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IV . Give the English equivalents .

Вiдбивати напад; придатний для життя; розташування; положення; результати впливу сонця, вiтру та дощу; створювати вологiсть та вiдбивати сонячнi променi; важливий (ефективний) засiб контролю; вибiр матерiалiв для будiвництва; здатнiсть протистояти впливам зовнiшнього середовища; опалення, iзоляцiя, кондицiонування повiтря, освiтлення; акустичнi методи; функцiональне планування; боковий неф; склеп; ризниця; каплиця; витрати; впливати на вибiр матерiалiв; залежати вiд вимог замовника.

V. With your partner, speak on the different aspects of architectural planning.

Suggested topics:

· Environmental Design.

· Materials and Techniques.

· Aesthetic and Functional Criteria in Architecture.

· Economics and Architectural Planning.



Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

Present Perfect.

Elephants have roamed the earth for thousands of years.

I ’ve read two books about elephants.

Dr. Owen has written many articles.

She ’s lived in many countries.

Present Perfect Progressive.

Elephants have been roaming the earth for thousands of years.

I ’ve been reading this book since Monday.

She ’s been writing articles since 1990.

She ’s been living in France for a year.


EXPRESS Check. Complete this conversation with the correct form of the verb eat and one short answer.

A: He’s been ______________________ all morning!

B: What ___________________ he _____________ eating?

A: Peanuts. He ______________________ eaten five bags of peanuts!

B: _____________________ he eaten the whole supply?

A: _________________, he __________________. There are still ten bags left.


GRAMMAR Explanations.

1. The Present Perfect often shows that something is finished. It focuses on the result of the action.



Past ************************************** Future

have read

· I’ ve read a good book about elephants. (I’ve finished reading the book and now I know a lot about elephants.)

· She ’s written the article. (She’s finished writing the article.)

The Present Perfect Continuous often shows that an activity is unfinished. It focuses on the continuation of an action.

· I ’ve been reading a book about elephants. (I’m still reading it.)

· She ’s been writing an article. (She’s still writing it.)

2. We often use the Present Perfect to talk about:

--- how much someone has done;

--- how many times someone has done something;

--- how many things someone has done.

· I ’ve read a lot about it.

· I ’ve been to Africa twice.

· She ’s written several really good articles.

We often use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about how long something has been happening.

· I ’ve been reading books on elephants for two months.

Be careful!!! We do not usually use the Present Perfect Continuous when we mention a number of completed events.

· I ’ve read that book twice.

NOT! I’ve been reading that book twice.

3. Sometimes you can use either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous. The meaning is basically the same. This is especially true when you use verbs such as live, work, study and teach with for or since.

· She ’s studied elephants for two years.


· She ’s been studying elephants for two years.

(In both cases, she started studying elephants two years ago and she is still studying them.)


№1. TRUE OR FALSE. Read each numbered sentence. Write T (True) or F (False) for the statement that follows.

1. Professor Owen has been reading a book about elephants.

_______ She has read the whole book.

2. She’s read a book about elephants.

_______ She has read the whole book.

3. She’s written a magazine article about the rain forest.

_______ She has written the whole article.

4. She’s been waiting for some supplies.

_______ She has got the supplies now.

5. They’ve lived in Uganda since 1992.

_______ They are still in Uganda.

6. They’ve been living in Uganda since 1992.

_______ They still live in Uganda.


№2. CHOOSE. Here are some statements about Professor Owen’s work. Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete these statements. In some cases, both forms are correct.

1) Professor Owen is working on two articles for “ National Wildlife Magazine “. She has written // has been writing these articles since Monday.

2) “ National Wildlife Magazine “ has published // has been publishing its annual report on the environment. It’s an excellent report.

3) Five hundred and sixty African elephants have already died // have been dying this year.

4) Professor Owen has given // has been giving many talks about wildlife preservation in the last few years.

5) She has spoken // has been speaking at our school many times.

6) Professor Owen has lived // has been living in England for the last two years.

7) She has worked // has been working with environmentalists in England and France.

8) She has set up // has been setting up a new study group to discuss the problem of endangered animals. The group has already met twice.

№3. COMPLETE. Read this entry from Dr. Owen’s field journal about an elephant she calls Grandad. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous formof the verbs in brackets.

We _________________ (1. hear) about Grandad since we arrived here in Amboseli Park. He is one of the last “ tuskers”. Two days ago, we finally saw him. His tusks are more than two metres long. I _________________ never _______ (2. see) anything like them.

Grandad ________________ (3. live) here for more than sixty years. He _________________ (4. experience) everything and he _______________ (5. survive) countless threats from human beings. Young men ________________ (6. test) their courage against him and poachers ___________________ (7. hunt) him for his ivory. His experience and courage _________________ (8. save) him so far.

For the last two days, he _______________ (9. move) slowly through the tall grass. He _____________ (10. eat) and ____________________ (11. rest). Luckily, it ______________ (12. rain) a lot this year and even the biggest elephants ____________________ (13. find) enough food and water.


№4. EDIT. Read this student’s report. Find and correct six mistakes in the use of the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. The first mistake has already been corrected.

Elephants and their ancestors have been live (living) on this planet for 5 million years. Scientists have found their bone in many places, from Asia to North America. Present – day elephants has also survived in different kinds of environments, including very dry areas in Niger, grasslands in East Africa and forests in West Africa.

Because of their great size and strength, elephants have always fascinating humans. Our fascination has almost caused African elephants to become extinct. Poachers (illegal hunters) have already been killing hundreds of thousands of elephants for the ivory of their tusks. After 1989, it became illegal to sell ivory. Since then, the elephant population has been grown steadily. Recently, several countries have been protecting elephants in national parks and herds have became larger and healthier.

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