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A Surprise Announcement
" Nancy! Are you hurt? " She opened her eyes slowly and looked up into Chuck Wilson's worried face. He was kneeling beside her and chafing her wrists. " W-what happened? " she asked in a faint voice. " You spilled, " Chuck explained. " You made a clean jump over that skier and then you pitched on your face. But it wasn't your fault." " Not my fault? You mean that man—" " He got in your way, all right, " Chuck answered. " But it was a loose strap on one of your skis that caused your fall." The instructor showed it to her. Nancy sat up. " I want to try again, " she said. " Do you think you should? " Chuck asked. " Of course I should! " Chuck helped Nancy rise to her feet. " See? " She smiled. " No bones broken. Nothing injured except my dignity! " For the next hour, Chuck helped Nancy with her jumps. " You're learning fast! " he declared. " I wish you didn't have to return to the States so soon. Can't you persuade your father to stay, at least until after the ice show tonight? " " Maybe I can, " Nancy said. " I have an idea! " " Please try! " Chuck beamed. " Here are some tickets to the ice show. I'll expect to see you and your father there tonight." " I can't promise, " Nancy reminded him. " But thanks! So long for now. Chuck. I'd better go back to the hotel and meet Dad." Nancy and her father had a late lunch in the hotel dining room. The lawyer looked amused when his daughter told him she wanted to stay longer in Montreal. " For the winter sports or for young Wilson? " he teased. Nancy made a face, then grew earnest. " I'm thinking mainly of the Channings, " she said. " They may be selling more of that fake stock right in this area! " She told about the expert ski jumper and her suspicion that he was R. I. Channing. " Mrs. Channing may be here too, " the lawyer mused. " Yes, I think we ought to stay until you can investigate. Will you still have time for that skating exhibition tonight? " " Of course! " Nancy said. " That's part of my plan. Have you forgotten that Mrs. Channing is a professional skater—or used to be one? " Mr. Drew smiled. " You think this woman may attend the show, or even take part in it? " " Exactly. And if she does show up, I think I have enough evidence to have her arrested. Even if she's not there, I may be able to get some information about her from the skaters." The headwaiter suddenly appeared. " Pardon me, but are you Miss Nancy Drew? " he inquired. When she nodded, the waiter said, " There's a long-distance call for you in the lobby." Nancy excused herself and hurried to the telephone. The caller was George Fayne, who told her excitedly, " Bess and I just spoke with John Horn. He remembers Chuck Wilson 1" " George, that's marvelous! " " And he says that if he can do anything to help Chuck, he's willing to go to Canada! " " That's just what I'd hoped for! " said Nancy. " I'll be home soon and tell you all the news." " Another mystery? " George asked. Nancy laughed. " This one is Dad's. I'm just helping! " She returned to the table and told her father of John Horn's offer. " Now, that's progress! " the lawyer declared, " I'll tell Chuck as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Nancy, why don't you do some sightseeing in Montreal this afternoon? " " A fine idea! " Nancy agreed. " I can combine sightseeing with a visit to fur shops and hotels." Nancy walked around the picturesque city all afternoon, but did not find a clue to the Channings at the fur shops she visited. By the time she returned to the hotel it was early evening, and heavy snow had begun to fall. " It's a good thing the ice show wasn't planned for outdoors, " Mr. Drew remarked as he and Nancy waited for a taxi. When they were seated in the big arena, Nancy studied her program and saw that Chuck would skate first. Neither Mitzi Adele nor Mitzi Channing was listed. " Perhaps she's among the spectators, " Nancy thought. She borrowed binoculars from the man seated next to her and carefully scrutinized the audience. Nancy concluded that Mrs. Channing was not present. " I'm afraid my guess was wrong. Dad, " she sighed. " Mrs. Channing might be using another name, or be wearing a disguise, " Mr. Drew suggested. " If she does appear, " Nancy mused, " I'd like to know how to reach the police in a hurry." " Just go to one of those little black boxes along the wall, " her father said. " They connect with a police booth in the balcony." " Dad, how did you figure that out? " Nancy asked admiringly. " I didn't, " the lawyer said with a chuckle. " I called the police station this afternoon and asked what kind of protection they'd have here." Suddenly the loudspeaker blared, " Attention! We have a late entry in the Pair Skating. Miss Nancy Drew and her partner from the United States." Nancy's father turned to her in astonishment. " Why didn't you tell me you were going to skate? " " Because I'm not, " Nancy declared. " Mrs. Channing must be using my name again! " Nancy left her seat, her face flushed with anger. She followed signs that pointed the way to the skaters' dressing rooms. But as she neared the area, a uniformed attendant blocked her path. " Sorry, ma'am, nobody's permitted back there except skaters." " But I'm Nancy Drew! " she protested, showing the man her driver's license. The attendant glanced at it, then stepped aside as he declared, " I thought Miss Drew came in before. Well, your dressing room is straight ahead. You name is on the door." Nancy found the corridor crowded with skaters in colorful costumes. Mrs. Channing was not among them. Suddenly an eager voice exclaimed, " Nancy! Are you looking for me? " Nancy turned to see Chuck, who wore a black and red pirate's suit. " No, Chuck. It would take some time to explain