
Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà


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äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ 2 êóðñà ñïåöèàëüíîñòè «Òåõíîëîãèÿ Ôàðìàöåâòè÷åñêîãî Ïðîèçâîäñòâà»

Òåñòû I óðîâíÿ

! Find the common word for this group:

* fungi

* moss

* genetics

* bacteria



! Find the common word for this group:

* stem

* leaf

* flower

* seed



! Find the common word for this group:

* +plants

* annuals

* perennials

* biennials

* extincts


! Find the common word for this group:

* Algae

* +Thallus plants

* Fungi

* Bacteria

* Seaweeds


! Find the common words for this group:

* Fleshy roots

* Clusters


* Adventitious roots

* Tap roots


! Find the common words for this group:

* primary root

* taproot

* fascicledroot

* +root

* fleshyroot


! Find the common word for this group:

* Blade

* Stipules

* Lamina


* Petiole


! Find the common word for this group:

* footstalk


* lamina

* leafstalk

* stipules


! Find the common words for this group:

* entireleaf

* leaf-stalk

* compound leaf

* leaf structure

* +leaf


! Find the common words for this group:

* dentated form

*+leaf structure

* serrated form

* cleft form

* pointed form


! Find the common words for this group:

* decussate leaf

* radicalleaf

* +types of leaves

* floralleaf

* verticillate leaf


! Find the common words for this group:

*+ shapes of leaves

* kidney – shaped leaf

* wedge – shaped leaf

* cordate leaf

* linear leaf


! Find the common words for this group:

* orbicularleaf

* cordate leaf

* +shapes of leaves

* lanceolate leaf

* obovate leaf



! Find the common words for this group:

* linear shape

* + shape of leaves

* ovate shape

* elliptical shape

* lanceolate shape


! Find the common word for this group:

* calyx

* +flower

* stamens

* corolla

* pistil


! Find the common word for this group:

* receptacle

* pericarp

* +flower

* pistil

* stamina


! Find the common word for this group:

* filament

* anther

* germen

* +flower

* sepal


! Find the common word for this group:

* pollination

* blossom

* seed production

* seed vessel

* +flower


! Find the common word for this group:

* carpel

* ovule

* seed

* fruitlet

* +fruits


! Find the common words for this group:

* liquid form

*+forms of drugs

* solid form

* soft form

* semisolid form



! Find the common word for this group:


* granules

* globules

* pills

* tablets


! Find the common word for this group:

* powders

* lozenges

* capsules

* granules

* +solids


! Find the common word for this group:

* salves

* liniments

* +semisolids

* ointments

* plasters


! Find the common word for this group:

* liniment

* suppository

* ointment

* plaster

* +semisolids


! Find the common word for this group:

* infusions

* solutions

* tinctures

* +liquids

* extracts


! Find the common word for this group:

* +liquids

* mixture

* decoction

* infusion

* tincture


! Find the common words for this group:

* +pharmaceutical goods

* poisonous drugs

* disinfectants

* effective drugs

* ampoules of glucose



! Find the common word for this group:

* camphor

* antibiotics

* sedatives

* +drugs

* glucose


! Find the common words for this group:

* chemist`s department

* prescription department

* drug cabinets

* +at a chemist`s

* shelveswith drugs


! Find the common words for this group:

*+ names of drugs

* chemical name

* generic name

* trade name

* brand name


! Find the common words for this group:

* elongate leaf

* elliptical shape

* +types and shapes of leaves

* radical leaf

* cordate shape


! Find the common word for this group:

* taxonomy

* plant arrangement

* plant physiology

* phytopathology

* +botany


! Find the common words for this group:

* flower calyx

* flower pistil

* flower stamen

* flower corolla

*+ parts îf the flower


! Find the common words for this group:

* thallus plants

* moss plants

* fernlike plants

* +groups of plants

* seed plants



! Find the common word for this group:

* +fruits

* pineapple

* fig

* millberry

* hop


! Find the common words for this group:

* plant subterranean organs

* plant valuable organs

* plant gathered organs

*+plant roots

* plant crushed organs


! Find the common word for this group:

* +semisolids

* ointments

* salves

* liniments

* suppositories


! Find the common words for this group:

* tap-root

* primary root

* tubers

* fascicled root

*+types of roots


! Find the common word for this group:

* granule

* pellet

* capsule

* pill



! Find the common word for this group:

* branch

* blade

* leafstalk

* +a leaf

* stipule


! Find the common words for this group:

* ready-made drugs

* chemist’s department

* +chemist’s shop

* prescription department

* pharmaceutist



! Find the common word for this group:

