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III. Угадайте слово (хобби), которое описывается

1) He is one of eleven players in a team, they play for their school.

2) Let’s invite Steven to our party, he is staying at home all day in front of his computer.

3) My Granny can make wonderful mittens by hands!

4) Rick has a great album of rare stamps.

5) Sam likes growing flowers and vegetables.

6) You can’t find Kate at home during the weekends. She takes her camera and walks outdoors.


Level 2


to be fond of – любить что-то делать (нравится что-то делать)

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо (нравится что-то делать)

to spend time doing smth – проводить время делая что-то

to do sports – заниматься спортом

to watch TV – смотреть телевизор

to watch video – смотреть видео

to stay home – оставаться (быть) дома

to listen to music, to CDs, to the radio – слушать музыку, диски, радио

to play computer games – играть в компьютерные игры

to surf the web – сидеть в Интернете

to read a book – читать книгу

to knit – вязать

to cook – готовить

to draw a picture – рисовать картину

to have a sleep – спать

to phone a friend – звонить другу

to do nothing – ничего не делать

to relax – отдыхать, расслабляться

to rest – отдыхать

to go to the country – поехать загород

to have a picnic – поехать на пикник

to walk in the park – гулять в парке

to play tennis, football etc. – играть в теннис, футбол и т.д.

to play the guitar, the piano, etc. – играть на гитаре, пианино

to go to the gym – ходить в тренажерный зал

to go to the disco – идти на дискотеку

to go to the cinema / movie theater, theater, circus, museum – идти в кино, театр, цирк, музей

to go to the café, restaurant – идти в кафе, ресторан

to go out with friends – идти куда-нибудь с друзьями

to go to the beach – идти на пляж

cooking – кулинария

gardening – садоводство

collecting (stamps, coins) – коллекционирование (марок, монет)

taking photos (pictures) – фотографировать

painting – рисование

singing – пение

sewing – шитье



Hobbies today include many activities. The definition that best covers all these activities is probably constructive leisure-time activities. A hobby is an activity apart from the ordinary routines of life. It encourages the use of creativity and imagination.

Some popular hobbies are as old as civilization. These include such activities as music, dance, literature, painting, sculpture, raising pets, astrology, and the making of pottery, baskets, beadwork, kites, toys, leather goods, dolls, jewelry, and miniatures or models.

Hobbies are either consciously chosen, or they arise from an individual's interests, skills, daily work, tastes, ambitions. Stamp or coin collecting are examples of hobbies based on deliberate choice. Making model airplanes can be something to do for a pastime, or it might develop as a result of service in an air force or as an airline pilot. Designing computer programs is a hobby based on work experience or schooling.

All hobbies involve activity, but some involve more than others. Collecting is relatively passive compared to doing one's own paintings or making furniture.

The art hobbies are painting, sculpture, music, and literature. They may be the most challenging areas for hobbyists to work in, and perhaps for this reason they are less popular than nature, historical, or handicraft hobbies.

Hobbyists make of music both a pastime and sometimes a second vocation. They may learn to play a musical instrument for pleasure, but there are many opportunities for people with talent to participate in music concerts, community orchestras, or other groups. Singers join choral organizations or form duets, quartets, or other small groups for public performances. Some popular rock music groups got their start by playing together in high school as a hobby. Some hobbyists collect musical instruments or recordings.

Nature hobbies are mainly of two types: activities, such as gardening or bird-watching, and collecting. A nature hobby can also be combined with another interest such as photography.

For handicraft hobbies there are kits available in hobby shops or craft centers. There are kits for painting by numbers, for making mosaics, and for crafts using plastics, leather, textiles, metal, clay, beads and sequins, ribbon, wool, and laces.

Many hobbies (these are mechanical and electronic hobbies) use the equipment, computers, for example. For those who like photography, there are camera shops, books, magazines, newspaper columns, and exhibitions of photographs. Some hobbyists work only in black and white, while others insist on color. Nowadays people also like making films by themselves using cameras.


Vocabulary to the text:

include – включать

definition – определение

leisure-time – свободное время

ordinary – обычный

encourage – поощрить, подбодрить

imagination – воображение

pottery – изготовление горшков, ваз (из глины)

basket – корзина

beadwork – бисероплетение

kite – воздушный змей

leather goods – вещи из кожи

jewelry – украшения

consciously – сознательно

deliberate – намеренный

pastime – времяпрепровождение

handicraft – поделки руками

vocation – призвание, работа

kit – набор

clay – глина

beads and sequins – бисер и пайетки

ribbon – лента

wool – дерево

laces – кружево


I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What are the four types of hobbies described in the text?

2) What hobbies are old? What are new ones?

3) Can a person choose a hobby himself?

4) Do all hobbies include activity?

5) What hobbies are the most challenging areas for hobbyists to work in?

6) What are the two types of nature hobbies?

7) What kits can you buy in hobby shops?

8) What can you buy if you are fond of photography?

II.Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1) A hobby is:

a) a leisure time activity b) ordinary routine c) everyday activity

2) Hobby based on deliberate choice is:

a) music b) computer c) stamp collecting

3) Least popular hobbies are:

a) art hobbies b) nature hobbies c) handicraft hobbies

4) Some popular music group got their start by:

a) public performances b) playing together in high school c) collecting musical instruments

5) Mechanical and electronic hobbies need:

a) musical instruments b) handicraft kits c) computer


III.Составьте выражения из двух колонок, опираясь на выражения из текста, затем употребите эти выражения в своих предложениях:

1) coin 2) computer 3) craft 4) handicraft 5) hobby 6) leisure-time 7) making 8) musical 9) newspaper 10) ordinary a) activities b) centers c) collecting d) columns e) hobbies f) instrument g) of kites h) programs i) routines j) shops

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