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Text C. The diesel engine.
1. Read the text and retell it.
In 1890s, Rudolf Diesel, a German, invented the engine that bears his name. As distinguished from gasoline engines diesels have no ignition system fed with electricity. The fuel is ignited simply by contact with very hot air in the cylinder. The operation performed is like this: when taken in the cylinder the air is highlycompressed, the temperature rises so the heated fuel-air mixture burns. The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature. Besides the compressed mixture produced more power than that uncompressed. Diesel engines power many of the used vehicles and other equipment. They are usually used in cases where engine weight is not a prime factor. Their advantage is that they are simple in design and use much heavier liquid fuels than gasoline engines. The cost of a heavier fuel is much less than that of a light one. Besides the fuel consumption of a diesel is much less than that of gasoline engines. Although applied for many purposes diesel engines have certain disadvantaging. Their weight is more than that of a gasoline engine of the same power and it occupies much space. The disadvantages of diesels as passenger-car engines are slow performance, noise and smoke. All the companies investigating diesels are trying to reduce noise and smoke, but the problems are not yet entirely solved. Diesel engines clatter when started on a cold morning. And the warm-up period for all diesels seems too long to drivers accustomed to gasoline models.
UNIT 4 Text A. COOLING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. 1. Read and translate the text. The manufacturer of cooling system components should be involved with vehicle design at the concept stage. This can result in optimum radiator location and frontal area as well as necessary mounting provisions. The present state of the art provides the vehicle designer with the basic details of radiators, oil coolers, and the problems they face. Among the most important engineering aspects are the design and installation of radiators and oil coolers for optimum cooling and air flow. Frontal area. Selection of cooling system frontal area, fan diameter, and relative fan location are critical to efficient operation and economy. Systems with large frontal areas and fans reduce fan horsepower, noise, and vehicle system resistance because the air is better distributed and moves less rapidly. Every effort should be made by the vehicle designer to maximize the frontal area available for the cooling system. A good rule is that 20 percent more frontal area provides 10 percent more cooling with the same fan and fan speed. Fan location. The fan should be spaced 2-3 times its projected width from the radiator core to improve efficiency and air distribution, while reducing noise. Help also comes from mounting the fan on spacers and keeping it as far as possible from the engine. Air flow testing is desirable prior to decision-making. Air distribution. The discharge pattern of a fan is doughnut shaped; moving the fan away from the radiator core and engine and using a well-designed shroud to even out the velocity distribution: a 30 percent velocity increase raising cooling about 20 percent. Fan considerations. Fan tip clearance should be the minimum that can be tolerated without having the fan hit the shroud in any operational mode. To maximize fan efficiency, some vehicle manufacturers use close fitting rubber sheet on the fan shroud and let the fan cut its own clearance. Fan shrouds. Properly designed venturi shrouds normally result in greater air flow, but their effectiveness can be sharply reduced by restrictions of the inlet or discharge. Fan guards. Fan guards should be as open as possible while meeting the safety requirements. They should be far from the fan blades and tips to minimize turbulence and maintain efficiency. An efficient guard can be made of circular steel wire rings or wire mesh. Grills. The minimum open area required should be equal to the face area of the radiator or the radiator and " side-by" air to oil cooler. Grills and side panels with high air flow restrictions can affect cooling by as much as 9 degrees Centigrade. Low restriction of both entrance and exit air is important.
Active vocabulary air distribution — распределение воздушного потока available — доступный clearance — зазор cooler — охладитель cooling system components — компоненты системы охлаждения core — сердечник design — конструкция, дизайн; конструировать detail — подробность (деталь); детализировать discharge pattern — тип раструба {для прохождения воздушного потока) distribute — распределять distribution — распределение, распределение зажигания distributor — распределитель зажигания, распределитель, дистрибьютор doughnut shaped — овальной формы entrance— вход exit — выход fan blade — лопасть вентилятора fan guards — защитный кожух вентилятора fan tip clearance — зазор между верхушкой лепестка вентилятора и кожухом вентилятора flow — поток; течь frontal area — фронтальная часть (область) grill(e) — решетка guard — защита, щиток; защищать increase — увеличение; увеличивать installation — установка involve — вовлекать locate— размещать mode — тип optimum radiator location — оптимальное расположение радиатора present state of the art — современный уровень техники prior— предварительно, до того problems they face — проблемы, с которыми они сталкиваются provide — обеспечивать provided— при условии, что radiate — излучать, рассеивать radiator core — сота радиатора requirement — требование restriction— ограничение rubber sheet — резиновая полоска safety requirements — требования безопасности shroud — кожух spacer — распорка tolerate – терпеть
2. Answer the following questions:
1) At what stage should the manufacturer be involved with the vehicle design? 2) What are the most important engineering aspects of cooling system? 3) What is critical to efficient operation and economy of cooling system? 4) What should be made by the vehicle designer? 5) What is desirable prior to decision-making? 6) Why do the systems with large frontal areas and fans reduce fan horsepower, noise, and vehicle system resistance?