* carrot

* radish

* potato

*+ vegetable

* onion


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +fossil

* fosill

* fossiel

* phossil

* phossill


! Choose the correctly written word:

* aljae

* algi

* algi


* algea


! Choose the correctly written word:

* fungea

* fangi

* +fungi

* fungae

* fungu


! Choose the correctly written word:

* harb

* cherb

* heb

* +herb

* xerb


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +phytopathology

* fitopathology

* futopasology

* phytopasology

* fytopathology


! Choose the correctly written word:

* poluobotany


* paliobotany

* paleobotani

* poleobotani


! Choose the correctly written word:

* braiology

* briology

* bryalogy


* bruology


! Choose the correctly written word:

* mycalogy

* mycologi

* mucology

* micology



! Choose the correctly written word:

* agrustology

* agrastology


* agristologi

* agrostologi


! Choose the correctly written word:

* annimal


* animnal

* annial

* anuall


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +vegetative

* vedetative

* vegetateve

* vegatative

* begatative


! Choose the correctly written word:

* perenial

* perenual

* perenail


* pereniall


! Choose the correctly written word:

* to anhore

* to anhor

*+to anchor

* to anshor

* to ancher


! Choose the correctly written word:

* thalus

* tallus

* thullus


* thullus


! Choose the correctly written word:

* liflike

* liaflice


* liaflike

* laeflike


! Choose the correctly written word:


* guilwort

* guielwort

* cuilwort

* quilword


! Choose the correctly written word:

* laihen

* luchen

* lihen

* +lichen

* lechin


! Choose the correctly written word:

* churb


* shrab

* shab

* shrib



! Choose the correctly written word:

* saiweed

* seawed

* seawid

* seawide

* +seaweed


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +fertilization

* fertulusation

* fertilisation

* phertilization

* phertalizashion


! Choose the correctly written word:

* risomes

* rhuzomes

* +rhizomes

* rizomes

* raisomes


! Choose the correctly written word:

* sabterranean

* subteranean

* cubterrannean

* subterranein

* +subterranean


! Choose the correctly written word:

* diccpensary


* dispencary

* dicpensari

* despensari


! Choose the correctly written word:

* narishing

* nurishing

* nouriching

* +nourishing

* nourishing



! Choose the correctly written word:

* facikled

* fasicled

* facicled

* fascikled

* +fascicled


! Choose the correctly written word:

* kluster

* claster


* clustere

* klucter


! Choose the correctly written word:


* praimary

* prumary

* primari

* praimury


! Choose the correctly written word:

* ixpended

* ekpanded


* axpended

* exponded


! Choose the correctly written word:

* brench

* brunsh

* brinch

* bransh

*+ branch


! Choose the correctly written word:

* blude

* bleide

* bleid


* blaide


! Choose the correctly written word:

* leimina

* +lamina

* lumina

* lamune

* lamin


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +appendage

* appendaje

* appeandaje

* appindage

* aupendage


! Choose the correctly written word:

* liflet

*+ leaflet

* leaflit

* luflet

* leafllet


! Choose the correctly written word:

* edentiti

* udentity

* aidentify

* identifi

* +identify


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +verticilate

* vertucullate

* vertisillate

* verticillat

* berticillate


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +floral

* flarol

* folrale

* flurale

* phoral


! Choose the correctly written word:

* blosom

* blossim

* +blossom

* blossome

* blossomm


! Choose the correctly written word:

* abovote

* avovate

* obavate

* +obovate

* ovovate


! Choose the correctly written word:

* receptikl

* receptakle

* reseptakle

* recertacl



! Choose the correctly written word:

* +filament

* filumente

* failphilament

* fulimente

* fuilment


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +corolla

* carolla

* corrola

* corola

* corolli


! Choose the correctly written word:

* kalyx

* calix


* caluks

* kaliks


! Choose the correctly written word:

* garmen

* germin

* +germen

* germene

* germine


! Choose the correctly written word:

* perenial

* pirenial

* +perennial

* perrenial

* pirrenial


! Choose the correctly written word:

* polunation

* pallination

* pollunation

* +pollination

* poillination


! Choose the correctly written word:

* aggregat

* agrigate

* agregate

* aggriget



! Choose the correctly written word:

* +ovule


* ovile

* aval

* ovul


! Choose the correctly written word:


* +carpel

* corpel

* carpile

* karpel


! Choose the correctly written word:

* pouder

* powdere

* poder

* poudere

* +powder



! Choose the correctly written word:

* losage

* losenge

* lozeng

* +lozenge

* lossenge


! Choose the correctly written word:

* kopcule

* kapsula

* capcule

* +capsule

* capsula


! Find the proper word combination:

