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Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть. 2. Вот человек, с которым вы хотите поговорить. 3. Я не люблю людей, которые ко всем придираются. 4. Я знаю девушку, которая удивительно хорошо декламирует стихи. Вчера она прочла стихотворение, которое мне очень понравилось. 5. Улицы, по которым он проходил, были узкие и грязные. 6. Старик постучал в дверь небольшого домика, окна которого были ярко освещены. 7. Когда Ольга вернулась домой, она увидела, что ее сестра разговаривает с человеком, которого она никогда прежде не видела. 8. Я нашла гостиницу, где мы жили несколько лет назад. 9. Письмо, которое она получила утром, расстроило ее. 10. Утром она получила письмо, которое ее расстроило. 11. Молодая девушка долго думала об удивительном открытии, которое она сделала. 12. На дороге они увидели большой камень, которого там раньше не было. 13. Я знаю адрес человека, которому вы хотите написать. 14. Дверь открыла женщина; в ней он сразу узнал оригинал портрета, который ему показал его приятель. 15. Она поехала в город, где жила ее дочь.

Exercise 6. (A) Insert articles or some where necessary. (Articles with nouns- of material.)

1. We sipped __ tea so weak that it tasted like __ metal against the teeth. (Snow) 2. You will be wishing to have __ tea after your journey, I'm thinking. (Shaw) 3. George said that we must take __ rug, __ lamp, __.soap, __ brush and __ comb, __ tooth-brush, __ tooth-powder and __ couple of big towels for bathing. (Jerome K. Jerome) 4. __ children of his age seldom have natural pleasure in __ soap and water. (E. Bronte) 5. He bought __ cold beef, and __ ham, and __ French bread and butter, and came back with his pockets pretty heavily laden. (Dickens) 6. There were two bottles of __ wine, __ plate of __ oranges... with _ powdered sugar. (Dickens) 7. Here, have __ champagne, I quite forgot to offer you any, or would you rather have __ tea? (Murdoch) 8. She made __ coffee. (Murdoch) 9. __ coffee without __ bread could never honestly serve as supper. (Saroyan) 10 __ rest of us had finished eating, but Cave had cut himself another slice of __ cheese. (Snow) 11. Mrs. Leek... frankly gave way to __ soft tears while eating __ bread-and-butter, (Bennett) 12. You've caught cold: I saw you shivering, and you must have __ gruel to drive it out. (E. Bronte) 13. She did not answer, but her face was hard and pale as __ stone. (Galsworthy)

(b) Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns of material.)

1. She hurried in again and found __ water almost boiled away. (Lindsay) 2.... __ blood is thicker than __ water. (Galsworthy) 3. She went about looking into __ dining room, which... had been transformed into __ kind of jewel box glowing with __ flowers, __ silver, __ gold, __ tinted glass. (Dreiser) 4. Rosa tasted __ wine. It was harsh but refreshing. (Murdoch) 5. You drank __ wine with breakfast, dinner and supper, and fifty people always drank it with you. (/. Shaw)6. She looked with __ eager, hungry eyes at __ bread and __ meat and __ beer that __ landlady brought her. (Eliol) 7....Willows replied that he had made friends with __ sculptor in Pisa... and had commissioned this artist to make __ bust of himself in __ marble. (Hardy) 8. __ coffee was better than Dinny had hoped and very hot. (Galsworthy) 9. Without giving her __ opportunity to protest any more, he went to __. thelephone and ordered __ coffee and several sandwiches. (Caldwell) 10. She wears __ little sailor hat of __ black straw that has long been exposed to __ dust and soot of London. (Shaw) 11. The mother was yellow in colour and her skin resembled __ leather. (Murdoch) 12. The maid brought in __ pears, __ cold chicken, __ tongue, __ cheese. (Snow) 13. My heart... felt as heavy as __ lead. (Dи Maurier) 14. Every meal was __ bread and __ coffee and __ cigarettes, and now -he had no more bread. (Saroyan)

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