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Vocabulary. Complete the sentences with one of the following words

Complete the sentences with one of the following words

Solitary, dexterity, livestock, stalk, mammal

1. Any animal in which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk form its own body is a ___________.

2. If you are the only one, not with any other people, you feel _____________.

3. A predator often _________ its prey quietly as closely as possible without being seen or heard.

4. The ability to use parts of the body skillfully in doing something is __________.

5. We can name domestic animals which are kept on a farm ___________.


A) Looking for Main Ideas

Write complete answers to these questions

1. What is the main reason the snow leopard was chosen as one of the symbols of Kazakhstan?

2. What part of the world is considered to be usual habitat of the ounce?

3. What is the animal the snow leopard resembles by its manner?

B) Looking for Details

Circle the letter of the best variant to finish the sentence.

1. The passage means that snow leopard prefer _________.

a. to live and hunt alone

b. to find other leopards to hunt together if the prey is too big

c. to hunt only domestic animals

2. According to the passage, this animal usually spends summer in _____________.

a. the valleys

b. the deserted places of rain forests

c. the mountain regions

3. Usually the snow leopard feeds in a crouched positions in the manner as _____ do.

a. tigers and lions

b. domestic cats

c. only small cats

4. Female snow leopards give birth in the spring or early summer usually to _______.

a. only three cubs and no more

b. tow cubs

c. tow or three cubs

5. According to the passage, can snow leopards roar like other big representatives of the cat’s family?

a. Of course, they can

b. They can but only sometimes when they are angry

c. They never roar


Discuss these issues with your classmates or your teacher

1. they say that there are a lot of legends about the snow leopard. Do you know any? If not, try to find and tell.

2. Which does the snow leopard mean more for you: an animal or a symbol?

3. What is your favorite wild animal?


Write some sentences or a short compositions about this topic.

What can be done to protect endangered animals form extinction?


Eagle is the name of some of the largest and most powerful birds in the world. Among birds of prey only condors and some species of vultures are larger than eagles. Eagles look fierce and proud and they soar gracefully high in the air. They have often been pictured as courageous hunters and have long been symbols of freedom and power. The steppe eagle of central Asia best fits this description and in Kazakhstan it is sometimes called “a king of birds”.

Eagles are careful to avoid danger. They usually stay away from human beings and rarely attack except when concerned. Some species of eagles also may attack when defending their nests and young. An eagle’s chief weapons are its powerful legs, feet and claws. Some eagles also bite in self-defense. Eagles mat attack newborn lambs or other livestock. Since ancient times among many countries this bird has been used as a national or military symbol. The eagle was always thought to be a bird of courage and bravery. Roman warriors used a golden figure of an eagle as a sign of strength. Russian and Austrian emperors also used eagles as symbols. The United States chose the eagle as its national bird in 1782. A special attitude can be seen toward this bird in Kazakhstan. It is pictured on the national flag. This bird symbolizes the depth of the steppe people’s soul. It shows the generosity and greatness of Kazakhstan nation. It is also a sign of its power and authority.

Eagles vary in size, depending on the species and the individuals. Females Are generally larger than males. The wingspan of different species can range form about 1.2 to 2.4 meters. Most eagles weight about 3to 5 kilograms. If the wind and other flying conditions are favorable, some eagles may be able to carry a prey weighing nearly as much as themselves.

The head of an eagle is large and covered with feathers. An eagle has large eyes that are located on the sides of its head. However, it can see straight ahead.

Most birds have keener sight that people and animals and eagles are said to have the keenest sight of all. Eagles can sight their prey while soaring high in the air. Eagles have large, strong hooked beaks which they use to tear up their prey. Eagles have strong legs and feet. They use their claws to carry prey to a feeding place. When eagles fight they dive at each other and try to strike with their claws. Eagles have such long, broad wings and tails that they easily support their heavy bodies when they fly. Eagles can glide great distances without flapping their wings. Most adult eagles are dark brown or black. Wild eagles are thought to live form 20 to 30 years. In captivity they may live 50 years or more. Eagles hunt only during the day. They spend the night in their aeries. Often tow eagles hunt together.

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