*+ plant morphology

* plant scientist

* plant flower

* plant building

* plant chemistry


! Find the proper word combination:

* metallic drug

*+ medicinal drug

* non metallic drug

* nourishing drug

* artificial drug


! Find the proper word combination:

* hard syrup

*+ sweet syrup

* soft syrup

* lard syrup

* tablet


! Find the proper word combination:

* +liquid ointment

* hard ointment

* alcoholic ointment

* chlorate ointment

* evaporating ointment


! Find the proper word combination:

* +intravenous injection

* liquid injection

* solid injection

* soft injection

* hard injection


! Find the proper word combination:

* liquid injection

* solid injection

* soft injection

* hard injection

*+intramuscular injection


! Find the proper word combination:

* physical botany

* chemical botany

* +systematic botany

* linear botany

* completed botany


! Find the proper word combination:

*+drug cabinet

* label cabinet

* prescription cabinet

* vitamin cabinet

* tablet cabinet


! Find the proper word combination:

* +to give tincture

* to eat tincture

* to pass tincture

* to read tincture

* to write tincture


! Find the proper word combination:

* +to write prescription

* to heat prescription

* to administer prescription

* to treat prescription

* to indicate prescription


! Find the proper word combination:

* + intravenous injection

* intravenous liniment

* intravenous capsule

* intravenous tablet

* intravenous pill


! Find the proper word combination:

* +growing leaf

* carrying leaf

* taking leaf

* using leaf

* knowing leaf


! Find the proper word combination:

*+beautiful flower

* internal flower

* equal flower

* regular flower

* preliminary flower


! Find the proper word combination:

* +useful vitamins

* hard vitamins

* strong vitamins

* weak vitamins

* external vitamins


! Find the proper word combination:

* liquid roots

* +fleshy roots

* light roots

* moderate roots

* mild roots


! Find the proper word combination:

* dispensary organ

* gathering organ

* medicinal organ

* +subterranean organ

* calling organ


! Find the proper word combination:

*+ sterile solution

* wet solution

* dry solution

* common solution

* wood solution


! Cross out the extra word:

* paleobotany

* mycology

* +prescription

* algology

* bryology


! Cross out the extra word:

* genetics

* agrostology

* taxonomy

* algology

* +corolla


! Cross out the extra word:

* pathology


* bryology

* herb

* plant


! Cross out the extra word:

* botany

* mosses

* algae

* +infusion

* fossil


! Cross out the extra word:

* morphology

* taxonomy

* algology

* bryology

* +filament


! Cross out the extra word:

* roots

* plants

* leaves

* stems



! Cross out the extra word:

* annual plant

* extinct plant


* perennial plant

* biennial plant


! Cross out the extra word:

* flower

* stem

* seed

* +step

* plant


! Cross out the extra word:

* plant

* list

* flower

* leaf

* root


! Cross out the extra word:

* annual

* biennial

* perennial

* +animal

* triennial


! Cross out the extra word:

* fungus


* algae

* bacteria

* mold


! Cross out the extra word:

* grasses


* trees

* shrubs

* vegetables


! Cross out the extra word:

* thallophytes

* +physiophytes

* bryophytes

* pteridophytes

* spermatophytes


! Cross out the extra word:

* +ferric

* quillworts

* clubmosses

* ferns

* fernlike plants


! Cross out the extra word:

* +liver

* liverwort

* grass

* flower

* lichen


! Cross out the extra word:

* stems

* roots

* +rooms

* rhizomes

* leaves


! Cross out the extra word:

* Ginseng

* +Gelatin

* Valerian

* Althea

* Belladonna


! Cross out the extra word:

* primary

* tap root

* fleshy

* +flask

* fascicled


! Cross out the extra word:

* fascicled

* +facilitated

* adventitious

* cluster

* tap


! Cross out the extra word:

* +lozenge

* expanded

* lateral

* attached

* green


! Cross out the extra word:

* stipules

* blade

* lamina

* +liniment

* footstalk


! Cross out the extra word:

* leaf

* stipule

* petiole

* blade



! Cross out the extra word:

* Dandelion

* Rose

* Plantain

* +Potato

* Belladonna


! Cross out the extra word:

* Milfoil

* Rose

* +Tree

* Parsley

* Fennel


! Cross out the extra word:

* leaf-blade

* leaf-stalk

* leaf lets

* clefted leaf

* +lead


! Cross out the extra word:

* serrate

* partite

* cleft

* +axis

* toothed


! Cross out the extra word:

* elongated

* cauline

* +to grow

* verticillate

* floral


! Cross out the extra word:

