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The IMPortanCe oF note-takIng SkIllS


Цілі: формувати навички письма; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлен- ня, читання; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; ви- ховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.




1. Warm-up






1) What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘writing’?

2) When do you need to write in your everyday life?

3) Do you prefer writing or typing?



2. Reading Do ex. 1, p. 39.  
  3.   Reading and writing Think out the best heading for each passage and make up the plan.    
  NOTE-TAKING STRATEGIES IN READING Note-taking is often associated with writing down information from a lecture or a meeting, listening to a speaker and recording the words used    
  by him. It can be particularly challenging for students approaching the English language for the first time. Taking notes from a written source can be just as difficult, despite information being already within the stu-    
  dent’s reach. Taking notes from a text is not just copying and transcribing information; it also involves reading comprehension, a good level of atten-    
  tion, the ability to take accurate notes and identify key points. As students  
  become more familiarized with note-taking from reading, they progres- sively become more attentive to the argument provided in a text. Although  
  students often know what writing techniques better work for them, there are common note-taking strategies that are useful if they are seeking to improve their reading comprehension and organizational skills, instead of    
    Two of the biggest problems in note-taking from a written source are to select what information to write down and to understand how they help develop the author’s argument. Sequence lists (bullet points or numbering of information), however, provide a good writing strategy for note-taking    
  that is particularly useful to readers. When students are not as familiar with the writing style of the English language, comprehending the sequence    
  of thoughts in a text can be challenging. A useful way, then, to break down  
  and dissect the text is to underline key points and write them down using sequence lists in a way that shows how the author’s argument progresses.  
  Many students have trouble writing grammatically and spelling cor- rectly, particularly when they are starting to learn a language. Taking notes carelessly, however, can be a dangerous way to reinforce a certain  
  writing pattern that is problematic. Under the guidance of a tutor, stu- dents know to some extent what are the most challenging words and sen-  
  tences for them, therefore registering them down on a personal notebook often helps students monitor their notes and improves their attention on the text they are reading, as they search for mistakes they could be making    
  while note-taking. This personal notebook, then, becomes a private diction-  
    Note-taking requires a considerable level of attention on the student’s part. Notes, then, often gradually improve when the reader is more attentive to the text he is reading. A strategy to allow the student to self-scrutinize  


focusing on “copying and pasting” an author’s words.


ary that records the student’s most common mistakes.

his understanding of the text, however, is to read it as carefully as possible and then to write down what he thought were the key points, though with- out searching in the text while note taking. These key points should match in content the argument in the text, if the reader carefully read the text.

Writing down notes as the student reads it might be a good learning strategy to understand and imitate how the writing was structured, but it can be challenging for students who are not as confident about the mean- ing of certain words and what was the author’s argument. Note-taking of- ten improves, however, when students learn to be more familiarized with the text they want to take notes from. Reading it at least twice and try- ing to mentally process the information taken from it allows students more confidence in recognizing key points and writing them down for future re- ference.

Sample variants:

Note-taking is quite a useful thing

Sequence lists Personal notebook Key points

Familiarity with the text


4. Reading, speaking and writing


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