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Buildings and Homes.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒
По практике устной и письменной речи английского языка Ая специальность Учебный год Travelling. Why do people travel? It is now possible to travel to most parts of the world easily. What are the good and bad points of it? What do you enjoy and not enjoy about travelling? What means of transport do you prefer when you travel? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the four forms of travel: by air, by sea, by rail, by road? Which foreign countries would you like to visit? Which parts of your own country would you like to visit one day? 2. Describing people – Appearance. What is your ideal of a handsome man or a beautiful woman? What is the ideal human form? (Consider face, hair, eyes and complexion, height and build or figure, general appearance). Did the notion of the ideal human form change over the centuries? Who do you consider to be the most attractive man/woman of all time? Comment on the implications of the sayings “Appearances are deceitful”, “Handsome is as handsome does”, “Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder”. Do you think your build sometimes determines your character? Do you think our appearance reflects the life that we have led? Can you think of examples from literature? How do you solve your beauty problems? Do you watch your weight? Which skincare products are advisable? 3. Describing people – Character and Personality. What characteristics do you consider to be more attractive and less attractive (in terms of intellectual ability, attitudes towards life, attitudes towards other people)? What qualities do you think are needed in a good friend; hoped for in a parent? How do you think your character has changed or developed over the past five years? Are there any aspects of your personality you still don’t like? How would you say your national character is different from that of the British? How much truth is there in stereotyped national characteristics? Health and medicine. What are the health hazards of modern life? What are the maladies of the 21st century? Are people becoming more health-conscious? Have your own attitudes to health care changed at all? What are the rules for staying healthy and keeping fit? What is the difference between western medicine and holistic medicine? What do you know about the alternative approaches to medicine (Acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy etc.)? Buildings and Homes. What do you like and what don’t like about the place where you live? What are the differences between homes in this country and Britain? What things would you like to have done to improve your room, flat or house? What is your dream house: location, style, the interior decoration, furnishings and fittings and the garden? How many people could live in the house? Who would they be? What are the advantages and drawbacks of living with your parents? Food. What are the basic characteristics of our country’s cuisine? How is it different from the cooking of another country you know about? What is your favourite dish – how is it prepared? What is a balanced diet? How does diet affect your health? What do you consider to be “healthy” food and “unhealthy” food? What foods do you avoid because they are considered to be bad for you? “ We are what we eat”. Do you agree?