* +spleen

* kidney-shaped

* wedge-shaped

* linear

* obovate



! Cross out the extra word:

* node

* internode

* whorl

* axis



! Cross out the extra word:

* vertical

* alternate

* +decoction

* decussate

* opposite


! Cross out the extra word:

* calyx

* +coronal

* corolla

* stamina

* pistil


! Cross out the extra word:

* receptacle

* +reception

* pericarp

* stamen

* calyx


! Cross out the extra word:

* blossom

* stigma

* sepal

* pollination

* +pollution


! Cross out the extra word:

* filament

* stem

* stamen

* +anthem

* anther


! Cross out the extra word:

* + to occupy

* fertilization

* pollination

* blossom

* seed production



! Cross out the extra word:

* seed


* carpel

* fruit

* ovule


! Cross out the extra word:

* +fruit


* composite

* combined

* aggregate


! Cross out the extra word:

* Sweet Pea

* Butter cup

* +Tincture

* Fig

* Mulberry


! Cross out the extra word:

* Pinapple

* Fig

* Mulberry

* Hop

* +Suppository


! Cross out the extra word:

* solid

* soft

* semisolid

* liquid

* +drugs


! Cross out the extra word:

* +system

* syrup

* powder

* capsule

* tablet


! Cross out the extra word:

* pill

* lozenge

* powder

* tablet

*+ table



! Cross out the extra word:

* powder

* globule

* +globus

* capsule

* pellet


! Cross out the extra word:

* ointment

* +ailment

* liniment

* suppository

* salves


! Cross out the extra word:

* liniment

* suppository

* ointment


* salves


! Cross out the extra word:

* +capsule

* tincture

* decoction

* infusion

* solution


! Cross out the extra word:

* mixture

* +picture

* tincture

* solution

* decoction


! Cross out the extra word:

* sedatives

* tonics

* ampoules

* tablets

* +tonsils


! Cross out the extra word:

* chemist’s shop

* prescription

* drug cabinet


* pharmaceutist



! Cross out the extra word:

* +types of roots

* box of powder

* ampoule of glucose

* intravenous injection

* tube of ointment



! Find the verb in the second form:

* taken

* +left

* studying

* deals

* display


! Find the verb in the second form:

* keep

* be

* +held

* leads

* beginning


! Find the verb in the second form:

* goes

* gaving

* get


* take


! Find the verb in the second form:

* +fell

* feed

* feel

* finds

* fighting


! Find the verb in the second form:

* reading

* sees

* spoken

* think

* +wrote


! Find the verb in the second form:

* knows

* +told

* eating

* tell

* buys


! Find the verb in the second form:

* to live

* fallen

* +bought

* does

* finding


! Find the verb in the second form:

* does

* go

* +did

* finding

* lose


! Find the verb in the second form:

* has

* +had

* know

* begin

* known


! Find the verb in the second form:

* been

* chosen

* comes

* +chose

* eating


! Find the verb in the second form:

* goes

* known

* growing

* leave

* +gave


! Find the verb in the second form:

* teaching

* +bought

* win

* pays

* taken


! Give the definition for“paleobotany”:

* study of bacteria

*+study of fossil plants

* study of mosses

* study of grasses

* study of fungi


! Give the definition for“phytopathology”:

* +study of plant diseases

* study of algae

* study of mosses

* study of herbs

* study of fungi


! Give the definition for“bryology”:

* study of fungi

* study of algae

*+study of mosses

* study of herbs

* study of plant disease


! Give the definition for “study of bacteria”:

* bryology

* paleobotany

* +genetics

* mycology

* algology


! Give the definition for “study of plant life processes”:

* algology

* +plant morphology

* geology

* bryology

* agrostology


! Give the definition for “annuals”:

* 3years plants

* +1 year plants

* 2 years plants

* 3 years more plants

* 5 months plants


! Give the definitionfor “perennials”:

* 3 years plants

* 1 year plant

* 2 years plants

* +3 years more plants

* 5 months plants


! Give the definitionfor “to gather”:

* to give

* to take

* +to collect

* to cut

* to crush


! Give the synonym for “to supply”:

* to cut

* to gather

* to hold

* to crush

* + to provide


! Give the synonym for “medicine”:

* root

* +drug

* stem

* fruit

* solid


! Give the synonym for “petiole”:

* appendage

* blade

* stipule

* spot

* +leafstalk


! Give the synonym for “lamina”:

* appendage

* +blade

* stipule

* footstalk

* leafstalk


! Give the synonym for “vertical”:

* +verticillate

* floral

* elongated

* cordate

* alternate


! Give the synonym for “stamen”:

* stigma

* sepal

* style

* calyx

* +filament


! Give the synonym for “delicate”:

