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Text 5. Distribution network configurations

Task 1. Read the following words and try to remember them:

supply – снабжение, подача, питание, источник питания; rural – сельский; urban – городской; utility – коммунальная служба, сооружение; lineman – линейный монтер; benefit – выгода, польза; fault – ошибка, неисправность; failure – авария, повреждение, разрыв; pole – столб; to be collocated with – быть расположенным вместе с; feeder – питатель, фидер; to emanate from – исходить от; circuit breaker – выключатель цепи; fuse – пробка, плавкий предохранитель; recloser – автомат или реле повторного включения; to segregate – изолировать, ликвидировать; damage – повреждение; capacitor – конденсатор; to experience – испытывать.

Task 2. Read the text and try to understand it.

Distribution networks are typically of two types, radial or interconnected. A radial network leaves the station and passes through the network area with no normal connection to any other supply. This is typical of long rural lines with isolated load areas. An interconnected network is generally found in more urban areas and will have multiple connections to other points of supply.

These points of connection are normally open but allow various configurations by the operating utility linemen carefully closing and opening switches. The benefit of the interconnected model is that in the event of a fault or required maintenance a small area of network can be isolated and the remainder kept on supply. There are various types of faults. A fault is defined as an abnormal condition or defect at the component, equipment, or sub-system level which may lead to a failure.

Within these networks there may be a mix of overhead line construction utilizing traditional utility poles and wires and, increasingly, underground construction with cables and indoor or cabinet substations. However, underground distribution can cost 11 times as much as overhead construction. In part to reduce this cost, underground power lines are sometimes colocated with other utility lines. Distribution feeders emanating from a substation are generally controlled by a circuit breaker or fuse which will open when a fault is detected. Automatic Circuit Reclosers may be installed to further segregate the feeder thus minimizing the impact of faults. A circuit breaker is an automatically-operated electrical switch which is designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit.

Long feeders experience voltage drop requiring capacitors or voltage regulators to be installed.


Task 3. Find English equivalents for the following word expressions:

пункты питания; множественные соединения; допускать различные конфигурации; маленький участок сети; привести к аварии; стоить в 11 раз дороже, чем; воздействие ошибок; автоматически управляемый электрический выключатель; защищать электрическую цепь; перегрузка; короткое замыкание; падение напряжения.


Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. What are the main types of distribution networks? 2. What are differences between radial and interconnected networks? 3. What is the benefit of the interconnected model? 4. What faults may lead to a failure? 5. What is cheaper: overhead line construction or underground construction? 6. What devices control distribution feeders? 7. What is the circuit breaker?


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