Type of literature
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| Codes
| Title of literature
| Availability
| Note
In the library and department
| % of availability
| Ч43: Ю948.2я73
| Kalyagin V.A. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children and teenagers with speech impairments: Teaching manual / V.A. Kalyagin, T.S. Ovchinnikova.-Spb.: KARO, 2005.– 288p.
| +
| Ч43я2
| Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.
| +
| Ч43: Ю948я73
| Novotortseva N.V. Correctional pedagogics and special psychology. Dictionary: Teaching manual / N.V. Novotortseva.–4th edition.- Spb.: KARO, 2006. - 144 p.
| +
| Ч43: Ю948я73
| Bases of special pedagogy and psychology. / Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova, Pushkina T.F.- Spb.: Piter, 2006.- 304p.- (teaching manual)
| +
| Ч43я2
Д 39
| Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 2005. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).
| +
| Ш143.21
М 52
| Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2006, 300 p.
| +
| Ч437
| Spirova L.F. For teacher about children with speech impairments: book for teacher/ L.F.Spirova, A.V. Yastrebova.-2ndedition.- М.: Education, 1985.- 144 p.
| +
| Р 64 я73
| Ilesheva R.G. Psychiatry – Almaty, “Bilim”, 1995 – 256-p.
| +
| Ч43я7
| Smirnova I.A. Logopedic diagnostics, correction and prophylaxis of speech disorders in preschool children with cerebral palsy. Alalia, dysarthria, speech underdevelopment. Teaching and methodological manual for speech therapists and defecrologists.Spb.: Detstvo-Press, 2004.- 320p.
| +
| УДК 301.151 (075.8)
ББК 88.7я73 С718
| Special psychology: Teaching manual for HEI students/ A.I. Lubovskiy, T.V. Rozanova, L.I. Soltseva. – 3rd edition. – М.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2006. – 464 p.
| +
| Ч432.124.1
| Boskis R.M. To a teacher about children with hearing impairments. Bookforteachers. 2 edition, corrected. – M. Education, 1988.- 125 p.
| +
| Ч432я73
| Zykova T.S. Methodology of subject and practical teaching in school for deaf children. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical higher education institutions / T.S. Zykova, M.A. Zykova.- M.: Academy, 2002.- 176 p.
| +
| Ч430я73
| Vygotsky L.S. Fundementals of defectology. Spb.: Lan, 2003.- 656 p.
| +
| Ю94я7
| Handbook of practical psychologist. In 2 volumes. Book 1: System of psychologist’s work with children of different ages: teaching manual / Ye.E. Rogov. – М.: Publishing House Vlados-Press, 2003. - 480p.
| +