* strong

* +slender

* solid

* semisolid

* fluid


! Give the synonym for “germen”:

* +seed

* vessel

* sepal

* blossom

* stigma


! Give the synonym for “globule”:

* +pellet

* powder

* lozenge

* solve

* friction


! Give the synonym for “chemist’s”:

* shop

* office

* +drug store

* post-office

* cafe


! Give the definition for “trade name”:

* generic name

* +brand name

* chemical name

* official name

* surname


! Give the definition for “official name”:

* chemical name

* brand name

* unique name

* +generic name

* trade name


! Give the definition for “generic name”:

* surname

* +official name

* brand name

* generic name

* chemical name


! Give the synonym for “pharmacist”:

* physician

* doctor


* nurse

* patient


! Give the antonym for “extinct”:

* vegetative


* principal

* mineral

* general


! Give the antonymfor direct”:

* distinct

* valuable

* +indirect

* primary

* lateral


! Give the antonym for “complete”:

* uncomplete

* composite

* reproductive

* +incomplete

* indirect


! Give the antonym for “internal”:

* extinct

* composite

* disternal

* unternal



! Give the antonym for soft”:

* +solid

* composite

* disternal

* unternal

* external


! Give the antonym for “external”:

* composite


* complete

* soft

* solid


! Give the antonym for “narrow”:

* fresh

* external

* ovate

* circle



! Give the antonym for “regular”:

* +irregular

* crowned

* incorrect

* round

* correct


! Give the antonym for “unequal”:

* regular

* irregular

* +equal

* partial

* unique


! Give the antonym for “singular”:

* primary

* secondary

* direct

* +plural

* internal


! Give the antonym for “solid”:

* +soft

* medicinal

* general

* fresh

* ready


! Give the antonym for “impossible”:

* general

* fresh

* +possible

* ready

* effective


! Find the 2ndform of the verb “to buy”

* buied

* buyed


* bout

* buying


! Find the 2ndform of the verb “to hold”

* haild

* hald

* holded


* holding


! Find the 2ndform of the verb “to grow”

* +grew

* gruw

* grought

* grewn

* grow


! Find the 2nd form of the verb “to cut”

* cat

* cet

* cuting

* cuted

* +cut


! Find the 2ndform of the verb “to melt”

*+ melt

* melted

* melting

* meet

* meel


! Find the 2ndform of the verb “to feed”

* food

* feeded

* fud


* felt


! Find the 2 form of the verb “to fight”

* fught

* +fought

* faght

* fait

* fighted


! Find the 2 form of the verb “to see”

* +saw

* seen

* seed

* seeing

* suw


! Find the 2 form of the verb “to grow”

* growed

* grewn

* +grew

* graw

* gruw


! Find the 2 form of the verb “to leave”

* laft

* leaf

* lift

* leaved

* +left


ÒåñòûII óðîâíÿ

! Choose the correct word:

His … names are Jean and Chris.

* of cousins

* cousins’s

* cousins


* cousen’s


! Fill in the proper form of the verb “to be”:

The First of September … a great holiday in the life of all pupils.

* am

* were

* been

* are



! Choose the correct preposition:

The children stood … when the teacher came in.

* of

* under

* over


* down


! Choose the correct preposition:

I am interested … most sports.

* at

* for

* with


* e. on


! Choose the correct variant of adjectives:

My … sister doesn’t live with us.

* +elder

* more old

* old

* more older

* eld



! Choose the correct variant of the possessive case:

… mothers were talking.

* The babie’s

* The baby

*+The babies’

* The babys’

* The babies


! Put the sentence into negative form:

The boys are playing in the yard.

* +The boys are not playing in the yard

* The boys don’t playing in the yard

* The boys isn’t playing in the yard

* The boys not playing in the yard

* The boys didn’t playing in the yard


! Choose the correct variant: 150, 235

*+One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five

* One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five

* One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five

* One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five

* One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five


! Choose the correct variant:

I don’t know what … if you …this information.

* happens/forget

* happen/forget

* will happen/ will forget

* happens/will forget

*+will happen/forget


! Fill in the proper form of the verb:

I’ll wait for you until the taxi ….

* will come

* has been come

* come

* +comes

* came


! Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition:

He went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

* by

* off

* in

* up

* +on



! Circle the correct answer:

If you don’t take a map, you’ll ….

* have lost

* get lose

*+get lost

* lost

* lose


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Valerie decided … a garden this year.

* +to grow

* for growing

* grow

* grown

* growing


! Choose the correct form of the Passive voice:

Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

* had been sent

* was sending

* none of the above

* have sent

*+was sent


! Circle the correct word:

… that picture. Isn’t it lovely!

