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Generation Gap

One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult’s mentality is different from teenager's. We are the children of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Because of this parents and children sometimes argue with each other.

Some people believe that teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and ill-behaved. Other people, however, think that teenagers are not so bad. Sometimes people don’t understand teenagers. They don’t understand some problems and things which are very important in teenagers’ life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers.

In most cases «new generation» doesn’t understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. To protest against it, teens can shock people around them. That’s why it is considered that teens today are lazy and ill-behaved. Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with present, they are always talking about «the good old days». People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is wrong that when wisdom always comes in old age. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to their own point of view. That’s why some teens don’t like to talk to adults. To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other.

Task II. Scan the text above and write down all the sentences containing the Passive forms.

Task III. Open the brackets using the Degrees of Comparison.

1. We should eat (healthy) food.

2. It’s (bad) mistake he has ever made.

3. Asia is (large) than Australia.

4. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.

5. Chinese is (difficult) than English.

Task IV. Find the synonyms for the words and combinations given below.

to protest –  
ill-behaved –  
subject –  
depressed –  
to sum up –  
to argue–  

Task V. Fill in the correct article.

1. How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour.

2. Ann has been looking for … job for … long time.

3. We had … dinner in … restaurant … last night.

4. His office is on … Floor 5. And I live on … tenth floor.

5. Roger is … scientist, he works for … government.

Task VI. Open the brackets using the Pronouns something, anything, nothing. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I have had a terrible day. … went wrong.

2. The young man is upset. There is … wrong with his office computer.

3. She never says … nice about her business partners.

4. Give me … to read about stock-exchange, please.

5. I don’t know … about your company. Tell me … about it.

Task VII. Translate into English.

1. Старшее поколение считает подростков грубыми и ленивыми людьми.

2. Говорят, что с годами люди становятся мудрее.

3. Разные поколения имеют разные взгляды на одни и те же вещи.

4. Родители и дети часто спорят, потому что имеют разные точки зрения.

5. Зачастую люди прислушиваются только к своему мнению.

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