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Principles of administration
That is economic? The history of economic thought as a separate branch in the system of economic sciences took shape in the first half of the 19th century. No economy, no production and consumption of material goods people can not exist and develop, pursue politics, science, culture, art and others. In the economic literature there are two very similar at first glance, the concept: «economy» and «economics». The first includes all that relates to the economic life of the country: its factories, roads, shops, people who produce and consume goods and the goods themselves. But the second is the science that deals with the study of... first. In Russian, the two concepts are often translated by the same word - " the economy", which can have both the first and second sense, depending on the circumstances. For example, you might say: " Our economy is experiencing great difficulties, " and can and so; " I have studied economics *. Sometimes, for greater clarity in the second case we speak of " economic science * or" economic theory. " We also will use the term " economy" in both senses. Thus, the economy - it is a science. Please be aware that the economy refers to the social sciences, that is such a science which studies human relations with each other and with the " * environment in which they live. (To the category of social sciences also belong to history, psychology, sociology, anthropology). What kind of relationship to study economics? To answer this question, we use the concept already familiar to you: " needs", " limited resources", " choice", " production". Then the definition of economics would sound like this: " Economics - the science of how people (and society in general), with limited resources, make the choice for the production of various goods and services to meet their needs now and in the future." Principles of administration
1. The principle of optimal combination of centralization in management means the transfer of responsibility for specific tasks and necessary for that authority to another person, standing below the ladder. This practice can reduce stress in employees, accelerate the professional growth of employees, to strengthen creativity in work, significantly reduce the time required for a timely response to the disturbing factors in the work. The transfer of the liability increases the amount of work and a greater risk for the person receiving it. Naturally, the employee deserves additional compensation. 2. The principle of the scientific validity of the control involves scientific foresight and planned time of socio-economic transformation of the organization. Main content of this principle is the requirement that administrative action in respect of the staff carried out on the basis of the application of scientific methods and approaches. The scientific validity of the staff management does not only mean the use of science in the development and implementation of management decisions, but also the deeper study of practical experience, a comprehensive study of the reserves. The goal is to turn science into a high force. 3. The essence of the principle of planning is to determine the main directions and proportions of the organization in the future. Planning (in the form of current and future plans) are penetrated all parts of the organization. The plan is seen as a complex economic and social challenges that lie ahead in the future. 4. The principle of a combination of the rights, duties and responsibilities implies that each subordinate must carry out its tasks and report periodically to execute them. Everyone in the organization is endowed with specific rights, it is responsible for the execution of tasks assigned to it. This is an important principle of personnel management: ensuring the responsibility of each employee for the results of his labor. 5. The principle of hierarchy and the feedback is to create a multi-management structure in which the primary units are controlled by their own authorities, under the control of the next level of management. Those, in turn, are subject to and controlled by the authorities of the next level. Accordingly, the goals for lower-level authorities are placed higher in the hierarchy of the control. Continuous monitoring of the activities of all parts of the organization is based on the feedback. In fact, it signals expressing reaction controlled object to the control. Fed back information on the work of the staff is continuously fed to the control system which has the ability to adjust the course of the administrative process. 6. The essence of the principle of motivation is this: the more carefully managers exercise a system of rewards and punishments, considering it in the light of unforeseen circumstances, it integrates the elements of the organization, the more effective incentive program. Human behavior is always motivated. Technological progress has radically changed the attitude to work and everyday existence. As a result, the manager faces daily the challenge of how to motivate the activities of employees, ie, how to direct their energies to the work available. 7. One of the most important principles of modern management is the democratization of governance - participation in the management of the organization all staff. Involvement ranges: lobar remuneration; Joint funds invested in equities; a single administration; collegial decision-making.