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Tile Hidden Cabin
DISAPPOINTED not to have found any trace of the eavesdropper, the boys and girls returned to Eloise Drew's lodge and made plans to go to Longview Inn. " I'm driving to the village with Aunt Eloise, " announced Bess. " We'll meet you at the hotel for lunch." The teacher recommended that the others start out at once. " It will take you until noon to reach the inn, " she reminded them. Just as the hikers were about to set off, John Horn strode up with a telegram. " Did you get one of these this morning, Nancy? " he asked. " Woman at the telegraph office in the village sent a boy out with one, but he didn't come back there and they wondered if he delivered it." " Yes, he did, " said Nancy. The telegram proved to be a duplicate of the one she had received. Nancy told John Horn about the mysterious eavesdropper. " Would you look at the spot where the tracks end and see what you think? His tracks simply end." The trapper followed Nancy to the place. He chuckled. " The fellow used the old Injun method of covering his tracks, " he declared. " Walked backward and brushed the prints away with a broom he'd made of an evergreen bough. He wouldn't keep that up for long, though. Maybe we'll pick up the tracks some distance on. I'll go with you." Nancy went back for her skis, then the group set off for the inn, watching carefully for footprints. " Hey, gang! " Dave called suddenly. " Look at the circle of ski tracks just ahead." " How odd! " said Ned. " It looks as if two or three people met here and–" " And had a conference, " Nancy finished. " I'll bet that eavesdropper has skis! The tracks seem to lead away in three directions–so why don't we separate and see where they go? " Burt grinned. " Give us our orders, ma'am! " " Okay. Dave, will you follow the tracks that lead toward the hotel? Tell Aunt Eloise and Bess that the rest of us may be delayed. George and Burt, will you swing right toward the Wells Ranch? " She pointed. " Okay! " said Burt. " Ned and I will take that left trail into the woods, " Nancy went on. " Mr. Horn, will you come with us? " As he nodded, she said, " If any of you find our eavesdropper, try to nab him! " When Nancy's group started off, John Horn said, " I know one thing you'll find. There's a cabin ahead of us that don't seem natural." " How do you mean? " Ned asked. " Nobody there, and it's locked tight and boarded at the windows. The right kind o' woods people always keep their cabins open for other hunters to use." The three searchers followed the ski tracks until they disappeared about a hundred feet beyond the cabin the trapper had described. Their quarry evidently had removed his skis and continued on foot. " His footprints aren't like the ones the eavesdropper left at Aunt Eloise's cabin, " Nancy remarked, " so we'd better turn back." The trio stopped first to inspect the small cabin, which was locked. At the door were lots of footprints. " I wonder if they were made by hikers who stopped here to rest, " Nancy said. " Or by men who stay here, " Ned replied. " By the way, that padlock hasn't been on the door long. It's brand new! " John Horn nodded. " Reckon I won't go to the hotel yet. I'll just stay here and scout around a bit. You folks run along." Nancy and Ned reached the Longview Inn about twenty minutes later. It was crowded with sports enthusiasts. George and Burt hurried across the lobby to meet them, and reported that neither they nor Dave had found anything of consequence. Aunt Eloise beckoned her niece aside. " Your father and I are worried, Nancy, " she said. " I talked with him on the telephone. He didn't send that telegram! " " I wonder who did, " Nancy mused. " Someone who wanted to make sure you would be at the inn today, " her aunt declared. " You will be extra careful, won't you? " " Of course, " Nancy promised. " But there's not much danger with so many friends around." Although she pretended to take her aunt's news lightly, Nancy was aware that the telegram might indicate trouble. " The Channings must know by now that I'm responsible for Boyd's arrest, " she thought. " They may try to trap me! " Aunt Eloise continued to worry during lunch, and ate very little. Chuck Wilson appeared while they were finishing dessert, and Nancy introduced him to her aunt and the others. A short time later a bugle announced the opening of the afternoon program. Everyone hurried outside to watch or participate in the contests. " To start the afternoon's events, " the master of ceremonies said, " the management is proud to present a special feature. Chuck Wilson, our new ski instructor, will make an exhibition jump from Big Hill." There was a murmur of anticipation from the spectators as all eyes turned to the top of the slope where the blond young man stood poised for the start. At a blast from the bugle, he was off. Chuck raced down the incline, then soared into space, his arms spread out like a great bird's wings. For an instant he seemed to hang in the sunlit sky. A moment later he came swooping gracefully to earth. The crowd burst into applause and Burt declared with a grin, " I'd give up college if I thought I could learn to do that! " As he and the others skied over to congratulate Chuck, Nancy scanned the crowd of spectators. The Channings did not seem to be present. Aunt Eloise came to her niece's side and spoke in a low voice. " I hope you're not planning to enter any of the events, dear, " she said. " Your enemies may be waiting for your name to be announced." Nancy agreed. She took off her skis and went to explain her decision to Ned. The young man was disappointed but said, " The important thing is to keep you safe, Nancy. Okay if I find another partner to enter the next event? " " Of course, " said Nancy. A few minutes later she watched as Ned and a pretty girl joined in the two-legged race. Nancy left her aunt's side and pushed her way among the milling groups. She still saw no sign of the couple who had taken part in the stock swindles. " I'm wrong about their being here, " she decided finally. " I should have entered the games after all. Hunches aren't–" " Psst! Nancy! " The urgent voice came from behind her. She whirled to face John Horn. The old man's eyes sparkled with excitement. He beckoned with a calloused finger. " Follow me! "