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Have has am book apple notebook ruler pencil crayon



My name ___ Karen. I ___ years old. I ___ a pupil in the 6th grade. I ___ a new school bag. It ___ yellow, blue and red. It ___ six pockets.

In my school bag I have:

A red_________ a white __________

A green _______ a purple ___________

A blue ________ a blue and orange ____________

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks

1. We ___ beautiful flowers in our garden.

2. Jane ___ five new English books.

3. I ___ an expensive sport car.

4. They ___ a big villa not far from the beach.

5. My sister ___ a lot of dolls in her room.

6. My father ___ a computer in his office.

7. Sandra and I ___ five pets.

8. My mother ___ a pretty orange bag.

9. Orit ___ some friends in Haifa.

10. You ___ ten notebooks.

11. I ___ a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.

12. Robert ___ a tall brother.

13. These boys ___ blue eyes.

14. Dana ___ two pen pals in Australia.

15. The pupils ___ a new computer room.

16. The dog ___ a very big doghouse.

17. Bill Gates ___ a lot of money.

18. He _____ short blond hair.

19. They ____ four tickets to the show.

20. This girl ___ birthday in April.

Exercise 4. Work with a partner. Complete each.question below in three different ways. Use words and expressions provided or your own ideas.

a) Are you (hungry? tired? happy? stressed? nervous? __?)

b) Do you like (dancing? karaoke? beer? swimming? skiing? __?)

c) Do you (smoke? speak French? live with your parents? drive? __?)

d) Have you got (a bicycle? a computer? a pet? a mobile phone? __?)

Exercise 5. Work with a partner. For each question write two possible answers.

a) Are you Spanish Yes, I am. No, I am not.

b) Do you live near here? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

c) Have you got any brothers and sisters? Yes, I have. Ni, I haven’t.

d ) Are you married?

e) Do you like Italian food?

f) Have you got a motorbike?

g) Do you like watching television?

Exercise 6. Complete these Yes/No questions and short answers with the correct auxiliary verbs.

a) Are you a student at university? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

b) ____ you got a part – time job? Yes, I ___ No, I ____

c) ____ you work in an office? ________ _________

d) ____ your grandmother retired? ________ _________

e) ____ your father got an interesting job? ________ _________

f) ____ your mother speak English? ________ _________

g) ____ you play the piano? ________ _________

h) ____ your grandmother live near hear? ________ _________

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