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Task I. Read and translate the following text in writing:


The City of London

The City is often called the commercial and business heart of London. This is the area with lots of banks and offices. Every morning there are many clerks in suits hurrying to their offices. Very few people live there. Only some five thousand people live permanently in the City today, but nearly a million works there. In the day-time the streets of the Сity are crowded but late at night they are deserted. It is known as " the Square Mile" (its total area is 2.59 sq km = 1 sq mile).

The Royal Exchange, the Stock Exchange. Mansion House (official residence of the Lord Mayor), the Central Criminal Court (" The Old Bailey") and the Bank of England are in the City. In front of the buildings of the Bank there is a monument to the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo and brought fame and glory to England.

In the centre of the City there is the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral as well.

Task II. Scan the text above and write down all the sentences containing the Passive forms.

Task III. Open the brackets using the Degrees of Comparison.

1. He did not like the explanation and became (angry) and (angry).

2. He is the (good) manager in our company.

3. He worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the year came nearer.

4. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California.

5. This is the (valuable) picture in the Russian Museum.

Task IV. Find the synonyms for the words and combinations given below.

clerk –  
to hurry –  
glory –  
deserted –  


Task V. Fill in the correct article.

1. My … friend has to get up early in … morning.

2. He usually goes to … bed late at … night.

3. … British usually go to … church on … Sunday.

4. He is going to make … phone call to his secretary.

5. In … afternoon we usually have … lunch in … canteen.

Task VI. Open the brackets using the Pronouns someone, everyone, anyone, no one. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Life is taugh! … has problems.

2. I think, … in our company is honest, that’s why … trust us.

3. Is there … in the office?

4. The problem was so difficult that … could solve it.

5. I saw … in the train yesterday who looked like you.

Task VII. Translate into English.

1. Фондовые биржи, Банк Англии, суды находятся в районе Сити в Лондоне.

2. Район Сити часто называют сердцем делового мира Лондона.

3. Улицы «Квадратной мили» в Лондоне переполнены людьми днем и пустынны ночью.

4. Перед зданием Банка Англии находится памятник герцогу Веллингтонскому.

5. По утрам клерки в деловых костюмах спешат на работу.


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