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Exercise 12. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.

1. Gemma __ badly the last few nights, and there were dark shadows under her eyes, (to sleep) (Voynich) 2. When he returned to his hotel he found a message that someone __ in his absence... (to telephone) (Hilton) 3. The Gadfly __ a moment, glancing furtively at Gemma; then he __ (to pause, to go on). (Voynich) 4. They __ the door of their inn, and __ a little way down the village, before they __ the precise spot in which it stood, (to pass, to walk, to recollect) (Dickens) 5. The moon __ There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night, (to rise — negative) (Abrahams) 6. Hardly __. she __ when a very stout gentleman __ into the chair opposite hers, (to sit down, to flop) (Mansfield) 7. They did not speak to him again, until he __ (to eat) (Greene) 8. Now the madman on the stairs spoke again and his mood __ suddenly __; he seemed quietly merry, (to change) (Priestley) 9. When Martini __ the room, the Gadfly turned his head round quickly, (to enter) (Voynich) 10. No sooner __ he __ a drink himself, than Mrs. Fettle __ in. (to take, to look) (Lessing) 11. Those grey hairs startled me. I __ they were there, (to know — negative) (Cain) 12. Gemma __ her hand and __ into the house. When the door __ behind her he __ and __ the spray of cypress which __ from her breast, (to pull away, to run, to close, to stoop, to pick up, to fall). (Voynich) 13. The fire __ dead, the moon __ down, and the window —grey before I went to sleep, (to be, to go, to be). (Cain) 14. I told him everything. He __ and __, like a figure cut in stone, till I __ (to stand, to listen, to finish) (Voynich) 15. When I __ Viste Grande towards dusk I found two notes awaiting me... (to reach) (Hilton) 16. He __ hardly __ another cigarette when the general __ into the courtyard, (to light, to come). (Maugham) 17. Gemma went slowly down the stairs, Martini following in silence. She __ to look ten years older in these few days, and the gray streak across her hair __ into a broad band, (to grow, to widen) (Voynich) 18. Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she __ (to fall) (Voynich) 19. She was a woman of nearly fifty who __ obviously __ pretty once. (to be) (/. Shaw)20. They crouched down behind the group of statuary and __ till the watchman __ (to wait, to pass) (Voynich) 21. Moreover, to him [the doctor] the affair was commonplace; it was just a hysterical woman who __ with her lover and __ poison, (to quarrel, to take) (Maugham) 22. The moon __ yet __ I sat in the sultry dark, making patterns with the end of my cigarette and listening, listening, (to rise — negative) (Hansford Johnson) 23. One night there Hew over the city a little Swallow. His friends __ away to Egypt six weeks before, but he __ behind. (to go, to stay) (Wilde) 24. By this time Collard's offer __ a thing of nightmare, (to become) (Hansford Johnson) 25. When Alison __ the first strains of the orchestra came stealing out to me from inside the hall, (to disappear) (Cronin) 26. He __ just __ the hall when a stranger __ (to leave, to enter) (Leacock) 27. On glancing at the address, he observed that it contained no name. The stranger __ far, so he made after him to ask it. (to go __ negative) (Dickens)

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