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Vocabulary notes. VAT = Value Added Tax to extend detriment to the detriment of smb [Iks'tend] ['detrIm@nt] НДС (налог на добавленную


VAT = Value Added Tax to extend detriment to the detriment of smb [Iks'tend]   ['detrIm@nt] НДС (налог на добавленную стоимость) расширять, распространять ущерб, вред в ущерб кому-либо  
  without detriment to   без ущерба для
  similarly ['sIm@l@lI] так же, подобным образом
  to assign [@'saIn] 1) назначать, определять;
      2) передавать (права, имущество)
  task   задача, задание
  task force   оперативная группа (создаваемая на время для решения какой-либо определенной задачи)
  revenue ['rev@nju: ] годовой доход (особ. государственный)
  expenditure [Iks'pendItS@] расходы (особ. государственные)
  decade ['dekeId] десятилетие
  to enjoy [In'³ oI] 1) получать удовольствие,
      наслаждаться; 2) пользоваться, обладать
  according to   по словам, по мнению, по утверждению
  to tend   1) иметь тенденцию; 2) заботиться
  to audit ['o: dIt] проверять отчетность, ревизовать
  account [@'kaunt] счет
  dissuasion [dI'sweIZn] разубеждение, отговаривание
  primary ['praIm@rI] первоначальный, первичный
  staff   штат служащих, служебный персонал
  to administer   1) управлять, вести (дела);
      2)отправлять (правосудие); налагать (взыскание)
  to raise   1) поднимать; 2) собирать (налоги, средства и т.д.)
  current ['kö r@nt] текущий, теперешний, современный
  currently syn. at present, at the present time, now current week, month, etc. of current interest to enhance [In'ha: ns] в настоящее время     текущая неделя, месяц и т.д. злободневный, актуальный увеличивать, усиливать, усугублять


§ Words and Grammar


a Write down the word families of the following words:


b Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick:



с Choose the antonyms of the following words from the box:

unexperienced, independent, secondary light, worthless, irresponsible, inessential, few


dependent. independent...................... serious..................................
responsible......................................... worthy...................................
experienced........................................ essential...............................
primary.............................................. many....................................


d Match the English and Russian equivalents and write down a few short sentences with them, on the basis of the text:



e Write down what parts of sentence the ing-forms are in each case and translate the following into Russian:


to combat serious crime including economic crimes... adv. modifier of manner............................................

the Office's powers extend to all serious offences involving organised crime..................................................

the essential task of monitoring Community fraud...........................................................................................

departments responsible for the monitoring of Community expenditure..........................................................

Italian legislation should shortly assign to the Guardia di Finanza this task thus making it a key instrument of their policy..............................................................................................................................................................


f Encircle the Past Participles and translate the following word combinations into Russian:


1 the policy laid down at the highest level

2 the operational unit of the Guardia di Finanza established by the Decree of the Prime Minister

3 the forces of dissuasion represented by high-level institutions

4 the primary checks carried out by the administrator himself

5 specific fraud prevention controls carried out by specialists in the fight against organised financial crime

6 if the controls applicable to expenditure could be raised to the level of those currently applied to revenue


g Underline the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction and translate the sentences into Russian:


1 Both national and Community revenues are said to enjoy a high level of protection.

2 They may be said to be well-protected.

3 Controls are announced to be the responsibility of those bodies.

4 This organisation is announced to have been set up in 1992.

5 The Community finances are expected to be considerably enhanced.


§ Suggested activities


h Sum up what has been done in each European country to combat fraud.

i Write down a few sentences about the Community's efforts to prevent frauds.

j After refreshing all the texts on frauds make


• a plan of your report and

• the report itself on this subject, imagining you are speaking at a symposium.


k Work in pairs.


Discuss with your group-mate the strong and weak points of your report.


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