
(word formation)


1. ():

Nouns Verbs

answer to answer

walk , to walk ,

work to work

order to order

change to change

help to help

Adjectives Verbs

free to free

clean to clean

2. :

Nouns Verbs

conduct to conduct

contrast to contrast

increase to increase ()

export to export

import to import

present to present

3. :

Verbs Nouns

to advise advice

to live life

to believe belief

to prove proof

to choose choice

to lose loss ,

to use use

to behave behaviour

to fly flight

to grow growth

to practise practice

to serve service

to know knowledge

to die death

to complain complaint

to speak speech

to think thought

to weigh , weight

Adjectives Nouns

deep depth

high height

hot heat

long length

poor poverty

proud pride

strong strength

young youth

warm warmth

wide width

4. :

Verbs → Nouns

-age pass passage -ment improve improvement
-al arrive arrival -sion divide division
-ance appear arrearance -tion invent invention
-ation admire admiration -ure Fail failure
-ence differ difference -y recover recovery
-ion confuse confusion -ee employ employee

Adjectives → Nouns

-ance important importance -ity popular popularity
-cy vacant vacancy -ment excited excitement
-ence silent silence -ty necessary necessity
-ion attractive attraction -y difficult difficulty
-(i)ness lazy laziness kind kindness  

Nouns, Verbs → Adectives

-ic energy energetic -able to breake breakable
-(ic)al practice practical profession professional -ive to attract attractive
-ous danger dangerous  
-y rain rainy
-ly friend friendly
-ful beauty beautiful
-less friend friendless

5. dis-, mis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, un -, : to obey to dis obey, legal il legal, patient im patient, definite in definite, regular ir regular, lucky un lucky, fortune - mis fortune.

: convenient in convenient, un convenient; decisive in desicive, un desicive.

(): possible im possible im possibility. But: pleasant un pleasant dis pleased dis pleasure; comfortable un comfortable dis comforted dis comfort.



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