3. Match the following English words and Russian equivalents:
involve flow available shroud restriction stage installation provide clearance grill(e) location fan improve guard entrance provision critical distribution requirement exit important area prior tolerate shape cooler core spacer mode detail
доступный кожух вовлекать поток ограничение обеспечивать зазор стадия установка решетка улучшать защита место вентилятор вход распределение требование обеспечение критический выход предварительно терпеть важный область форма распорка тип охладитель сердечник деталь
4. Translate the following words and combinations:
cooling system components, optimum radiator location, present state of the art, problems they face, frontal area, frontal area available, air distribution, decision-making, discharge pattern, doughnut shaped, radiator core, fan tip clearance, rubber sheet, fan guards, safety requirements, fan blades
5. Fill in the words from the text and translate the sentences.
The manufacturer of_______ system components should be involved with vehicle design at the __________stage. Among the most important engineering aspects are the design and _____of radiators and oil coolers for _____cooling and air ________ Selection of cooling system_______ area, fan diameter, and relative fan location are to efficient operation and economy. Every effort should be made by the vehicle ________ to maximize the frontal area ___________ for the cooling system. Air flow testing is desirable prior to decision-making. Systems with large frontal areas and fans _______ fan horsepower, noise, and vehicle system because the air is better __________________and moves less rapidly.
Text B. GEARBOX. 1. Read and retell the text.
When a bicyclist wants to race on a level track, he gears up his drive wheel with a larger sprocket, so that one revolution of the crank takes him further. Yet if he takes his wheel, with this large sprocket on the pedal shaft, out on the road where there are hills, he must get off and walk, or exert an extra lot of power. The same principle applies to the automobile. For this reason the automobile is provided with four or five changes of gears. These gears are contained in a gearbox usually placed at the back of the clutch. The principle, upon which all change-speed gears work, is the fact that when two gear-wheels or spur-gears are meshed together, the larger wheel turns more slowly than the smaller. In the gear-box there are two shafts - the upper one coming from the engine through the clutch, and the lower one continuing to the back axle. Each shaft is fitted with four or five gear wheels of different size. Those on the upper shaft are fixed to the shaft itself, but those on the lower shaft are able to slide on a keyway, to right and left along the shaft. The lower shaft is square so the sleeve of the gear wheels can slide backward and forward, but they cannot revolve independently of the lower shaft. In order to vary the speed of the car, it is only necessary to slide the gear wheels along the lower shaft until the correct two gears come into mesh to form the gearing required.
2. Put 5 questions to the text. UNIT 5 Text A. BENTLEY. THE NEW GENERATION. 1. Read and translate the text. The new Bentley TURBO R. British elegance that confirms the immense power waiting to be released. The most refined automotive technology. The world's finest sporting car, sleek and streamlined, safe and quiet, comfortable and elegant and yet so powerful. Delivering the most exiting driving experience in luxurious surroundings. The new proportions of the classic radiator shell combined with a restyled air dam to streamline the front, while the integrated bumpers and colour coded sills continue the smooth line around to the rear balance. By adding new and larger 17-inch road wheels with specially designed directional tyres TURBO R gains a noticeable improvement in performance and responsiveness. While Brooklyn's with its new 16-inch road wheels and low profile tyres enjoys improved handling, performance and above all comfort. Ever since the 1920s when W.O. Bentley first produced a series of motor cars which swept the board of Le Mans, the Bentley marque has stood for engineering innovation, always striving to provide their owners with the maximum driving pleasure. The mighty 6.75 litre V8 Bentley engine delivers real exhilaration. Still assembled by hand to tolerances of tenth thousandth of an inch, these finely balanced engines harness the most advanced electronic management and control systems. The new adaptive shift control system for turnover arms changes the transmission panel to the style of driving and allows a maximum extraction of Bentley power and sporting exhilaration. To enjoy such performance in luxurious surroundings is the unique Bentley experience and the subtlest cockpit now sports some thoughtful innovations. A tilt adjustable steering wheel swings up to allow easy entry and exit when the door is opened or the key removed from the ignition. The new centre console and the fascia layout present the driver with absolute control. A new centre armrest now houses the CD multichanger as well as the telephone. New veneer panels reveal the new in-car entertainment controls. The new centre console also provides independent air conditioning to the rear compartment. A new seat design has improved comfort and support, while providing increased head room. So many Bentley engineering advances have contributed to safer driving throughout the history of motoring. Safety derived through immense power and reserve for safer overtaking. Side impact protection bars pioneered by the company in 1981. Antilock braking systems perfectly suit the Bentley's high performance. The most sensitive adaptive ride control that monitors the acceleration, braking and cornering style every one hundredth of a second to ensure the car is kept 118 stable and responsive. Full-sized driver and passenger airbags are neatly housed in the immaculate interior. The driver information panel is still one of the most sophisticated such instrument outside the world of aviation. And the dual level air conditioning system designed to maintain driver alert ness and concentration through carefully balanced temperature controls, allowing cooler air to flow at head level, with warmer stream soothing the feet as they rest on Wilton carpets and lamb wool rugs. The commanding driving position supported by the new economically designed seats gives the Bentley's driver the safest control. This combination of safety and powerful elegance, this fusion of thrusting exhilaration with traditional luxury is the very latest development in the pursuit of Bentley's sporting excellence. To own the new Bentley is to appreciate the ultimate driving experience.
