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In high-speed operation System Advantages


The PC Engraving is a Multifunction Engraving Machine collects engrave and Milling.The machine mainly applicable to Processing of a variety of mold like: Embossing plate, Shoe mold, Button mold, zipper-mode, Text die and stamping die design, equipment molds, glass molds and so on.The machine also applies to the advertising industry like: Division licenses, signs, architectural models, badges, badges, nameplates, panels, logo, numbers, signs, craft decoration, furniture decoration and so on. Besides, applies to portrait, landscape, calligraphy lettering, seals and other graphic art sculpture, YIN, YANG Wen-profile, relief production.

Our shop products 3-axis engraving machine drive, using high-performance dedicated micro-step away from the computer control chip TB6560, Open microcomputer control according to user requirements to functional design to the driver board, the composition of the minimum control system. he control panel is suitable for any small and medium-driven two-phase or four-phase hybrid stepper motor. And have current 0.6A, 1.2A, 1.8A, 2.5A 4 stalls adjustable function, support MACH2, MACH3 Series software, support KCAM4 Series software, extensive application and mold machining, engraving and other graphic applications. As a result of new bipolar constant-current chopping technique, high precision, the motor is running, little vibration, low noise, smooth operation, safe and convenient, the vast number of DIY enthusiasts and engraving machine manufacturers product of choice.

TB6560AHQ advantage

At low speed operation System Advantages

Low-speed operating system, is the clock frequency is not high, with small current drive-based systems, such as the speed of a few per minute to 100 turn, the user under the conditions in such applications, such as the use of traditional driving scheme, or a result of integrated chips segmentation is too low, leaving low-speed vibration is too large; or had to choose a high drive segments, so that the cost of an unnecessary increase.

TB6560AHQ driver chip's advantages:

(1). Motor vibration, low noise: Because the chip comes with an optional sub-2, 4, 16, enough to meet nearly every minute to switch from a few of the applications.

(2). embedded drive less heat: chip built-in cooling large enough alone to support small current-driven thermal requirements.

(3).support a variety of stepper motor selection: customers can choose a hybrid or a slightly larger torque permanent magnet stepper motor, the motor work in the allowed maximum torque of between 30-50%, the electrical costs of almost unchanged; chip provides multi-range current set-up and current-decay mode, supporting the same power index a variety of different parameters under the stepper motor.

In high-speed operation System Advantages

High-speed operating system refers to a higher clock frequency, and a large current drive-based systems, such as the speed of close to 1000 per minute to switch, under the conditions of such application-driven programs such as the use of traditional or integrated chip segment is too low due to, leaving the system speed range is too small; or because of the excessive breakdown of the high increase in cost, may also occur due to decline in high-frequency torque caused by vibration and noise.

TB6560AHQ driver chip's advantages:

(1). motor vibration, low noise: As the chip comes with 16 sub-TB6560AHQ chip functionality, to meet nearly every minute to switch from a few to the application requirements, and automatically generates a pure sine wave control current, and other high-integrated chip compared to the same high-speed torque is not only not fall under the contrary, increase; TB6560AHQ chip can withstand the peak due to the driving voltage of 40V, 3.5A peak current for the motor torque in the large, high-speed continuous operation under the offer of the technical support.

(2). supports a variety of stepper motor selection: customers can choose a hybrid moment slightly larger or permanent magnet stepper motor, so that the motor operates at maximum torque of between 30-50%, the electrical costs of almost unchanged; chip provides high-current set-up and multi-range current-decay mode, supporting the same power index a variety of different parameters under the stepper motor.

(3). an embedded easy to drive, small size cooling: large current drive, the chip surface to facilitate cooling radiator outside the company can also be directly connected to the user's original controller, metal shell, the embedded drives small size, easy to heat.

In short, due to a high degree of TB6560AHQ chip, the external circuit is extremely simple, highly reliable, support NEMA23 and some NEMA34 stepper motor tens to nearly turn the wide speed range applications, will enable CNC equipment R & D costs and production costs both declined.

3. TB6560T3V1 Driver Board Introduction

The company introduced TB6560T3V1 is the company's accumulated years of design experience drives that the design made of 3-axis engraving machine drive. Main features except the 6560 itself, the other features are as follows:

1. it can drive three axis, The 4th axis expansion, to facilitate your needs 4-axis machining when working

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