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Vocabulary Notes. 1. Bright adj 1. Яркий, светлый, Е. G
1. bright adj 1. яркий, светлый, е.g. The leaves of the trees are bright green in spring. Polished steel is bright. 2. умный, способный, смышленый, е.g. There are several bright pupils in her class. The boy had a bright face. 3. остроумный, е.g. Everybody was bright and gay at the party. bright(ly) adv ярко, ясно, живо, остроумно, е.g. She stood in the doorway smiling brightly after him. The fire shines bright. brighten υ i/t проясняться; придавать блеск, делать светлее: улучшать, е.g. The sky is brightening. This wallpaper will brighten our room. What can you do to brighten the life of the sick man? brightness n яркость, блеск, живость ума 2. plain adj 1. ясный, очевидный, понятный, е.g. The meaning of the word is quite plain, isn't it? I like her plain speech. She spoke plain English. Syn. clear 2. простой, обыкновенный; гладкий, без рисунка (о тканях), е.g. They like what they call plain food. She looked very pretty in her plain white dress. She bought a plain blue material. Syn. simple N о t e: The difference in the meanings of the synonyms plain — clear and plain — simple is so slight that we may often use one instead of the other, е.g. plain (clear) meaning, plain (simple} food, plain (simple) man. Yet, there are some cases when only one of the two synonyms may be used, е.g. to speak plain English; to make a clear statement; to live a simple life; to get a simple task. 3. некрасивый, е.g. He liked her plain, but honest face. Cf.: ugly некрасивый (безобразный) 3. blank adj пустой, незаполненный, as a blank sheet of paper; a blank page (form, etc.). Also fig., е.g. There was a blank look on her face. blankly adv, е.g. She looked at me blankly. He sat on the edge of the bed staring blankly before him. blank n 1. пустое место, пропуск, е.g. Leave a blank after each word. Fill in this blank.; 2. бланк, е.g. She bought two telegraph blanks. Note: The Russian word пустой has several equivalents in English: 1. пустой (незаполненный) blank sheet (page); 2. пустой (ничего не содержащий) empty room (box, bottle); 3. пустой (поверхностный) shallow person (ideas, interests); 4. пустой (незанятый) vacant room (house, flat). 4. ignorance n невежество; незнание, неведение, е.g. Judy's ignorance made the girls laugh. He did it from (through) ignorance. ignorant adj невежественный, не знающий, е.g. The boy has never been to school and is quite ignorant. I am ignorant of his plans. 5. prompt υ t. 1. побуждать, внушать, е.g. What prompted you to look for him in our town? 2. подсказывать; суфлировать, е.g. She'll prompt you if you forget the words. No prompting, please. prompt n, е.g. Aren't you ashamed to wait for a prompt? prompter n суфлер; подсказчик 6. re`cord of 1. записывать, регистрировать, е.g. Не recorded all the events of the day. 2. записывать на пластинку, на пленку, е.g. On the very day of his arrival they recorded his speech. ` record n 1. запись, протокол, отчет; характеристика, сведения, е.g. A careful record was made of all those absent. The boy's school record leaves much to be desired. 2. граммофонная пластинка, е.g. Have you got any records of Bach? cassette(tape)-recording n звукозапись, е.g. I'd rather make use of cassette-recording to review the material. cassete (tape)-recorder n магнитофон, е.g. Something has gone wrong with the cassette-recorder, it doesn't work. 7. point υ t 1. показывать пальцем, указывать (to), е.g. Не pointed to the monument. The needle of the compass points to the North. 2. направлять, нацелить (at), е.g. The boy pointed a stick at the dog. to point out smth., е.g. The teacher pointed out our mistakes. to point out that, е.g. He pointed out that all the college rules should be obeyed. 8. bore υ t надоедать, докучать, е.g. Your friend bores me. to bore to death by smth. до смерти наскучить, е.g. I was bored to death. bore n скучный, нудный человек, скучное занятие, е.g. I don't want to see him again, he is such a bore. boring adj скучный, е.g. This is a very boring book. boredom n скука 9. excite υ t 1. возбуждать, волновать, волновать, е.g. The patient is very ill and must not be excited. to be excited by, е.g. Everybody was excited by the news. to get excited about (over), е.g. It's nothing to get excited about. Don't get excited over such trifles. Сf.: There's nothing to worry about. She always worries about little things. 2. вызывать интерес (восхищение и т.д.), е.g. The newcomer excited everybody's interest. exciting adj возбуждающий, волнующий, захватывающий, е.g. What exciting news you've brought! I could hardly get over that exciting moment. She told such an exciting story. excited pp взволнованный excitement n возбуждение, волнение, usu. to cause excitement, е.g. The decision to keep Mother's Day caused great excitement in the family. excitedly adv, взволнованно