Active vocabulary adaptive shift control system — адаптивная система управления переключением стилей вождения air dam — воздушный спойлер (воздушная дамба, воздухорез) airbag— подушка безопасности (воздушная подушка) airbags are neatly housed — подушки безопасности аккуратно размещены alertness and concentration — готовность к действиям и концентрация antilock braking system — антиблокировочная система тормозов appreciably— ощутимо appreciate the ultimate driving experience — ощутить огромное удовольствие от вождения armrest — подлокотник assembled by hand — собранный вручную braking and cornering style — стиль торможения и прохождения поворотов car is kept stable and responsive — движение автомобиля сохраняется стабильным и управляемым centre console — центральная консоль classic radiator shell — классическая решетка радиатора cockpit — место водителя driver information panel — приборная панель, информирующая водителя easy entry and exit — легкая посадка и выход (из автомобиля) entertainment controls — управление (кнопки, ручки и т.п.) магнитолой и музыкальным центром economically designed seat — эргономичная конструкция сиденья exhilaration — радостное чувство fascia — приборная панель fascia layout — компоновка приборной панели finely balanced — четко сбалансированный (отлаженный) fusion — совмещение, слияние, объединение, фузия harness — использовать; электропроводка, пучки проводов head room — пространство над головой (в салоне автомобиля) immaculate interior — безукоризненный интерьер immense — огромный in-саг entertainment controls — приводы управления магнитолой и музыкальным центром integrated bumper — интегрированный (встроенный) бампер low profile tyre — низкопрофильная шина luxurious surroundings — роскошный интерьер maximum extraction — максимальная отдача most refined automotive technology — автомобильная технология, доведенная до совершенства noticeable improvement — заметное улучшение pursuit — преследовать, стремиться к чему-либо radiator shell — панель радиатора rear compartment — заднее купе (пассажирское отделение) restyled air dam — передний воздушный спойлер новой конструкции ride control — управляемость движения (автомобиля) rug — коврик (автомобильный) side impact — боковой удар side impact protection bar — стойка защиты от бокового удара smooth line — гладкая линия; аэродинамичный профиль specially designed directional tyre — специальная шина с направленным рисунком (протектора) streamline — обтекаемость; придавать обтекаемую форму temperature controls — приводы управления (кнопки, ручки и т.п.) температурным контролем thoughtful innovation — продуманные нововведения thrusting — захватывающий thrusting exhilaration — захватывающее радостное чувство tilt adjustable steering wheel — рулевая колонка с регулируемым изменяющимся углом turnover arm — поворотный рычаг veneer panels — панели, отделанные древесным шпоном world's finest sporting car - самый изящный в мире спортивный автомобиль
2. Answer the following questions:
1) How does the new Bentley TURBO R look like? 2) What kind of road wheels has the new Bentley? 3) How are the TURBO R Bentley engines assembled? 4) What innovations can you see inside the cockpit and the rear compartment of the car? 5) What engineering advances have contributed to safer driving of the car? 6) What gives the Bentley's driver the safest control?
3. Translate the following words and combinations:
the most refined automotive technology, world's finest sporting car, classic radiator shell, specially designed directional tyres, low profile tyres, assembled by hand, adaptive shift control system, a tilt adjustable steering wheel, easy entry and exit, in-car entertainment controls, side impact protection bars, antilock braking system, braking and cornering style, the car is kept stable and responsive, airbags are neatly housed, the driver information panel, alertness and concentration, economically designed seats, to appreciate the ultimate driving experience
4. Fill in the words from the text and translate the sentences.
То own the new Bentley is to appreciate the ultimate______ experience. The most________ automotive technology. A tilt________ steering wheel swings up to allow easy entry and exit when the door is opened or the key removed from the ignition. So many Bentley engineering advances have______ to safer driving throughout the history of motoring. Still_________ by hand to tolerances of tenth thousandth of an inch, this finely balanced engines harness the most _______ electronic management and control system.
UNIT 6 Text A. Transmission. 1. Read the following text. Translate it.