* watch

* +look at

* see

* look

* do


! Circle the correct pronoun:

Bob wants money. Please give … to him.

* they

* those

* them

* +it

* its


! Circle the correct pronouns:

Your flat is bigger than …. … walls are too high.

* +hers/Its

* our/Her

* her/ its

* my/her

* us/his


! Fill in the proper pronoun:

She is busy with … daughter.

* yours

* mine

* hers


* ours


! Choose the right variant:

I think we have met her ….

* somebody


* something

* anywhere

* anytime


! Choose the right variant:

There aren’t … fruit-trees in the orchard.

* +any

* some

* no

* anything

* nothing


! Choose the right variant:

You look happy. What’s the news? … good?

* Are they

* Is there

* Are there

* +Is it

* There are


! Fill in the proper form of the verb:

He … his work just now.

* did

* had done

* +has done

* will done

* does



! Choose the right article if it is necessary:

Can you play … piano?

* an

* a

* the


* good



! Choose the proper preposition if necessary:

I’ll be on vacation … next week.

* +_

* on

* at

* the

* in


! Give the right variant:

Antarctica is the side of … elevations on the earth.

* than the highest

* the highest are

* and the highest

* higher

*+the highest


! Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”.

Common forms of drugs (to be) of three categories.

* am

* is

* was

* +are

* shall be


! Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”:

A leaf (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

* are

*+ is

* am

* were

* aren’t


! Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”:

Most plants … no true roots or stems.

* has

* has got

* has not

* +have

* having


! Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense:

Usually the fruit (to contain) the seed.

* will contain

* are contained

* +contains

* is contained

* was contained


! Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite:

Botany is the science which (to deal) with living and extinct plants.

* dealt

* +deals

* deal

* dealing

* is dealt


! Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite:

Roots and rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.


* will grow

* is grow

* grown

* did grow


! Choose the correct variant:

… roots usually absorb water and minerals?

* Does

* Did

* Has

* +Do

* Are


! Choose the correct variant:

… the shape and positions of leaves vary?

* Am

* Are

* Is

* Does

* +Do


! Choose the correct variant:

… the fruit contain the seed?

* +Does

* Are

* Has

* Is

* Am


! Choose the correct variant:

… there four important groups of plants?

* Does


* Is

* Have

* Has


! Give the negative form of the verb:

Plant morphology (to study) the life processes and functions of the plant.

* not study

* do not study

* was not studied

*+does not study

* study not


! Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice:

All medicines (to keep) in drug cabinets.

* kept

* to keep

* to be kept

* is kept

*+are kept



! Choose the right variant.

There are many… in the garden.

* flower

* +flowers


* flowers’

* a flower


! Complete the sentence

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

* had

* has

* am having

* have had

* +have


! Complete the sentence.

This concert is … spoken about.

* many

* more

* few


* big


! Choose the right variant.

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it ….

* +yourself

* himself

* myself

* ourselves

* themselves


! Choose the correct sentence.

* My parents were in much countries.

* Do it as any as possible.

* Did you take some photos?

* My wife speak few.

* +You watch TV too much.



! Choose the right preposition.

Alice is fond … ballet.

* +of

* on

* in

* at

* to


! Choose the proper article if necessary.

These shoes are made of … leather.

* the

* a

* an

* +__

* this



! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Usually books … to the students in the library.

* was given

* +are given

* gave

* gives

* gaves


! Choose the proper form of a modal verb.

… I come in?

* has to

* had to

* have to

* can to

* +may


! Choose the right pronoun.

I don’t like this pen. Give me … one.


* these

* this

* those

* its


! Choose the right variant.

I met my … friend yesterday.

* goodest

* better

* the best

*+ best

* well



! Complete the sentence.

If we study … we’ll pass our exams successfully.

* worst

* +well

* good

* best

* bad


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

I … this work already.

* did

* done

* +have done

* had done

* didn’t


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

I saw a girl … out of the window.

* looks

* have looked

* is looking

* look

* + looking


! Choose the proper negative form of the verb.

The teacher asked the students … late.

* don’t be

* not being

*+ not to be

* not be

* doesn’t be


! Choose the right variant.

There is … on the table.

* books

* book’s

* +a book

* books’

* book


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

He … born in 1975.

* is

* were

* had


* am.


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

He … out just now.

*+ has gone

* went

* have gone

* goes

* gone


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Now the teacher … the students in room 4.

* examine

* +is examining

* examining

* will examine

* have examined


! Choose the proper preposition.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

* on

* in


* from

* to


! Choose the right variant of the word.

There are some … in the room.

