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Seasons and weather, climate

As we know the weather depends on the season and climate of the country and the latter depends on the geographical position of the country.

Our country, Ukraine, has a moderate-continental climate.

England has a rather damp climate due to the effect of the warm current of the Gulf-Stream. The British Isles are surrounded by the ocean and have an insular climate.

The USA have an equable continental climate, except for Florida and the Mexican coast, where the climate is tropical and subtropical.

The weather changes with the change of the season. Consider autumn, for example. In autumn the sky is often cloudy; the sun hides behind the clouds and then appears again. Its rays have already lost their strength and the sun is not so bright now as it was in summer. The air is moist. Days get shorter and the nights longer. As autumn is a rainy season, the weather is mostly dull. And, of course, it is not attractive. As a matter of fact, I don’t like rain of any kind, even if it just drizzles. But there is a spell of sunny weather in late September, which we call Indian summer, when the sun shines brightly, the sky is rather cloudless and there is a carpet of multicoloured leaves on the ground. It is really golden autumn, as the poets have sung it. But in any case, nature begins to fade away. Later the frost will cover the ground at night and remind us about winter coming. As for me, I am not fond of autumn, but there are a lot of people trying to look at the reverse side of the medal. Strange as it may seem, they prefer autumn to any other season. As they say, it is the time of harvest, tasty fruits and vegetables, the time of beautiful golden leaves, the time when nature is very attractive. But many men – many minds.

Some people are fond of winter. They consider winter to be the healthiest season. In winter we can go in for winter kinds of sports: skating, skiing, tobogganing. In winter the sun seldom shines, its rays are pale, it sets early and rises late. The air is frosty, hard frost sets in, large snowflakes slowly fall to the ground, the streets are slippery with ice. The rivers and lakes are covered with a thick sheet of ice, they are frozen. The icicles glitter in the sun, the temperature falls and the snow may fall thick. Going out in such weather is not pleasant and old people prefer staying at home. But children enjoy being out-of-doors. They like to make a snow man and to throw snowballs. Their cheeks are burning with frost. How bitterly cold it is!

By the end of the winter the temperature rises and the snow begins to melt. Thaw sets in. The sun grows warmer and soon there won’t be any ice but plenty of water. The rivers are in flood.

Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The birds come back from the warm lands, the trees begin to bud and soon tiny green leaves will appear. Thin new blades of grass come up, the fruit trees begin to blossom. " April showers bring May flowers, " as the proverb goes. Everything looks magic covered with green carpet. The farmers till the soil and sow the seed. We all welcome the advent of spring. Nature looks full of promise. Spring is the season of hopes; it's the season of revival of nature and people's dreams. It's my favourite season, I must admit.

After spring the summer comes. As the great Russian poet Pushkin said, " Oh, summer fine! I’d love you, but for the heat, the mosquitoes and flies! " In fact, sometimes the heat is oppressive. But people usually like summer, because they have their holidays. It's a good time for going to the seashore or a river beach, to bask in the sun, to become sunburnt, to swim, to pick berries and mushrooms, to gather flowers. We try to spend much time outdoors. But the weather is changeable in summer. It is the time of showers, rains and thunderstorms. The days become longer and the nights shorter. We can enjoy resting after hard work during the whole year.

To cut the long story short, I must confess that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way. And as one of the famous poets says, " I see no reason to speak in prize of any season."


Word List on the Subject " Seasons and Weather, Climate"

