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V. Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks to it.

What is money? Money can be anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services.

Although anything can serve as money, as a practical matter the material should possess the following qualities:

Stability. The value of money should be more or less the same today as tomorrow. In societies where value of money fluctuates (goes up and down) people will hoard it in the hope that its value will increase, or spend it immediatelythinking it will be worth less tomorrow. Either action could be harmful to the economy.

Portability. Modern money has to be small enough and light enough for people to carry. Bowling balls would not be a practical form of money.

Durability. The material chosen has to have a reasonable life expectancy. For that reason most countries use a very high quality paper for their money.

Uniformity. Equal denomination of money should have the same value. It's easy to see that if some quarters or dollar bills were worth more than others, things could be pretty confusing.

Divisibility. One of the principal advantages of money over barter is its ability to be divided into parts. In other words, while making change for a dollar is easy, making change for a chicken is more difficult.

Recognizability. Money should be easily recognized for what it is and hard to copy. The quality of the paper and the engravings make paper money extremely difficult to counterfeit.

We can also define money by what it does, which is to provide: A Medium of Exchange; A Measure of Value; A Store of Value.

A Medium of Exchange. The principal difference between a barter economy and a money economy is that in a barter economy you must find someone who has what you want and wants what you have. In a money economy people can sell what they have to anyone and use the money to buy what they want. Money, therefore, is the medium that enables exchanges to be made easily.

A Measure of Value. Money enables us to state the price of something in terms that everyone can understand. We can say the eggs we have for sale are worth 85 cents a dozen. That is far simpler than having to figure out how much milk or meat or clothing we would expect in payment for a dozen eggs.

A Store of Value. Money enables us to use the value of something that we sell today to make a purchase sometime in the future. For example, our egg seller could put the money from the day's sale toward a college education sometime in the future. You can imagine the difficulties if that person tried to save one or two year's worth of eggs toward a college education.

Currency. The money you are most familiar with, currency, consists of the paper money and coins that you almost use daily (pp. 125—127).

VI. Give English equivalents of the following:

бути небезпечним для економіки бартерна економіка

головна перевага грошей встановлювати ціну

накопичення цінностей робити покупку

високоякісний папір засіб обміну

вартість грошей валюта

мірило цінності

VII. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. Money can be anything, that is generally accepted in... for goods and services.

2. Equal... of money should have the same value.

3. One of the principal... of money over barter is its ability to be divided into parts.

4. The principal difference between a... and a... is that in a barter economy you must find someone who has what you want and wants what you have.

5. Money, therefore, is the... that enables exchanges to be made easily.

6. The money you are most familiar with, currency, consists of the... and coins that you use almost daily.

(denomination; payment; paper money; medium; advantages; barter economy; money econo­my.)

VIII. Translate into English:

1. Більшість країн використовує високоякісний папір для виготовлення грошей. 2. Одна з головних переваг грошей над бартером — це те, що гроші можна ділити на частини. 3. Головна різниця між бартерною та грошовою економі­кою полягає в тому, що при бартерній економіці вам слід шукати когось, хто мав би те, що ви хочете, і хотів би те, що ви маєте. 4. Гроші дають нам змогу встановлювати ціну товару. 5. Гроші — це засіб, що дає нам можливість робити обмін. 6. Гроші дають змогу нам робити покупки коли-небудь у майбутньому, використовуючи вартість чо­гось, що ми продаємо сьогодні. 7. Валюта — це паперові гроші та монети, якими ми користуємося майже щодня.


Card 1


I. Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences. / Use model 1 /


1.We know the air to consist of different gases.

2. We want you to take into consideration that voltage, resistance and capacity are the three important properties to influence the flow of current in an electric circuit.

3.The orbit of Mars turned out to be ellipse.

4.The switchboard operator happened to be observing the ammeter at that moment.

5.Real water vapour and steam are known to be completely invisible.

6. The mother allows her children to play in the open air.


II. Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction. / See model 2 /


1.The gas turbine having been tested at our plant functions properly now.

2.Being colded in air the metal became hardened.

3.The results obtained differed depending on the substance.

4.The force causing current to flow in a circuit is to be measured with this instrument.

5.If heated molecules of the material move faster.

6.Weather permitting we shall sail off tomorrow morning.


III. Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses. / See model 3 /

1. " Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about. How I wish... some proper education" (have/has/had/had had).

2. Even if they... me to stay, I should have refused (want/wants/wanted/has wanted/had wanted).

3. I believe that if I......her then, she would have told me his name (can see/could see/can

have seen /could have seen).

4. " He would have done so if you.........here (isn't/aren't/hasn't been/hadn't been)".

5. " І respect you very much, doctor, and should be sorry if you... ill of me" (think/will think/thought/had thought).

6. If we are busy tomorrow, we ….. part in the picnic (take/took/ shall take).


IV. Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into English.


1. Якщо б ми заказали номер в готелі по телефону, нам не прийшлось би зараз чекати.

2. Сер Уилфред вважався одним із кращих адвокатів у Лондоні.

3. Я чув, як він декілька разів згадав про це.

4. Проблем, котру обговорюють, цікавить усіх нас.

5. Проблеми, що обговорюються на конферунції мають велике значення.


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