* chair

* chair’s

* chairs’


* chaires


! Choose the correct word.

Henry is … than his brother Bob.

* strong

* strongest

* the stronger

* so strong

* +stronger


! Choose the correct word.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will have a picnic.

* bad

* best

* +fine

* worse

* baddest


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

We … this letter already.

* wrote

* write

* has written


* +have written


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

I don’t like … TV.

* have watched

* +watching

* watched

* watch

* is watched


! Choose the proper preposition.

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

* in

* at

* +for

* on

* of



! Choose the proper variant.

… is a teacher.

* Aiguls sisters

* Aiguls sisters

* +Aiguls sister

* Sisters of Aigul

* Aigul sisters


! Choose the correct pronoun:

I must go to the English lesson.… begins at 5 o, clock.

* she

* they

* him


* he


! Choose the right variant.

Give … this book, please.

* his

* she

* it

* your

* +me


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Now they … an English article.

* is translating

* translate

* translates

*+are translating

* have translated


! Choose the proper pronoun.

This book belongs to …

* ours

* + me

* my

* our

* we


! Choose the proper pronoun.

How … friends do you have?

* +many

* much

* a few

* any

* little


! Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

I looked for my bag, but I could not find it …

* anybody

* now here

* everywhere

* somewhere

* +anywhere


! Choose the right variant: 12637.

* the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seventh

* +twelve thousand and six hundred thirty seven

* the twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

* twenty thousand six hundred thirty seven

* twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seven


! Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend yesterday /

* old

* elde

* +older

* olderer

* the old


! Choose the right variant:

This book is … interesting than that book.

* well

* very

* most

* +more

* the more


! Choose the right variant:

Ill tell Serik all the things when … him.

* I am going to see

* I saw

* Ill see

* I shall see

* +I see


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

If … my passport, Ill be in trouble

* Ill lose

* I lost

* +I lose

* I would lose

* I have lost


! Find the correct question.

* Who do read the lectures in your university?

*+Who reads the lectures in your university?

* Who does read the lectures in your university?

* Does who read the lectures in your university?

* Who read the lectures in your university?


! Choose the Present Perfect Continuous.

* She is studying the new method.

* I have a lot of things to do.

* She has got a new car.

* I have broken the pen.

* +I have been working at the University for 4 years.


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

I … Arman yesterday.

* +saw

* see

* seen

* seeing

* was see


! Choose the right variant:

This is … pen.

* Sholpanes

* Sholpans

* Sholpans

* +Sholpans

* Sholpan


! Choose the proper pronoun:

I like ice – cream very ….

* a few

* few

* more

* many

* +much


! Choose the right numeral:

She works in room ….

* +one

* first

* oneth

* ones

* the first


! Choose the proper pronoun:

He makes mistakes in English very ….

* any

* few

* +often

* many

* little


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Before they … the country they should take passports.

* will leave

* to leave

* leaves

* left

* +leave


! Choose the proper article:

There is … picture at the end of the book

* an

* –

*+ a

* the

* any


! Choose the proper forms of the verbs:

What … Tom … now?

* is / done

* is / does

* are / doing

* +is / doing

* am / doing


! Choose the proper modal verb:

The students … not smoke.

* have

* might not

* +should

* cannot

* have to


! Choose the proper pronoun:

Samat was very ill … day

* those

* these

* such

* same

* + that


! Choose the right variant:

They were students at this university four years ….

* +ago

* for

* since

* already

* in


! Choose the right variant:

Who sings songs … than you?

* the best

* the most best

* good


* more better


! Choose the right variant:

… you go to Almaty next week?

* did

* do

* have

* shall

* +will


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

If I … busy tomorrow I wont go to the cinema.

* are


* is

* will be

* shall be


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

He … our country tomorrow.

* leave

*+will leave

* is leave

* be leaving

* leaves


! Choose the proper preposition:

The book is … the bag.

* into

* for

* over

* to



! Choose the proper pronoun.

How … water do you need?

* a few

* +much

* many

* any

* little


! Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the house?

* nobody


* everywhere

* nowhere

* anywhere


! Choose the right variant: 16592

* the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety two

*+sixteen thousand and five hundred ninety two

* the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety second

* six thousand five hundred and ninety two

* the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two


! Choose the right variant.

I want to be... student in the group.

* better

* +the best

* best

* the good

* the better


! Choose the right variant.

She is... beautiful than Aigul

* +more

* well

* very

* the more

* most


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Ill show you something interesting when I... you.

* meeting

* met


* will meet

* am going to meet


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Well go there if the weather... fine.

* are

* was

* will be


* are not



! Choose the proper form of the verb.

