Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Corsica Island. He was the greatest hero of France. His family had moved there from Italy in the 16th century. His original name was Napoleone and his original nationality was Corsican-Italian.
His father was a lawyer, and was anti-French. One reason Napoleon may have been such a great leader and revolutionary, that he was raised in a family of radicals. When Napoleon was nine, his father sent him to Brienne, a French military government school in Paris. It was there that he received his military training. He studied to be an artilleryman and an of f i-cero He finished his training and joined the French army when he was just 16.
Napoleon was assigned to work in Paris in 1792. After the French monarchy was overthrown in August 1792, he was promoted to captain.
In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. Very soon after Toulon fell and Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. He was made commander of the French army in Italy and defeated many Austrian Generals. Soon after this Austria and France made peace and Napoleon was released from his command, he was suspected of treason. In 1795, he broke up a revolt and saved the French government. He had earned back respect and* he was once again given command of the French Army in Italy. He came up with a plan that worked very well. «He would cut the enemy's army in to two parts, then attack one side of them before the other side could help them».
After this, Napoleon was almost impossible to stop. He made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Egypt and in 1799 he returned to France to find the Directory (the French Government) in a mess. He overthrew the Directory, and created a new government, in which there were three consuls and he was the most important one. At this time, everyone in France loved and admired Napoleon; his power increased. In 1802 France signed a peace treaty with England and Germany.
He re-established the University of France, reformed the education system, and founded the Bank of France. He also made the Napoleonic Code: the first clear, compact statement of the French law. The Napoleonic Code has served as a base for legal systems around the world until this day. Soon he changed the government again and declared himself the Emperor of France. He married Marie Louise, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Soon his son was born. He now was the ruler of a Great Empire, and he had 42 million people under his control.
Then he tried to invade Russia, after that his empire began to crumble.
And on April 6, 1814, he was forced from the throne and was exiled to the island of Elba. About a year later, he gathered about 1, 000 soldiers and went to Paris and regained power. He ruled for a short time and then he surrendered to the English.
He was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic, where he stayed until he died on May 5, 1821. He is supposed to die of cancer, but there are rumours that he was poisoned.
1. When was Napoleon Bonaparte born? 2. What were his original name and nationality? 3. Who sent Napoleon Bonaparte to study to a military school? 4. When was Napoleon promoted to captain? 5. When was Napoleon promoted to brigadier general? 6. What happened in 1795? 7. Did Napoleon Bonaparte try to invade Egypt? 8. When did he overthrow the Directory? 9. Who was his wife? 10. Did they have any children? 11. When did the French Empire begin to crumble? 12. When was he forced from the throne? 13. Where was Napoleon Bonaparte exiled? 14. Where did Napoleon Bonaparte die?
lawyer — юрист, адвокат to raise — воспитывать (детей); повышать (в звании, должности) to assign — назначать, определять, устанавливать to overthrow (past overthrew, p.p. overthrown) — свергать; побеждать; низвергать, уничтожать to promote — выдвигать, продвигать; повышать в чине/ звании siege — осада to defeat — воен. одержать победу над кем-л., наносить поражение; завоевывать to release — увольнять (с работы), воен. демобилизовать to suspect of treason — подозревать в измене to brake (past broke, p.p. broken) up a revolt — начать восстание, мятеж to earn back — получить обратно attempt — попытка; проба to invade — вторгаться, захватывать, оккупировать in a mess — в беспорядке; путаница, the Directory — ист. Директория consul — консул to admire — восторгаться, восхищаться to increase — возрастать, увеличивать(ся); расти to sign a peace treaty — подписать мирное соглашение statement — заявление, утверждение law — закон to serve — служить legal system — правовая/судебная система to declare — заявлять, объявлять; провозглашать, объявлять публично to crumble — терпеть крах, разрушаться, гибнуть to force from the throne — заставить отречься от трона to exile — высылать, изгонять, ссылать; to rule — править, управлять to surrender — сдавать(ся); капитулировать rumour — молва, слух to poison — отравить
Diana - the People's Princess

Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children.
Diana became princess, when Prince Charles, the Queen's son, asked her to be his wife and they got married. They seemed to be a happy couple at first. They had two sons. They travelled a lot they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn't understand her.
Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful, the most photographed woman in the world?
