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III. Speaking
Exercise 11. Work in groups. Think about department you would like to work in. Draw an organization chart. Use the phrases of Ex 8. and the following phrases to give a short presentation about your department. Describing the activity of a department My department deals with / is responsible for marketing / administration, etc. We organize tests / studies / research.
Describing the staffing of a department There are…… people in the department. ………is in charge of the department. I am one of the managers / technicians / secretaries / engineers. My job involves….. 3. Describing the equipment / premises of a department We have a large office / three laboratories / a small building. We use computers / fax / e-mail a lot. We have a well-equipped laboratory / a lot of technical equipment. IV. Listening Exercise 12. Listen to the text about International Business Styles. Paragraphs 1-9 contain advice for business leaders. Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph from the list below.
a. A leader should be a good teacher and communicator. b. A leader must manage time and use it effectively. c. A leader must have technical competence. d. A leader must provide vision. e. A leader must be visible and approachable. f. A leader should be introspective. g. A leader should be dependable. i. A leader should have a sense of humour.
1. In large organizations, leaders should spend no more than four hours a day in their offices. The rest of the time, they should be out with their people, talking to lower-level employees and getting their feedback on problem areas. They should be making short speeches and handing out awards. They should be travelling widely throughout their organizations. 2. The best leaders are those whose minds are never closed and who are eager to deal with new issues. Leaders should not change their minds too frequently after a major decision has been made, but if they never reconsider, they are beginning to show a degree of rigidity and inflexibility that creates problems for the organizations. 3. Executives must take a disciplined approach to their schedules, their post, their telephone calls, their travel schedules and their meetings. Staying busy and working long hours are not necessarily a measurement of leadership effectiveness. 4. Leaders may run efficient organizations, but they do not really serve the long-term interests of the institution unless they plan, set goals and provide strategic perception. 5. The leader must be willing to pass on skills, to share insights and experiences, and to work very closely with people to help them mature and be creative. 6. Leaders should let people know that life is not so important that you can't sit back occasionally and be amused by what is happening. Laughter can be a great reliever of tension. 7. Reliability is something that leaders must have in order to provide stability and strength to organisations. Leaders must be willing to be flexible but consistency and coherence are important elements of large organizations. 8. Leaders must not only understand the major elements of their businesses but must also keep up with any changes. 9. Leaders should be able to look at themselves objectively and analyse where they have made mistakes and where they have disappointed people.
feedback — зворотній зв'язок mature — витривалий, зрілий rigidity — непохитність, твердість consistency — логічність, щільність executive — виконавчий reliever of tension — той, що знімає напругу perception — відчуття, сприйняття coherence — узгодженість, узгоджений Список рекомендованої літератури:
1. 1. О.Біленька та інш. Business English Essentials./ Частина 1: Посібник з англійської мови.-Тернопіль: Видавництво Карпюка, 2003. 2. О. Біленька та інш. Business English Essentials./ Частина 2: Посібник з англійської мови.-Тернопіль: Видавництво Карпюка, 2003. 3. И.С. Богацкий Бизнес-курс английского языка. – К., “Логос”, 1997. 4. Ж. Г. Аванесян. Английский язык для экономистов. Учебное пособие. – Москва: Омега-Л, 2006. 5. И.П.Агабекян. Деловой английский. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2002. 6. И.И. Воронцова, А.К. Ильина, Ю.В. Момджи Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов. Учебное пособие – Москва: ПРИОР, 1999. 7. І. С. Когут. Англійська мова для банкірів. Навчальний посібник. – Тернопіль „Астон”, 2001. 8. Ю. О. Семенчук. Business English for masters of administration. – Тернопіль „Астон”, 2002. 9. В. К. Шпак. Англійська для економістів і бізнесменів. – Київ „Вища Школа”, 2004. 10. Josephine O`Brien English for Business. – Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007. 11. https://www.nytimes.com 12. https://www.businessweek.com 13. https:// www.nationalpost.com/financialpost 14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/