passenger 108. passport 109. petrol 110. petrol station 111. petrol pump , 112. pilot 113. platform 114. railroad / 115. railway 116. reception , 117. reservation , 118. reserve , 119. return 120. ride 121. road sign 122. roundabout 123. route 124. sail 125. scooter 126. seat belt 127. ship 128. sightseeing 129. signpost 130. single room 131. speed 132. subway , 133. suitcase 134. take off 135. taxi 136. taxi rank 137. terminal 138. tour 139. tourist 140. traffic , 141. traffic jam 142. traffic lights 143. train 144. tram 145. translate 146. translation 147. travellers cheque 148. trip 149. tunnel 150. tyre / tire 151. underground ; 152. unleaded () 153. vehicle 154. visa 155. visitor 156. voyage , 157. waiting-room 158. windscreen
The natural world 1. animal 2. autumn 3. beach 4. bird 5. branch 6. bush 7. cave 8. cliff 9. climate 10. coal 11. coast 12. continent 13. countryside 14. desert 15. dolphin 16. duck 17. earth 18. elephant 19. environment 20. fall (AE) 21. farmland 22. field 23. fish 24. flood 25. flower 26. forest 27. freeze 28. giraffe 29. hill 30. lake 31. land 32. leaf 33. lion 34. monkey 35. moon 36. mountain 37. mouse 38. nature 39. planet 40. plant 41. pollution 42. rabbit 43. rainforest 44. river 45. rock 46. sand 47. scenery , 48. shark 49. sky 50. soil 51. spring ; 52. star 53. stone 54. summer 55. sun 56. sunlight 57. sunrise 58. sunset 59. sunshine 60. tiger 61. tree 62. valley 63. waterfall 64. wave 65. wild 66. wildlife 67. winter 68. zebra
Weather 1. blow 2. centigrade 3. cloud 4. cloudy , 5. cold 6. cool 7. degree 8. dry 9. forecast 10. frost 11. fog 12. foggy , 13. gale , 14. get wet 15. heat 16. hot 17. ice 18. icy 19. lightning 20. mild , 21. rain 22. shower 23. snow 24. snowfall 25. storm , 26. sun 27. sunny 28. temperature 29. thermometer 30. thunder 31. thunderstorm 32. wet 33. wind 34. windy
Work and jobs 1. agent 2. actor 3. actress 4. application 5. apply 6. architect 7. army 8. artist 9. assistant 10. athlete 11. banker 12. boss 13. businessman 14. businesswoman 15. butcher 16. cameraman , 17. candidate 18. canteen 19. captain 20. career 21. chef - 22. chemist , 23. colleague 24. comedian 25. company 26. conference 27. consul 28. contract , 29. cook 30. crew 31. curriculum vitae / CV 32. customs officer 33. dancer 34. dentist 35. designer 36. detective 37. diploma 38. director , 39. diver , 40. doctor 41. employ 42. employee 43. employer 44. employment 45. engineer 46. farmer 47. film star 48. fireman 49. flight attendant 50. full time 51. factory 52. farm 53. greengrocer 54. grocer 55. guard 56. hairdresser 57. housewife 58. interpreter 59. journalist 60. judge 61. laboratory 62. labourer , 63. lawyer , 64. lecturer 65. librarian 66. manager 67. mechanic 68. model 69. musician 70. newsagent 71. novelist 72. nurse 73. occupation , 74. office , 75. officer 76. operator 77. out of work 78. owner 79. part time 80. pensioner 81. photographer 82. physician 83. pilot 84. poet 85. policeman / police officer 86. politician 87. porter 88. postman 89. presenter 90. president 91. priest 92. profession 93. professional 94. professor 95. programmer 96. publisher 97. qualification 98. quit 99. reporter 100. retire , 101. retirement 102. sailor 103. salary , (), 104. sales assistant 105. salesman 106. saleswoman 107. scientist 108. secretary 109. security guard 110. servant 111. shopkeeper / shop assistant 112. soldier 113. staff 114. taxi driver 115. teacher 116. trade 117. unemployed 118. wages 119. waiter 120. waitress