Why did she win the hearts of millions and millions of people in many countries? Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died? Why did the car accident which took her life, become such a total shock to crowds of people? Why did people feel the need to be in London at the funeral?
Why did the tears and love at the funeral move the world?
The answer is so simple. Matthew Wall, a student at St. Michael's College in Burlington said: " She was such a lovely lady. She did so much for those people less fortunate that herself".
She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana's kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She was devoted to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn't afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.
She worked on children's charities, and had teamed up with Hillary Clinton in an effort to ban landmines. And it's not only money, that she wanted to give people. She wanted to give them a part of her soul, to make them happy because she was unhappy herself. She wanted to give them love, because she needed love herself.
Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers (Tom Hanks, Steven Spilberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people.
Diana was seen many times in floods of tears, because of the pressures of her loveless 15-year marriage. It is not a secret that Diana was hounded and humiliated to the point of mental breakdown and was able to pull through only because she knew she had the love of the people to buoy her in her darkest hours.
She was, indeed, the People's Princess.
1. How many brothers and sisters did Diana have? 2. What did Diana like in childhood? 3. When did Diana become princess? 4. Why did Diana become world-famous? 5. Why did people love Diana? 6. Who was among her friends? 7. Why was she the People's Princess?
to ban — запретить landmine — фугас to need smth. — нуждаться в чем-либо producer — режиссер, постановщик a flood of tears — поток слез to buoy — поддерживать, поднимать (настроение) to hound — преследовать to humiliate — унижать leper — больной проказой to work on charities — заниматься благотворительностью soul — душа
В страдательном залоге указанные ниже глаголы сохраняют после себя определенные предлоги:
to agree to/with - соглашаться с чем - то to call for/on - зайти за кем - то to count on - надеяться, рассчитывать на кого - то to deal with - иметь дело с to hear of - слышать о to insist on/upon - настаивать на to interfere with - вмешиваться в, мешать to laugh at - смеяться над to look after - ухаживать за to look at - смотреть на to put up with - примириться с to refer to - ссылаться на to rely on/upon - полагаться на to send for - посылать за to speak about/ of, to говорить о, с to talk about - говорить о to think of - думать о to write about - писать о to find fault with - придираться к to make fun of - насмехаться над to pay attention to - обращать внимание на to take care of - заботиться о
Exercise 1. Put these sentences into negative and interrogative forms. 1. Marmalade is made of oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. America was discovered long ago. 6. The book is still being published. 7. My neighbor’s car was stolen last night. 8. His winter boots were made in Germany. 9. The building was ruined by the earthquake. 10. Italian is spoken in Italy and on Malta.
Exercise 2. Translate the verbs in these sentences. 1. A lot of houses построено in Moscow and other towns. 2.When было написано this letter? 3. The letter было написано this morning. 4. Whom будет переведена this article into English by? 5. The article переведена already. 6. This question обсуждался when we came in. 7. Where are the students? They экзаменуются now in the next room. 8. By the time they arrive the work закончена. 9. A huge plant in the town of N был построен recently. 10. The little boy смотрели with interest by the people. 11. I (to check up) my homework before she (to question) me.
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in the passive Voice.
1. You (advise) to wear warm shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm. 5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen. 6. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan. 7. This road never (clean). 8. Gold (discover) in Eastern Canada. 9. When I saw him, he (chase) by a large dog. 10. Several towns (destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius.
Exercise 4. Change the sentences as in example. Example: A telephone call woke me up. – I was woken up by a telephone call. 1. My father built this cottage. 2. Beginners use that computer. 3. Somebody is opening the window now. 4. We sold the last French text -book. 5. People all over Russia watch the news. 6. The moonlight lit everything in the room. 7. Don’t worry, we shall settle your problems. 8. We have just sent for the doctor. 9. The Semyenovs don’t use this room very often. 10. Thomas Coryate brought forks from Italy to England. 11. He has just repaired his car. 12. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person. 13. The secretary is still typing the letter. 14. Mum cut the meat and chopped it. 15. Snow covered everything. 16. The police have been looking for him for a month! 17. He described his new flat for me. 18. Our chief offered me a day- off. 19. He pointed out the mistake to me. 20. They don’t allow their children to go far from home. Exercise 5. Change the Active Voice to the Passive Voice. Pay attention to the prepositions' places. 1. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 2. The group spoke tom the dean yesterday. 3. Young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 4. Nobody lived in that old house. 5. We thought about our friend all the time. 6. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 7. The teacher sent for the pupils parents. 8. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 9. Nobody slept in the bed. 10. The neighbor asked for the telegram.
Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это. 2. На них смотрели с большим интересом. 3. За ними уже послали? 4. На эту статью часто ссылаются. 5. Об этой книге много говорят. 6. На него можно положиться. 7. Я уверен, что его будут слушать с большим вниманием. 8. Когда лодка пропала из вида, мы пошли домой. 9. Я думаю, их спору не будет конца. 10. Этот музей посещают очень часто.
Exercise 7. Change the Active Voice to the Passive Voice. А) 1. Many people attend the lecture. 2. Someone has eaten the cake. 3. He will leave the ticket on the table. 4. They were discussing the report the whole evening. 5. People speak English in many countries. 6. Snow will cover the fields in winter. 7. Everyone can see the film soon. 8. The gardener has planted some apple –trees. 9. His parents have bought him a new bicycle. 10. They will advertise the product on TV. В) 1. An actor killed President Abraham Lincoln. 2. Alexander Bell invented the telephone. 3. The Chinese invented paper. 4. They invented photography. 5. The French government gave the Statue of Liberty to the American people. 6. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal mausoleum for his wife who died in 1631. 7. They make Volkswagen cars in Germany. 8. Columbus discovered America. 9. Fleming discovered penicillin. 10. They talked much about that problem.
Exercise 8. Translate into English
1. Вся домашняя работа сделана: ошибки исправлены, новые слова выучены, предложения переведены, сочинение написано. 2. Тихо! Не шумите! Она сейчас дает интервью. 3. Радио «Европа-плюс» слушают во всей России. 4. Это вкусное блюдо было приготовлено итальянским поваром. 5. Многие современные лекарства делают из растений. 6. Музыка к опере «Женитьба Фигаро» была написана Моцартом. 7. Результаты экзаменов будут объявлены завтра утром. 8. Не прикасайся к забору. Его только что покрасили. 9. Все деревья и цветы в этом саду посажены мною. 10. Ошибка была сделана очень давно, а исправлена только сейчас.
Exercise 9. Answer to the given questions. 1. Was “Mona Lisa” painted by Picasso? 2. Was Mickey Mouse created by Warners? 3. Was the song “Imagine” written by Elvis Presley? 4. Was the film “Titanic” directed by Alfred Hitchcock? 5. Was “Romeo and Juliet” written by Agatha Christie? 6. Was the Parthenon built by the ancient Romans? 7. Was the telephone invented by Siemens? 8. Was America discovered by Marco Polo? 9. Was “The Moonlight Sonata” composed by Tchaikovsky? 10. Were the pyramids built in China? Leonardo da Vinci, the ancient Egyptians, James Cameron, the ancient Greeks, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Shakespeare, Alexander Bell, Christopher Columbus, Beethoven
Exercise 10. Translate into English
1. The box must be taken to the station. 2. The river can be crossed on a raft. 3. The building of the house can be finished very soon. 4. The books must be returned in two days. 5. Three of these exercises must be done tomorrow. 6. The book you need can be found in any library. 7. The letters must be sent at once. 8. This mistake can be easily everywhere. 9. The doctor says she must be taken to the hospital. 10. Even the tallest trees can be climbed by monkeys.
Exercise 11. Translate the sentences using Passive Indefinit after modal verbs.. 1. Руки надо мыть перед каждой едой. 2. Комнаты нужно регулярно проветривать. 3. Кошку надо кормить рыбой. 4. Собаку можно кормить мясом и овощами. 5. Ребенку надо давать фрукты. 6. Книги надо положить в шкаф. 7. Эту картину можно повесить над камином. 8. Как можно перевести это слово? 9. На что нужно обратить внимание? 10. Нужно записать твой номер телефона.
Exercise 12. Change the given sentences to the active Voice.
Example: 1. The room was cleaned and aired. – Olga cleaned and aired the room. 2. Have all these books been read? 3. Whom were these letters written by? 4. The letter has just been typed. 5. She showed me the picture which had been painted by her husband. 6. I shall not be allowed to go there. 7. He has been told everything, so he knows what to do now. 8. All the questions must be answered. 9. The door has been left open. 10. When will these books be returned to the library?