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A Hard Decision


AFTER Mr. Drew had been told of Terry’s decision, and had left for his office, Nancy reviewed in her mind the swift-moving events of the past twenty-four hours. What was there she could do to help solve the mystery, now that Terry was returning to his explorations in Mexico?

“I can still try to find out where the Wangells went, ” she decided. “That may lead to the Porterlys and then to Juarez Tino, and—”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. Sergeant Malloy reported failure in locating the Wangells.

“The Kirkland police thoroughly searched the town. No clues to where those folks went. You got anything else to suggest? ”


“What? ”

“My guess is, ” Nancy replied, “that the Wangells will join the Porterlys in Florida.”

Malloy seemed to be intrigued with the idea that the two wives might be sisters. He said the police would communicate with Florida authorities to try to find the couples.

“We have a report on Wilfred Porterly, ” the officer went on. “His driver’s license is okay. But according to the records, he hasn’t owned a car for years, so the car registration was forged and the license plates stolen.”

“Did the Miami police find him at his home? ” Nancy asked.

“No, but they’ll keep an eye out for him. Remember that Tropical Sun Fruit Company that Porterly talked about? There’s no such business in Florida.”

“What is his business? ”

“A lot of pretty fancy rackets. At one time, for instance, he was connected with some art dealers.”

“The Wangells, ” thought Nancy. After she had thanked the officer for calling and hung up, she said to herself, “And now the ‘fancy racket’ is cashing in on an old treasure.”

When Bess and George dropped in a few minutes later, Nancy was improvising idly on the piano in the living room.

“George told me all about yesterday, ” Bess said excitedly. “She says Terry left town. Oh dear, I wish I’d been home for the excitement, but I suppose I’d have been scared green.”

Nancy smiled, but made no comment.

“You wouldn’t be feeling lonesome for Terry, would you? ” George asked slyly. “Or is it the plainclothesmen you miss? I notice they’ve left.”

“They’re on duty only at night now, ” Nancy answered “But I’m not lonesome. I’m trying to puzzle something out. Bess, do you know what five times seven and one are? ”

“Why, thirty-six.”

“Yes. And I’ve just been counting, Bess. There are exactly thirty-six black keys on the piano.”

She told the girls about Mr. Wangell’s method of frightening his wife. “Like this.” Nancy illustrated by running her knuckles over the black keys as Terry had done the day before.

“Nancy, are you trying to say there’s some connection between that slip of paper you found in the shrubbery and Wangell’s trick of scaring his wife? ” George asked.

“I don’t know. But that stunt at the piano must have reminded Mrs. Wangell of something very unpleasant. Maybe some sort of a threat.”

“Nancy, you make me positively shudder! ” Bess declared.

“How would you two like to take a trip to Florida? ” Nancy asked her friends suddenly.

“Love to, ” George declared. “But my bank account would never stand the strain.”

“Neither would mine after that trip to New York.” Bess sighed.

George changed the subject. “How about a little tennis to take your mind off the mystery? ”

“Not now, ” Nancy replied. “I have some heavy scheming to do! ”

“Well, we’re off to the courts, ” Bess said.

“Don’t think too hard! ” George teased as the girls waved good-by.

But Nancy was soon deep in thought about the mystery. She was more eager than ever to carry on a search in Florida. After lunch she broached the subject to her father.

“Dad, do you suppose you could manage a Florida vacation next week? ”

“I’m afraid not, ” he replied. “I must be in court Wednesday.”

“Then how about my taking that field trip with Dr. Anderson? It sounds interesting. If he lets me join his students, will you give me money for the trip? ”

The lawyer’s eyes twinkled. “If I furnish the capital, seems to me I deserve a statement of some kind. Are you really so fascinated by Indian culture—or do you want to keep your eye on Dr. Anderson? ” he teased.

“All right, Dad. I’ll own up. You’d never let me go to Florida alone.”

“And? ”

“You see, it’s not just Dr. Anderson who is heading for Florida. My guess is that Wilfred Porterly is there this minute. And the Wangells are on their way.”

“I see, ” Mr. Drew said. “But what made you think of getting to Florida by trying to join Dr. Anderson’s group? ”

Nancy said there were several reasons. She believed it was not just his duties as a teacher that were taking Dr. Anderson to Florida. It might well have to do with the mystery of the black keys and the Frog Treasure.

“Maybe we can work together, ” she said. “Anyway, if I locate the Wangells, I may need a man’s help.”

“Right you are, ” the lawyer agreed. “Well, if you go with the class, I’ll give you the money. But I’m wondering if Dr. Anderson will permit it. You’re not a student of his, my dear.”

Nancy smiled confidently. “No. But several who are going on the trip are specials. They come from various places.” She gave her father a hug. “Thanks a million, ” she said. “I’ll phone for an appointment to talk it over.”

When Nancy faced the professor in his office the following Monday morning, she did not feel so confident, however. Dr. Anderson was not very cordial.

“I suppose you know, Miss Drew, that you are a bit late. The students who have registered for the trip have already completed their preparatory work.”

“I know it’s highly irregular, Dr. Anderson. But I’ve done some reading about American Indians, ancient and modem. And I was hoping you’d accept me as a sort of special student.”

The professor narrowed his eyes. “Isn’t your interest in this field trip a bit sudden? ”

Nancy could not help smiling. “I’ll be honest with you, Dr. Anderson. It’s not only interest in your subject that prompted my visit. I want to do some research of my own in Florida. And I need you as a sort of—bodyguard.”

Perhaps it was Nancy’s smile—or her show of honesty—that brought about a change in the professor’s manner. He softened. There was a suggestion of compromise in his voice when he spoke again.

“As you say, it is highly irregular. But I’ll tell you what I’ll do.”

“Yes? ” Nancy asked hopefully.

“I’m giving my students here a quiz on the work we’ve covered so far. If you can pass that quiz, you may accompany us to Florida.”

Nancy’s pulse quickened. “I’ll try it, ” she said. “Thank you.”

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