LIStenIng CoMPrehenSIon
Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з аудіювання.
Listen to the text and do the task.
An Ipswich mother, who allowed her son to go on holiday during school term, has been fined Ј400 after her son repeatedly refused to go to school.
The 36-year-old mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared
before South East Suffolk Magistrates Court yesterday where magistrates
heard her 14-year-old son was currently on holiday in Spain. She told that
court: “He just does not like going to school. Although he is getting better now and seems to be enjoying it”.
The boy has had 145 unauthorised absences between October 15 last
year and March 22 this year. His absences were blamed on a late-night life
style. The mother has been attending parenting classes voluntarily and
told the court that she thought they were helping her. Out of the last eight school sessions — there are two a day — he has attended five. Chairman of
the bench David Coe asked her if she thought she could get her son to school
in future.
“Yes I think I can with some help”, she said. She told the court that he
was on holiday during the time other pupils were doing work experience
because he had not been given a place.
On sentencing Mr Coe said: “He is not in school and then he disappears
on holiday. We would expect the local authority to bring this back to court quickly if there are further problems”. She was fined £ 400 and ordered to
pay £ 50. Yesterday’s case is the second to be dealt with by south east Suf-
folk magistrates recently. Last month a 37-year-old was fined Ј50 after her
son had attended just 16 out of 182 sessions. And the cases follow national
concern after Oxfordshire mother Patricia Amos was jailed for allowing her children to miss school. She was originally sentenced to 60 days’ jail, but this was reduced on appeal.
true or False
| The boy had returned to school when his mother was in court.
| 2)
| The main reason for his absences was the fact that he went out late eve-
ry night.
The mother has to go to parenting classes.
| 4)
| The mother claims her son is not currently missing school lessons.
| | 5)
| The mother may find herself in court again soon.
| 6)
| There have been other similar cases nationwide but this is the first in
this area.
| 7)
| There was national support for the tough treatment of Patricia Amos.
Key: 1 F, 2 T, 3 F, 4 T, 5 T, 6 F, 7 F.
Listen to some information and give short answers.
Whether you’re following a healthy food plan, staying on a diet, or sim- ply watching what you eat, dining out no longer has to be a challenge. Res- taurants, bistros, even take-away and fast food outlets have a vast range of tasty products geared towards the weight conscious eater, but even if
a “healthy option” isn’t on the menu there are still many ways to eat well,
without resorting to calorie counting every meal.
Before you order avoid nibbling while you wait! If you have no self cont- rol then simply ask that the free nibbles are taken away.
Don’t be rushed. Take your time over your choices and don’t be impul- sive. Imagine what eating it will do to you if you regret it for the rest of the afternoon was it really worth it? You may want a taste of something but would you be happy with just a forkful of someone else’s meal to satisfy your taste buds?
Look in every section of the menu (not just the healthy eating option) as some healthy eating options contain more calories than the regular menu! (Strange but true.)
Choose meals high in vegetable content. Vegetables contain far less calories than anything else on the menu, but remember: your choice isn’t necessarily vegetarian, even fajitas contain a lot more vegetables than steak pie!
Look at cooking methods. Grilled steak has less calories than pan fried.
Look for hidden calories, the salad dressing, the sauce etc. If possible ask for these to be served separately or left off altogether.
And finally avoid pastry it contains a LOT of calories.
Order just 1 or 2 courses not three. You may desperately want that chocolate pudding, so why not have a starter and pudding instead of a main course?
Order a smaller portion or a portion to share.
Ask for the sauce / dressing to be served separately so you can reduce the amount you eat yourself. Also check any vegetables aren’t going to ar- rive coated in butter.
If you meal doesn’t come with vegetables ask for a side order of some so you can fill up on the good stuff.
Avoid chips and roast potatoes boiled ones are just fine.
Order drinks with low calorific content. Fruit juice may seem healthy, but it is packed with calories! Remember there is nothing wrong with water, and if you have to have something a little more tasty than go for the low cal soft drink options or tea / coffee.
When the meal arrives eat the vegetables first to fill yourself up on the lowest calorie foods.
Eat slowly to allow time for your stomach to tell your brain it is full. That way you’ll eat less.
Don’t eat everything on the plate! Either ask for a box so you can take some home for later, or simply leave it behind.
Armed with these simple tips you can never go wrong. Healthy eating challenge? What challenge?
1) Is healthy eating a challenge when you are on diet?
2) Should you eat small amounts of food while you’re waiting for you order?
3) How should you eat to enjoy your meal?
4) What should your meals contain in great amount?
5) Does the number of calories depend on the cooking method?
6) What should we avoid?
7) Are there any calories in packed fruit juice?
8) Should we eat everything we order?
Lesson 44
Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з усного мовлення.
Choose any of the following topics and speak of it.
Being a student
What is your favourite subject? What subjects are you best at? What subjects are you worst at?
What foreign languages do you learn? Who is your favourite teacher? Why? What is the most difficult subject? What is the easiest subject?
How many days a week do you go to school?
How much homework do you have to do? How do you get to school?
Do you want to go to university? Which university do you want to go to? What do you want to be when you grow up?
What time do you start school? What time do you finish school? Who is your best friend at school?
How often do you have exams?
What is your happiest school life memory? What is your worst school life memory? What do you know about learning?
When do you think we first start learning?
What kinds or methods of learning do you like best? Why are some people better at learning than others? Do you have any learning difficulties?
What is the best learning experience you’ve had? How can you make sure learning is always fun? Are you good at learning new things?