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Exercises. 4. For the nouns in column II find suitable attributes in column I and translate: I 1

4. For the nouns in column II find suitable attributes in column I and translate:

I 1. user II 1. computer
2. power 2. lines
3. intelligent 3. products
4. large-scale 4. terminal
5. permanent 5. supply
6. assembly 6. peripherals
7. consumer 7. storage
8. tiny 8. counter
9. program 9. semiconductor chips
10. computing 10. microprocessor
11. single-chip 11. element

5. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations:

1. no single innovation; 2. the ability to fetch; 3.a variety of control functions; 4. more powerful; 5. mainframes and peripheral devices; 6.a limited set of instructions; 7. 8-bit microcomputers; 8. significantly reduce the time and cost; 9. to retain data; 10. in addition to; 11. an individual user; 12.a personal computer; 13. literally thousands of applications; 14 a standard component

1. персональный компьютер; 2. кроме того; 3. стандартный элемент; 4. удерживать данные; 5. множество функций управления; 6. ограниченный набор команд; 7. большие компьютеры и периферийные устройства; 8. способность выбирать (команду из памяти); 9. разрядные микрокомпьютеры; 10. индивидуальный пользователь; 11. более мощный; 12. значительно уменьшают время и стоимость; 13. буквально тысячи применений; 14. ни одно новшество


6. Memorize the following definitions:

1. A microcomputer is a small-scale computer using a single microprocessor chip in its architecture. 2. A microprocessor is a tiny processor on a single chip. 3. A personal computer is a computer used for home or personal use. Personal computers are microcomputers.


7. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason for appearing microcomputers? 2. What component do the microcomputers use as the processor? 3. How many user terminals do 8-bit microcomputers support? 4. What is the density of memory of 16-bit microcomputers? 5. What is a microcomputer? 6. What is a microprocessor? 7. Where are microprocessors used? 8. What ability do the microprocessors have? 9. What new progressive technologies are used in memory units? 10. What memories are used in microcomputers?

8. Translate the words of the same root. Define parts of speech:

to use – user – a use – useful – useless; to process – a process – processed – processor; inexpensive – expensive; type – typical; to invent – inventor – invention; power – powerful – powerless – powered; to conduct – conductor – semiconductor – conducted; to contain – container; to combine – combined – combination – recombination; electron – electronic – electronics; to apply – application – applied – appliance – applicant; automatic – automatically – automatical – automaton – automated – automation – to automatize; to implement – implementation; operational – to operate – operator – operation; to complete – complete – completion; to attract – attractive – attraction; capable – capability; convention – conventional – conventionally; capacity – capacitor – capacitance


9. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to ing-forms:

1. The operand length, being powers of two, permit maximum efficiency in the use of binary addressing and in matching the physical word size of storage. 2. Floating-point arithmetic is designed to allow easy translation between the two formats. 3. The fraction of a floating-point number is expressed in hexadecimal digits, each consisting of four binary bits and having the values 0—15. 4. Bytes locations in storage are consecutively numbered starting with 0; each number is considered the address of corresponding byte. 5. The floating-point instruction set provides for loading, adding, subtracting, comparing, multiplying, dividing and storing as well as the sign control of short and long operands. 6. The specific meaning of any setting is significant only to the operation setting in the condition code. 7. The process of discovering, locating and correcting errors proved to be one of the most difficult, often taking considerably longer time than writing the program in the first place and using much machine time. 8. Although programming techniques have improved greatly since the early days, the process of finding and correcting errors in programs known as " debugging" still remains the most difficult and unsatisfactory operation. 9. We are reaching the limit of the human ability to write complicated programs and the software crisis really is the result of trying to make the human beings write them. 10. The central processing unit contains the facilities for addressing main storage, for fetching or storing information, for arithmetic and logic processing of data, for sequencing instructions in the desired order and for initiating the communication between storage and external devices. 11. It is the compiling of a program that requires great attention of the programmer. 12. Compiling a program requires great attention of a programmer.

10. State the functions of the Gerund. Translate the sentences:

1. Logical operations consist of comparing, selecting, sorting, matching, and determining. 2. The way of solving this problem is very difficult. 3. After performing calculations a computer displays a result. 4. A set of marks or signs can be stored by polarizing little spots on a magnetic surface. 5. Differentiating and integrating are algebraic operations.6. Registers are used for storing information. 7. Blaze Pascal's merit consists in his constructing the first mechanical computer. 8. By performing the reasonable operations on a computer we solve different kinds of problems for our national economy.


11. Translate into English using the Gerund:

1.Одним из способов хранения информации внутри вычислительной машины является хранение с помощью ряда поляризованных точек на магнитной поверхности 2. Путем размещения специальных устройств внутри вы числительной машины можно хранить информацию. 3 Возведение в степень и извлечение квадратного корня – математические операции. 4. Компьютер используется для решения сложных задач.


12. Read Text В and translate it with a dictionary. Make up a list of key words:


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