geographical position – географічне положення moderate-continental - помірно-континентальний rather damp- достатньо вологий due to - завдяки effect - вплив current - течія to be surrounded by - бути оточеним insular climate - острівний климат equable - одноманітний, рівномірний tropical - тропічний subtropical - субтропічний to consider - міркувати, розмірковувати cloudy - хмарний to hide - ховати(ся) strength - сила moist - вогкий, вологий dull - похмурий attractive - привабливий, звабливий as a matter of fact - справа у тому, що; фактично to drizzle - мрячити, (про дощ) spell - короткий проміжок часу Indian summer - бабине літо cloudless безхмарний multicoloured - кольоровий, барвистий, різнобарвний in any case - в будь-якому випадку to fade away - в янути frost - мороз to cover the ground - вкривати землю to remind - нагадувати reverse - зворотний harvest- жнива, врожай skating - катання на ковзанах skiing - катання на лижах tobogganing - катання на санчатах, санний спорт seldom - рідко pale - блідий hard frost - сильний мороз snowflake - сніжинка slippery - ковзкий, ненадійний to freeze (froze; frozen) - замерзати icicle - крижана бурулька to glitter - блищати, блимати, мерехтіти to burn - горіти bitterly cold - дуже холодно to melt - танути thaw – відлига flood - прилив, повінь to bud - пускати бруньки blade - лист, пагін to blossom - квітнути, розквітати shower – злива magic – чарівний to till - обробляти (землю) soil - грунт to sow - сіяти, засівати advent - пришестя, прихід heat - спека mosquito – комаха fly - муха oppressive – обтязісливий thunderstorm – гроза  


Supplementary Word List and Word Combinations on the Subject " Seasons and Weather, Climate"

It is cold— холодно It is warm— тепло It is hot— спекотно It is cool/chilly— прохолодно It is slippery— слизько It is sloppy— мокро, вкрито калюжами It is frosty— морозно It is foggy— туманно It is snowy— сніжно It is windy— вітряно It is sunny— сонячно It is gloomy— хмарно

· sunny periods; bright intervals; bright periodsчасом прояснення

· variable cloudмінлива хмарність

· possible showersочікуються (можливі) дощі

· showers heavy at timesчасом сильні дощі

· scattered showers, of sleet or snow perhapsскоро-минущі рясні опади у вигляді дощу зі снігом, або можливий снігопад

· mainly dry, but with rain or drizzling at timesпереважно без опадів, часом дощі або паморозь (мжичка)

· ground frost early at nightвночі на грунті заморозки

· highest (lowest) day temperatureнайвища (найнижча) температура вдень

· the sky is overcast (with clouds)небо затягнуте [хмарами

· a nasty-looking cloudстрашна хмара

· the clouds promise rainхмари обіцяють, що буде дощ

· the sun is tryingсонце пробивається

· it is raining cats and dogsллє, як з відра; йде сильний дощ; періщить

· it is coming on to pourзараз поллє [дощ]

· it is raining heavily (hard)йде сильний дощ

· it is drizzlingмжичить [дощ]

· the sky has veiled itself since the morningнебо затягнуте з ранку

· it looks like rainсхоже на те, що буде дощ

· I've got wet to the bone (I've got soaked to the skin)я вимок наскрізь

· my clothes are dripping wet (soaking wet)мій одяг вимок до нитки

· it is sleetingйде сніг з дощем

· it is sultry; it is suffocating - душно, парко

· the strong wind lessened in force; the wind has abatedвітер зменшився

· the cold sharp wind has almost swept me off my feetсильний холодний вітер мало не збив мене з ніг

· frost is expected at nightвночі очікується мороз

· we are having a bitter frostу нас сильний мороз

· What a severe (mild) winter we are having this year.Яка сувора (м'яка) зима в цьому році.

· the snow is falling thickсильний снігопад

· large snowflakes are slowly falling to the groundвеликі сніжинки повільно падають на землю

· How bitterly cold it is!Як зимно!

· it is freezingпідморожує, приморожує

· rivers and lakes are frozenріки та озера замерзли

· the icicles glitter in the sunкрижані бурульки блищать на сонц

· the snow is half a meter deepсніг на півметра вглиб

· Don't be frost-bitten.He обморозься.

· there's a nip in the airмороз щипле

· I am chilled to the boneя змерз до кісток

· I am numbя закляк

· my teeth are chattering with coldзуби стукають від холоду

· nature awakens from its long winter sleep — ого зимнего сна • природа пробуджується після довгого зимового сну

· thaw sets inпочинається відлига

· thin new blades of grass come upз'являються нові паростки трави

· the weather is improvingпогода покращується

· it's too good to lastзанадто добре, щоб продовжуватися

· it's going from bad to worseстає дедалі поганіше

· we are in a spell of fine weatherу нас період гарної погоди

· the weather leaves much to be desired – погода залишає бажати кращого

· There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes (proverb).Нема поганої погоди, є поганий одяг.



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