why I'm here." " So you entered the exhibition! " Chuck said. " I wish you'd told me! " " It's a mistake, " Nancy said, moving on hurriedly. " I'll explain later, Chuck." She edged past the dressing rooms until she came to one with her name on it. She knocked on the door. There was no response. Nancy took a deep breath and opened the door. The dressing room was empty! Nancy was crestfallen. She had missed Mrs. Channing again! A quick survey of the room convinced her that the woman had been there recently. The scent of her heavy perfume was thick in the air. Had Mrs. Channing been frightened away? Who had warned her? Had she seen Nancy come into the arena? Nancy left the dressing room and made her way back through the crowded corridor. She questioned the skaters she met, but none recalled having seen the woman she described. Chuck Wilson greeted her again. " I have a solo part in the first number, " he told her. " I'd like to have you see it. You'll still have time to get into your costume." " Chuck, I'm not going to skate—really! " Nancy said. " I'm not the girl who signed up for the Pair Skating! " " What? " " Tell me, did you speak about me to anyone here after that announcement on the loudspeaker? " Chuck grinned. " Maybe I did mention to some of the performers that I know you, " he admitted. " I said you were with your father in the arena." " When you said that, were you standing anywhere near the dressing room with my name on it? " " Well, I guess I was, " Chuck replied. " Now, won't you tell me what all the mystery is about? " " Not yet—not in this crowd, " she said, " Too much has been overheard already! " " Is Miss Drew here? —Miss Nancy Drew? " A short, plump man with a waxed mustache came down the corridor, looking hastily about as he asked the question. " That's Mr. Dubois, the manager of the show, " Chuck told Nancy. " I can give you information about Nancy Drew, " the young detective told the man. Mr. Dubois motioned to Nancy and Chuck to follow him to an unoccupied dressing room. " Tell me where this young woman is, " he urged. " She must perform in thirty minutes." " I'm sure she has left, " Nancy said. " The woman who entered the exhibition isn't Nancy Drew at all. That's my name. This other woman is Mitzi Channing, and she's wanted by the police." The manager threw up his hands. " The police! Are you implying that I've been sponsoring a criminal? " " I know you've done nothing wrong, " Nancy said quickly. " But surely you want to help catch a thief. Please tell me what you know about this skater. What does she look like? " The description Mr. Dubois gave identified the woman as Mitzi Channing. She and a man named Smith had come that afternoon to try out for the show. Mr. Dubois described the man, but Nancy did not recognize him. " They were excellent skaters, " the manager said, " and I gave them permission to enter the Pair Skating. The woman wouldn't allow her partner's name to be announced." Nancy thanked Mr. Dubois. Just then a bell sounded. The manager and Chuck hurried off, and Nancy went to a telephone to tell the police of her suspicions. In the auditorium, Mr. Drew was becoming increasingly anxious about Nancy. Once he considered going to search for her. " No, " he told himself, " she works fast when she has a lead, and I trust her to act intelligently." The lawyer assumed that the late entry in the Pair Skating would be scratched. He was surprised when the announcer declared that the next skater would be Miss Nancy Drew and that her partner would be Charles Wilson. Mr. Drew watched his client, wearing close-fitting black slacks and an open-necked white satin shirt, glide gracefully onto the ice. Then the young man was joined by a titian-haired girl in a white satin ballet costume. The lawyer gasped. " Nancy! " The two skaters danced in unison, then spun off to skate individually. While Nancy executed some simple steps, her partner jumped and whirled in intricate patterns. Nancy had conceived the plan while Chuck was skating his first number. When he had returned to the dressing room, Nancy had asked him, " Do you think I danced that waltz well enough with you last night to try it on skates? " " Why, sure! You're cool." " I can't tell you the whole story now, " Nancy had said, " but I'd like to take the place of that woman who called herself Nancy Drew." The young sleuth thought, " Some of Mrs. Channing's friends might be in the arena, unaware that the woman had left. When I come on instead, one of them may be so startled that he'll reveal himself. I'll ask the police here to hold anyone who tries to leave the building during or immediately after the number." Turning to Chuck, she had said, " Will you skate with me if Mr. Dubois will let me and if I can borrow a costume and skates? " " You bet I will! " " I'm no expert, " Nancy warned. " So don't try anything tricky. I'll leave the fancy steps to you, and while you're in the spotlight, I'll have a chance to do some detective work." " To do what? Well, all right! " Mr. Dubois had agreed to the plan and a girl Nancy's size had offered to lend the young sleuth skates and a costume. Nancy's heart had pounded with fright when the loudspeaker had announced their number. But with Chuck's confident voice encouraging her, she soon lost her nervousness. At the end of the number, the young man grasped Nancy's wrists, swept her from her feet and spun round and round with her until the music blared the last note. Nancy was dizzy as applause rang in her ears. As her vision cleared, she noticed that a tall, heavy-set man had risen from his seat and was moving quickly toward an exit. Was he R. I. Channing? Nancy turned to her partner. " Come on, Chuck, " she urged. " Let's get off the ice quickly. I think the mystery is about to be solved! "