They... their parents every weekend.

* visits


* shall visit

* are visiting

* visiting


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

When my mother came, I... the book.

* were reading

*+was reading

* reading

* am reading

* is reading


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

If I... your watch, Ill tell you.

* found

* will find

* have found

* +find

* finds


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Where does your father...?

* +work

* to work

* works

* worked

* working


! Choose the right variant.

There are... on the window.

* telephone

* book

* paper

* +flowers

* glass


! Choose the right variant:

... is a teañher.

* Nick’ father

* +Nick’s father

* Nick father

* Nick fathers

* Nick’ father


! Choose the proper pronoun:

You should remember.... phone number, or you can’t call her tomorrow.

* she

* my

* +her

* we

* us


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

Paul... for his keys for a long time.

* was looked

* werelooked

* looking

* were looking

* +has been looking



! Choose the right form of the pronoun:

I looked for my glasses, but I couldn’t find them....


* nowhere

* everywhere

* somewhere

* anybody



! Choose the right variant:

He’s... intelligent than his brother.

* well

* +more

* very

* are more

* most


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

I’ll tell the truth when... her.

* I shall see

* I saw

* I’ll see

* +I see

* I’m going to see


! Complete the sentence:

... is a businessman.

* Peter’ uncle

* Peters’ uncle

* Peter uncle

*+Peter’s uncle

* Peter uncles


! Choose the proper pronoun:

How... conferences did he participate in?

* a few

* much

* any

* +many

* little


! Choose the right variant: 15875.

* +fifteen thousand and eight hundred seventy five

* fifteen thousands eight hundreds seventy five

* fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy five

* one thousand five hundred eighty seven and five

* fifteen thousands eight hundred seventy five


! Choose the right variant:

Mr. Fletcher met his... friend yesterday.

* goodest

* the best

*+ best

* gooder

* better


! Find the correct word:... you know where I can change my tickets?

* are

* does

* were

* +do

* am


! Choose Present Simple.

* +You are a good football-player.

* You were a good football-player.

* You will be a good football-player.

* You have been a good football-player.

* You was a good football-player.


! Choose the proper pronoun:

I should change... dress because I’m going to the theatre.

* it

* she


* his

* they


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

They... for me for half an hour.

* was waited

* waiting

* was waiting

* were waited

*+have been waiting



! Choose the right variant:

Actions speak... than words.

* more louder


* the loudest

* loud

* the most louder


! Choose Present Perfect Continuous.

* +My friend has been teaching English for 5 years.

* My friend has teaching English for 5 years now.

* My friend is teaching English for 5 years now.

* My friend will teach English for 5 years now.

* My friend are teaching English for 5 years now.


! Choose the proper pronoun:

We should buy this book, because... is necessary for our study.

* we

* him

*+ it

* me

* he


! Choose the proper form of the verb:

Who... America?

* did discover

* does discover

* will discover

* +discovered

* is discovered


! Choose Present Perfect Continuous.

* It rained since early morning.

* It had rained since early morning.

* +It has been raining since early morning.

* It is raining since early morning.

* It will raining since early morning.


! Choose the right numeral.

He lives in house ….

* +ten

* tenth

* tenths

* a ten

* a tenth


! Choose the right variant.

They go to play football very ….

* frequent

* much

* more

* most

* +often


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

When they … home they will do this work.

* comes

* coming

* +come

* came

* to come


! Choose the right variant.

Liz is … in her family.

* younger

* youngest

* +the youngest

* the younger

* youngest


! Choose the right preposition.

Young people like to listen … music.

* +to

* for

* from

* in

* of


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Don’t … this seat.

* +take

* taking

* took

* taken

* takes


! Choose the right word in Plural form.

There are many … in the garden.

* childs

* +children

* childrens

* childes

* children’s


! Choose the proper form of the verb.

Which book … you … now?

* am/reading

* was/reading

* were/reading

* is/reading

* +are/reading


! Choose the proper form of the verb in Passive Voice.

Yesterday Jane … to the party.

* is invited

* were invited

* am invited

* was been invited

*+was invited


! Choose the right variant.

… are you looking for?

* Which

* Whose

* +What

* What’s

* Whome


! Choose the right variant.

… do you study?

* Whom

* +Where

* Which

* Who

* Whose


! Choose the right variant.

London is … than New York.

* +older

* much older

* the oldest

* oldest

* less oldest



! Choose the correct pronoun:

Be careful! They are looking at ….

* yours

* youre


* our

* yourself


! Choose the correct variant of the possessive form:

… fathers were talking.

* +The babies’

* The baby

* The babie’s

* The babys’

* The babies


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