Eerie Inspection
WHAT an exciting suggestion! Nancy exclaimed. Think of going inside the moss-covered mansion!
All the others agreed it was a good idea except Bess, who looked worried.
Nancy, please think this over. You know the trouble we almost got into with those wild animals on the outside of the house. No telling what may happen if you go indoors.
Nancy turned to Mr. Nickerson. Surely it cant be dangerous if the Health Department goes there regularly to inspect the place.
Neds father nodded. I can soon solve this, he said. My friend Mr. Wilcox, the animal control officer, will know whether or not its possible and also safe for you to go into the moss-covered mansion.
He went to make the call. While waiting, George said she was envious of Nancys visit to the place. Bess remarked timidly, Well Im not. I dont mind telling you those animals frightened me half to death.
Mr. Nickerson soon returned, a wide smile on his face. Everything is arranged. Mr. Wilcox will be here tomorrow morning at ten to pick you up.
Thats wonderful! the young detective exclaimed. I think wed better dash home now. Ill see you at ten oclock tomorrow morning. By the way, Mr. Nickerson, will you request Mr. Wilcox not to introduce me at the moss-covered mansion?
Thats a good idea, he agreed. If they know your name, you might not get a friendly greeting! Anyway, since you are not a regular member of the Public Health Service staff, let the people at the mansion think of you as Wilcoxs Girl Friday.
This reference to the Robinson Crusoe story struck Bess funny and she began to laugh. Youll be Mrs. Robinson Crusoe, she remarked. On the way home, however, Bess sobered again. I just hope nothing happens to you!
I promise to keep my eyes open, Nancy told her friend.
She could hardly wait for the following morning to come, but during the remainder of the afternoon, Bess kept referring to the possible dangers Nancy might encounter.
Once she said, Suppose that leopard mauls you!
George looked at her cousin severely. Will you be quiet? Nancy is determined to go and I dont blame her. Theres no point in trying to scare her away.
Bess said no more but Hannah Gruen did. She was inclined to agree with Bess. I know Mr. Wilcox will be with you, but what protection would he be against an angry lion?
When Mr. Drew and Mr. Billington heard what the plan was, they took a different attitude. Both were sure Nancy could not be harmed if Wilcox was with her.
The lawyer added, I know you will keep alert, Nancy, and look in all directions at once.
Nancy bent to kiss her father and patted him on the cheek. Are you trying to make me into some kind of a wonder of science? she teased. Ive never learned to swivel my head!
He chuckled, then said that he and Mr. Billington were going out to have dinner with Mr. Datsun.
See you in the morning, he told the others and the two men set off.
The three girls went up to Nancys room to help her pick the outfit she would wear the following morning. The choice was a white dress and shoes. Nancy would arrange her hair in a bun so she would look older.
Bess announced she was suffering with hunger pains so the trio went downstairs to have dinner with Mrs. Billington and Hannah. Once more the Resardos were not there. The rest of the evening was spent reading the latest reports of the forthcoming flight to the moon.
I see that there are going to be many celebrities here, Mrs. Gruen remarked. Even the president may come down!
The newspaper carried pictures of well-known press correspondents who had arrived to report the shoot. There were photographers by the hundreds and a sprinkling of visitors from other countries.
Its going to be fabulous! Bess exclaimed. Arent those astronauts who are on the mission handsome?
Yes, and remarkably brave and intelligent, George added.
Finally it was time for the group to retire. Nancy was too excited to drop off to sleep but eventually she did and woke up refreshed and ready for the days adventure. After breakfast the girls drove to the Nickerson home. A few minutes later Mr. Wilcox arrived and was introduced to them. He wore a khaki smock-type suit.
So this is the young lady who will accompany me, he said, smiling at Nancy, and act as secretary for the trip. He handed her a stenographers pad and a pencil. Take lots of notes, he added with a wink.
Nancy laughed. I understand. Some for you and some for me.
The two went to the car. Nancy noticed a pair of asbestos gloves on the seat.
I wear those whenever I have to go inside a cage, he explained.
When they arrived at the moss-covered mansion, Wilcox turned into the narrow path that wound through the orange grove and the jungle to the house. He parked and they walked up the steps of the old-fashioned house.
The Public Health officer rang the bell. He and Nancy stood waiting but there was no answer.
Maybe the bell doesnt work, Nancy suggested.
Her companion pounded loudly on the door. After a long while it was opened a crack. Nancys heart began to beat a little faster. Would the huge man with the whip open the door?
Wilcox called into the crack, Mr. Fortin?
Yes, came the answer. No visitors allowed!
