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Определите основную идею текста.

      Fashion is a social phenomenon reflecting different aspects of people’s life.
      Fashion is popular as it helps people to break the monotony of their lives.
      Most people take great interest in fashion and usually try to follow it.
      Fashion is closely connected with the development of business.



ЗАДАНИЕ N 32 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами анализа информации





Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
1. The concept of fashion implies a process of style change, because fashions in dress, as well as in furniture and other objects, have taken very different forms at different times in history. Most people follow fashion to some extent, because fashion refers to much more than the haute couture, the exclusive and expensive clothing produced by leading designers. Even schoolchildren are aware that fashions exist. Nevertheless, we do tend to distinguish between basic clothing, such as blue jeans, parkas and T-shirts, and the latest trendy fashions created by fashion designers. Fashion reflects the society of which it is a part. It has been influenced by wars, conquests, laws, religion, and the arts. Individual personalities have also had an impact on fashion. Royalty and heads of states have set fashion, and in the 20thcentury media stars have emerged as leaders of fashion. French writer Anatole France said that if he could come back to Earth 100 years after his death and have only one thing to read, he would choose a fashion magazine because that would show him the way people lived.
2. Fashion also has its critics, who have at times denounced fashion as irrational, frivolous, tyrannical, and immoral. Why should pink be in fashion one season and grey the next season? Why do people follow fashion like sheep when they have enough clothes already? A common accusation is that fashion designers accelerate fashion change to create new business. Yet no new fashion succeeds until people are ready to accept it. The final decision about what to buy, or whether to buy anything at all, belongs to the consumer. Ultimately, fashions change because many people like new and different styles.

Ответьте на вопрос:
What is the main thing that determines new fashion success?

      The main thing that determines new fashion success is people’s readiness to accept it.
      The main thing that determines new fashion success is consumer’s hesitation about what to buy.
      The main thing that determines new fashion success is severe fashion critics’ position.
      The main thing that determines new fashion success is people’s reading fashion magazines.


Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации при изучающем чтении, уметь анализировать получаемую информацию и, читая текст, находить ответ на поставленный вопрос.
Правильный ответ на вопрос «Что является главным, определяющим в успехе новой моды?» – «People’s readiness to accept it» («Готовность людей принять ее»), поскольку, согласно тексту: «…no new fashion succeeds until people are ready to accept it» («…никакая новая мода не будет иметь успеха, пока люди не будут готовы принять ее») (фрагмент 2).



Преподаватель: Смирнова Е.Л.
Специальность: 030402.65 - Историко-архивоведение
Группа: 11405
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Идентификатор студента: Свистунов А В
Логин: 07ps169629
Начало тестирования: 2013-04-16 11: 37: 43
Завершение тестирования: 2013-04-16 12: 09: 55
Продолжительность тестирования: 32 мин.
Заданий в тесте: 32
Кол-во правильно выполненных заданий: 23
Процент правильно выполненных заданий: 71 %


ЗАДАНИЕ N 1 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Учебно-социальная сфера





Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
Teacher (colleague): «I have some problems with the Internet. Will you e-mail my article to the editor?»
Teacher (colleague): «_____________».

      Yes, of course.
      You seem to know better.
      It’s out of the question!
      I'd be glad to. What’s up?



ЗАДАНИЕ N 2 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Социально-деловая сфера





Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
Receptionist: «Just a moment, please, while I check. You have a reservation for a three-room suite for tonight»
Guest: «_____________?»

      I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. I only asked for a single room, not a suite.
      What?! I didn’t ask for a suite.
      You must be kidding me. I don’t need a suite.
      I will book a room here.



ЗАДАНИЕ N 3 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Профессионально-деловая сфера





Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
Secretary: «I’m sorry, Mr. Brown is busy at the moment. Tell me please your telephone number. Mr Brown will call you later».
Speaker: «_______________».

      Of course. Double five-nine-three-six-four-two.
      I’m not going to wait.
      He can’t make me wait!
      I’ll never call again.



ЗАДАНИЕ N 4 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Бытовая сфера





Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
A: «Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the National Museum?»
B: «________________».

      Sorry, I don’t know.
      It’s over there.
      I don’t know.
      Glad to meet you. How do you like London?



ЗАДАНИЕ N 5 отправить сообщение разработчикам
Тема: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия в тексте запрашиваемой информации





Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Landmark Inventions of the Millennium
1. The last 1, 000 years have produced an incredible number and variety of scientific and technological breakthroughs – but which of these were the most important? Narrowing a list of the thousands of inventions made since the year 1000 to the ten greatest requires some exact criteria. The qualifying inventions either provided radically new ways to do an important job, or they made possible tasks that were previously unimagined. Their impact was felt, if not right away then eventually, by a large portion of humanity. These developments have made possible significant new technological innovations and scientific discoveries. And finally, they have had an enduring effect on the world.
2. The inventions that meet these criteria, in chronological order, are the compass, the mechanical clock, the glass lens, the printing press, the steam engine, the telegraph, electric power, wireless communications, antibiotics, and the transistor. Missing from this list are many extremely significant technological advances, including the airplane, telephone, automobile, and computer. In many cases these inventions were omitted because they are based on earlier developments or breakthroughs.
3. In considering the ten most significant inventions of the past 1, 000 years, a subtle distinction must be made: the difference between «invention» and «discovery» is not as clear as one might think. A discovery can be as simple as the observation of a previously unnoticed phenomenon, while an invention is a human-devised machine, tool, or apparatus that did not previously exist.

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